
When we talk about any programming language, it’s very easy to find any video course on Udemy or YouTube but when trying to learn from books, it is one of the most difficult tasks to find a book that will be helpful for us and easy to understand.


For a beginner who is just starting with programming, I would recommend you to first start with C as it is one of the oldest programming languages and it is going to help you in developing your logical skill. Here are some of the handpicked books on C programming language written by some of the best authors out there.

对于刚开始编程的初学者,我建议您首先开始使用C,因为它是最古老的编程语言之一,它将帮助您发展逻辑技能。 这是一些最好的作者撰写的一些有关C编程语言的精选书籍 。

In this post, we are going to look at some of the best books for learning Node Js and these books are specially handpicked and a lot of time has been dedicated while picking each of the books in the list here.

在本文中,我们将介绍一些学习Node Js的最佳书籍,这些书籍都是经过精心挑选的,并且在挑选清单中的每本书时都花了很多时间。

Also read How to Install Node.js on Windows, Mac or Linux.


2020年11部最佳Node Js书籍 (11 Best Node Js Books in 2020)

使用Node.js进行编程 (Get Programming with Node.js)

This book has 37 fast-paced and fun lessons full of practicals and if you have js skills, you are going to extend your skills to write backend code for your next project.


On purchase of this book, you’ll also get a free eBook in all popular formats including PDF, Kindle and ePub from Manning Publications.

购买此书后,您还将获得Manning Publications提供的所有流行格式免费电子书,包括PDF,Kindle和ePub

From writing your code for creating webserver to adding live chat to a web app using, you’ll create eight different projects with this book.


You’ll also cover the most important aspects of the Node development process. Some of them are security, database management, authenticating user accounts, and deploying it to production.

您还将介绍Node开发过程中最重要的方面。 其中一些是安全性,数据库管理,验证用户帐户并将其部署到生产中。

Node.js设计模式 (Node.js Design Patterns)

This book will help you in mastering the concepts of asynchronous single thread design of node.


It is going to help you in becoming comfortable with asynchronous code by leveraging different constructs such as callbacks, promise, generators and async-await syntax.


This book will help you in identifying the most important concerns and apply unique tricks to achieve higher scalability and modularity in your Node.js application.


开始Node.js (Beginning Node.js)

This book is all about getting your hands on Node js, Express and MongoDB all in one book.

本书旨在将您的Node js,Express和MongoDB融为一体。

The best part about this book is that this book focuses on short and simple bite-sized chapters.


The ultimate goal of the author is to teach you Node, Express and MongoDB development in such a way that you don’t get overwhelmed at any point of the time.


No previous knowledge of Node is required. The only thing is required is that you should be familiar with basic programming concepts.

无需节点知识。 唯一需要做的就是您应该熟悉基本的编程概念。

节点食谱 (Node Cookbook)

This book is going to help you in creating apps using the best practices of the node js with improved performances and you’ll create readily-scalable production system.

本书将帮助您使用Node js的最佳实践来创建应用程序,并提高性能,并且您将创建易于扩展的生产系统。

Writing asynchronous event-driven code, build a fast, efficient and scalable client-server solution using the latest version of Node js.

编写异步事件驱动代码,使用最新版本的Node js构建快速,高效和可扩展的客户端-服务器解决方案。

The best part about this book is that this book is going to help you in integrating all major databases such as MongoDB, MySQL/MariaDB, Postgres, Redis and LevelDb, etc.

关于这本书的最好的部分是,这本书将帮助您集成所有主要数据库,例如MongoDB,MySQL / MariaDB,Postgres,Redis和LevelDb等。

This book also covers the option for building web applications with the help of Express, Hapi and Koa.


使用Node和Express进行Web开发 (Web Development with Node and Express)

The author is going to teach you the fundamentals by creating some fictional applications that are going to expose a public website and a RESTful API.

作者将通过创建一些虚构的应用程序来教您一些基础知识,这些应用程序将公开一个公共网站和一个RESTful API。

You are going to create webpage templating system for rendering dynamic data, drive into requests and response objects, middleware and URL routing.


You’ll also be simulating a production environment for testing and development.


You’ll be focusing on persistence with document databases, particularly MongoDB, make your resources available to other programs with RESTful APIs, building secure apps with authentication, authorization, and HTTPS.

