
安装 CUDA 后,在 Visual Studio Code 中使用 jupyter notebook,无论是使用 TensorFlow 或者 PyTorch,涉及 Model 相关的代码时,会报错:

info 10:44:12.758: kill daemon
error 10:44:12.758: Raw kernel process exited code: 3221226505
error 10:44:12.768: Error in waiting for cell to complete [Error: Canceled future for execute_request message before replies were doneat t.KernelShellFutureHandler.dispose (c:\Users\Eddie\.vscode\extensions\ms-toolsai.jupyter-2022.6.1201981810\out\extension.node.js:2:32353)at c:\Users\Eddie\.vscode\extensions\ms-toolsai.jupyter-2022.6.1201981810\out\extension.node.js:2:51405at Map.forEach (<anonymous>)at y._clearKernelState (c:\Users\Eddie\.vscode\extensions\ms-toolsai.jupyter-2022.6.1201981810\out\extension.node.js:2:51390)at y.dispose (c:\Users\Eddie\.vscode\extensions\ms-toolsai.jupyter-2022.6.1201981810\out\extension.node.js:2:44872)at c:\Users\Eddie\.vscode\extensions\ms-toolsai.jupyter-2022.6.1201981810\out\extension.node.js:24:251157at t.swallowExceptions (c:\Users\Eddie\.vscode\extensions\ms-toolsai.jupyter-2022.6.1201981810\out\extension.node.js:29:120529)at dispose (c:\Users\Eddie\.vscode\extensions\ms-toolsai.jupyter-2022.6.1201981810\out\extension.node.js:24:251135)at t.RawSession.dispose (c:\Users\Eddie\.vscode\extensions\ms-toolsai.jupyter-2022.6.1201981810\out\extension.node.js:24:256072)at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)]
warn 10:44:12.771: Cell completed with errors {message: 'Canceled future for execute_request message before replies were done'


翻看 log 中 error 的前文,CUDA 和 cuDNN 是可以被调起的。

warn 10:44:12.276: StdErr from Kernel Process 2022-07-27 10:44:12.27561
warn 10:44:12.276: StdErr from Kernel Process 7: I tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_dnn.cc:384]
warn 10:44:12.277: StdErr from Kernel Process  Loaded cuDNN version 8401error 10:44:12.756: Disposing session as kernel process died ExitCode: 3221226505, Reason: c:\Users\Eddie\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\traitlets\traitlets.py:2392: FutureWarning: Supporting extra quotes around strings is deprecated in traitlets 5.0. You can use 'hmac-sha256' instead of '"hmac-sha256"' if you require traitlets >=5.warn(
c:\Users\Eddie\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\traitlets\traitlets.py:2346: FutureWarning: Supporting extra quotes around Bytes is deprecated in traitlets 5.0. Use '59483b09-e83e-4bf0-a9b6-82301995d744' instead of 'b"59483b09-e83e-4bf0-a9b6-82301995d744"'.warn(
2022-07-27 10:44:06.428210: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:193] This TensorFlow binary is optimized with oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) to use the following CPU instructions in performance-critical operations:  AVX AVX2
To enable them in other operations, rebuild TensorFlow with the appropriate compiler flags.
2022-07-27 10:44:07.682221: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1532] Created device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0 with 1335 MB memory:  -> device: 0, name: NVIDIA GeForce MX150, pci bus id: 0000:01:00.0, compute capability: 6.1
2022-07-27 10:44:12.275617: I tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_dnn.cc:384] Loaded cuDNN version 8401

仔细看 error 中的内容,似乎错误出在 jupyter 上,但其实不然。

error 10:44:12.768: Error in waiting for cell to complete [Error: Canceled future for execute_request message before replies were doneat t.KernelShellFutureHandler.dispose (c:\Users\Eddie\.vscode\extensions\ms-toolsai.jupyter-2022.6.1201981810\out\extension.node.js:2:32353)at c:\Users\Eddie\.vscode\extensions\ms-toolsai.jupyter-2022.6.1201981810\out\extension.node.js:2:51405


(一)使用浏览器运行 jupyter 查看错误(建议跳过)


使用命令安装 jupyter,

pip install jupyter

在浏览器中打开 .ipynb 文件,重新运行,出现与在 Visual Studio Code 中不一样的错误:

Could not locate zlibwapi.dll

(二)安装 Zlib



  • Could not locate zlibwapi.dll. Please make sure it is in your library path
  • tensorflow出现报错: Could not locate zlibwapi.dll或者Could not load library cudnn_cnn_infer64_8.dll.

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