Object-Oriented Programming

Lua has only one data-structure mechanism, the table. Tables are first-class,
dynamically created associative arrays.
Table作为first-class 动态创建的关联数组.

Tables plus first-class functions already give Lua partial support for objects.
An object may be represented by a table: instance variables are regular table
fields and methods are table fields containing functions.
In particular, tables have identity.
That is, a table is different from other tables even if they have the
same contents, but it is equal to itself even if it changes its contents over time.

One missing ingredient in the mix of tables with first-class functions is how
to connect method calls with their respective objects.


If obj is a table with a method foo and we call obj.foo(), foo will have no reference to obj.

We could solve this problem by making foo a closure with an internal reference to obj,
but that is expensive, as each object would need its own closure for each of its

A better mechanism would be to pass the receiver as a hidden argument to
the method, as most object-oriented languages do.
Lua supports this mechanism with a dedicated syntactic sugar, the colon operator: the syntax orb:foo() is
sugar for orb.foo(orb), so that the receiver is passed as an extra argument to the method.
There is a similar sugar for method definitions.

The syntax
function obj:foo (...) ... end

is sugar for
obj.foo = function (self, ...) ... end

That is, the colon adds an extra parameter to the function, with the fixed name self.
The function body then may access instance variables as regular fields of table self.

To implement classes and inheritance, Lua uses delegation.
Delegation in Lua is very simple and is not directly connected with object-oriented programming;
it is a concept that applies to any table.Any table may have a designated “parent” table.
在Lua里面的delegation 是非常简单,并且不直接管理面向对象语言。
Whenever Lua fails to find a field in a table, it tries to find that field in the parent table.
In other words, Lua delegates field accesses instead of method calls.
换言之,Lua delegation field 用来代替函数调用。

Let us see how this works. Let us assume an object obj and a call obj:foo().
This call actually means obj.foo(obj), so Lua first looks for the key foo in table obj.
If obj has such field, the call proceeds normally.
Otherwise, Lua looks for that key in the parent of obj.

Once it found a value for that key, Lua calls the value (which should be a function) with the original object obj as the first argument, so that obj becomes the value of the parameter self inside the method’s body.

With delegation, a class is simply an object that keeps methods to be used by its instances.
A class object typically has constructor methods too, which are used by the class itself.

A constructor method creates a new table and makes it delegates its accesses to the class, so that any class method works over the new object.
If the parent object has a parent, the query for a method may trigger another query in the parent’s parent, and so on.
Therefore, we may use the same delegation mechanism to implement inheritance.
In this setting, an object representing a (sub)class delegates accesses to unknown methods to another object  representing its superclass.
For more advanced uses, a program may set a function as the parent of a table.
In that case, whenever Lua cannot find a key in the table it calls the parent function to do the query.
This mechanism allows several useful patterns, such as multiple inheritance and inter-language inheritance (where a Lua object may delegate to a C object, for instance).

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