


以下是我的代码,我曾经尝试\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{lXXX} 以及/tabincell{c}{haha// heihei//zeze} 的方法都改不动,相信大家应该遇到类似问题。

     \begin{tabular}{ccc}\toprule Biodiversity quality grade & Feature description \centering                                                                                         & Adjustment coefficient \\ \hlineHigh                       & The ecosystem is in excellent The ecosystem is in excellent The ecosystem is in excellent The ecosystem is in excellent & 2                      \\High            & The ecosystem is in excellent The ecosystem is in excellent The ecosystem is in excellent The ecosystem is in excellent             & 1                      \\High                    & The ecosystem is in excellent The ecosystem is in excellent The ecosystem is in excellent The ecosystem is in excellent                      & 0                      \\High            & The ecosystem is in excellent The ecosystem is in excellent The ecosystem is in excellent The ecosystem is in excellent                        &  1                      \\High                        & The ecosystem is in excellent The ecosystem is in excellent The ecosystem is in excellent The ecosystem is in excellent             & 2                      \\ \bottomrule\label{t2}      \end{tabular}


以上是我的最终效果,可以看到表格都显示出来了,而我只是对\begin{tabular}{ccc}\toprule 进行了调整:

\begin{tabular}{cp{8cm}c}\topruleBiodiversity quality grade & Feature description \centering




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