glsl 抗锯齿锯齿

抗锯齿 (Anti-aliasing)

Anti-aliasing may allude to any of a variety of systems of practices to put an end to the issues or crisis of aliasing in a sampled signal such as a digital image or digital audio recording.


A variety of systems of practices of anti-aliasing comprise:


抗混叠滤波器 (Anti-aliasing filter)

  1. An anti-aliasing filter (AAF) is a filter used before a signal sampler to limit the bandwidth of a signal to just about or persuade the Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem above the band of interest.


  2. In the sight of the fact that the theorem states that an explicit reconstruction of the signal from its samples is probable in a condition when the power of frequencies over the Nyquist frequency is zero, a real anti-aliasing filter exchanges between bandwidth and aliasing.


  3. A realizable anti-aliasing filter will normally either allow several aliasing to take place or else satisfy several in-band frequencies close to the Nyquist limit. Due to this, a variety of realistic systems sample advanced than would be supposedly necessary by an ideal AAF in an arrangement to make sure that all frequencies of interest can be restructured and modernized a system of practice called oversampling.

    一个可实现的抗混叠滤波器通常将允许进行几次混叠,或者满足接近奈奎斯特极限的几个带内频率。 因此,各种现实的系统采样要比理想的AAF所认为的要先进,以确保所有感兴趣的频率都可以重组和现代化,这是一种称为过采样的实践系统。

空间抗锯齿 (Spatial anti-aliasing)

In digital signal processing, spatial anti-aliasing is a system of practice for reducing the deformation work of art known as aliasing when representing a high-resolution image at a lower resolution. Anti-aliasing is used in digital photography, computer graphics, digital audio, and a lot of additional applications.

在数字信号处理中,空间抗混叠是一种实践系统,用于在以较低分辨率表示高分辨率图像时减少称为混叠的现有技术。 抗锯齿用于数字摄影,计算机图形,数字音频和许多其他应用程序中。

Anti-aliasing means taking away or eliminating signal elements that have a higher frequency than can be appropriately determined by the recording (or sampling) device. This taking away or elimination is completed before (re)sampling at a lower resolution.

抗混叠意味着去除或消除具有比记录(或采样)设备适当确定的频率更高的频率的信号元素。 这种消除或消除是在以较低分辨率进行(重新)采样之前完成的。

Types of Spatial anti-aliasing are:


  1. Multi-sample anti-aliasing (MSAA): It is a type of spatial anti-aliasing, a system of practice used in computer graphics to enhance image quality.

    多样本抗锯齿(MSAA) :它是一种空间抗锯齿,是计算机图形学中用来增强图像质量的一种实践系统。

  2. Supersampling: It is a spatial anti-aliasing system of practice, in other words, a technique used to take away or eliminate aliasing from images provided in computer games or other computer programs that produce imagery.

    超级采样 :它是一种实践中的空间抗锯齿系统,换句话说,是一种用于消除或消除产生图像的计算机游戏或其他计算机程序中提供的图像中出现锯齿的技术。

快速近似抗锯齿(FXAA) (Fast approximate anti-aliasing (FXAA))

It is an anti-aliasing algorithm designed by Timothy Lottes at NVIDIA. It is also alluded to as fast sample anti-aliasing (FSAA).

它是NVIDIA的Timothy Lottes设计的一种抗锯齿算法。 它也被称为快速采样抗混叠(FSAA)。

The most significant benefit of this system of practice above standard spatial anti-aliasing is that it does not need huge amounts of computing power.


Reference: Anti-aliasing

参考: 抗锯齿


glsl 抗锯齿锯齿

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