
Windows 8 has a new Start Screen, but there’s no Start Button anymore–and that might be too much for some people to deal with. Here’s how to get a Start button that opens up the new Metro-style Start menu.

Windows 8有一个新的“开始”屏幕,但现在没有“开始”按钮了-对某些人来说可能太多了。 以下是获取“开始”按钮的方法,该按钮可打开新的Metro风格的“开始”菜单。

Note: If you want to get back the Windows 7 style Start Menu, you can do that too.

注意:如果要恢复Windows 7风格的“开始”菜单 ,也可以这样做。

Head over to this page to get your free copy of Start8. You will need to enter your email address and hit the Sign Up button.

转到此页面以获取免费的Start8副本。 您将需要输入电子邮件地址,然后点击“注册”按钮。

Once your email address is processed you will be given a download link.


When the download has completed the installation of Start8 is of the next,next, finish kind.


Once your installation is complete you will have the regular Start Orb that we all know and love.


But when you click on it, you will have an impressive new Metro Styled Start Menu.

但是,当您单击它时,您将拥有一个令人印象深刻的新Metro Styled Start Menu。

During testing both The Geek and I noticed some inconstancies in the program, such as what happens when you press the Windows Keyboard shortcut, however it’s a welcome addition to my Windows 8 taskbar.

在测试过程中,我和Geek都注意到程序中的一些不一致之处,例如当您按下Windows键盘快捷键时会发生什么,但是这是Windows 8任务栏的一个受欢迎的补充。



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