您将专注于文档数据库(特别是MongoDB)的持久性,通过RESTful API使资源可用于其他程序,通过身份验证,授权和HTTPS构建安全的应用程序。

Node.Js Web开发 (Node.Js Web Development)

This book will help you in creating a real-time server-side application with a practical step-by-step guide.


This is one of the most updated books on Node Js for web development which will teach you server-side js with Node Js and Node modules.

这是有关用于Web开发的Node Js的最新书籍之一,它将教您使用Node Js和Node模块的服务器端js。

This book is also going to teach you how to configure Bootstrap for the mobile-first theme.


You’ll also be using data storage engines such as MySQL, SQLITE3, and MongoDB.


Understanding the user authentication methods, including OAuth, with third-party services.


高级Node.js开发 (Advanced Node.js Development)

This is going to be an in-depth guide in creating API, building a full real-time web app, securing your Node systems, and practical applications of the latest Async and Await technologies.


Covers the full range of technologies around Node.js – npm, MongoDB, version control with Git, and many more.


Advanced Node.js Development is a practical, project-based book that provides you with all you need to progress as a Node.js developer.


Use awesome third-party Node modules such as MongoDB, Mongoose,, and Express.


To get the most out of this book, you’ll need to know the basics of web design and be proficient with JavaScript.


Node.js 8正确的方法 (Node.js 8 the Right Way)

We will work with many protocols, create RESTful web services, TCP socket clients and servers, and much more.

我们将使用许多协议,创建RESTful Web服务,TCP套接字客户端和服务器等等。

We are going to test our code’s functionality with Mocha, and manage its life cycle with npm.


We’ll also discover how Node.js pairs a server-side event loop with a JavaScript runtime to produce screaming fast, non-blocking concurrency.


Create rich command-line tools and a web-based UI using modern web development techniques.


从Node.js开始API开发 (Beginning API Development with Node.js)

You are going to learn everything you need to get up and running with cutting-edge API development using JavaScript and Node.js


Node Js is ideal for building data-intensive real-time applications that run across multiple platforms.

Node Js是构建跨多个平台运行的数据密集型实时应用程序的理想选择。

Implement over 20 practical activities and exercises across 9 topics to reinforce your learning.


This book will also teach you how you can use JavaScript and Node.js to build highly scalable APIs that work well with lightweight cross-platform client applications.


Develop scalable and high-performing APIs using hapi.js and Knex.js.


This book is ideal for developers who already understand JavaScript and are looking for a quick no-frills introduction to API development with Node.js.

对于那些已经了解JavaScript并正在寻找关于Node.js API开发的快速入门的开发人员来说,这本书是理想的选择。

Though prior experience with other server-side technologies such as Python, PHP, ASP.NET, Ruby will help, it’s not essential to have a background in backend development before getting started.


使用Node.js的RESTful Web API设计10 (RESTful Web API Design with Node.js 10)

We will be designing and implementing scalable and maintainable RESTful solutions with Node.js 10.

我们将使用Node.js 10设计和实施可扩展且可维护的RESTful解决方案。

When building RESTful services, it is really important to choose the right framework.


Node.js, with its asynchronous, event-driven architecture, is exactly the right choice for building RESTful APIs.

Node.js及其异步,事件驱动的体系结构是构建RESTful API的正确选择。

This third edition of RESTful Web API Design with Node.js 10 will teach you to create scalable and rich RESTful applications based on the Node.js platform.

第三版带有Node.js 10的RESTful Web API设计,将教您基于Node.js平台创建可扩展且丰富的RESTful应用程序。

You will begin by understanding the key principle that makes an HTTP application a RESTful-enabled application.


You’ll learn to set accurate HTTP status codes along with understanding how to keep your applications backwards-compatible.


Also, while implementing a full-fledged RESTful service, you will use Swagger to document the API and implement automation tests for a REST-enabled endpoint with Mocha.


If you are a web developer keen to enrich your development skills to create server-side RESTful applications based on the Node.js platform, this book is for you.


Some knowledge of REST would be an added advantage but is definitely not a necessity.


快速行动 (Express in Action)

This book, “Express in Action” is a carefully designed tutorial that teaches you how to build web applications using Node and Express.

本书“ Express in Action”是精心设计的教程,它教您如何使用Node和Express构建Web应用程序。

On purchase of this book, you’ll also get a free eBook in all popular formats including PDF, Kindle and ePub from Manning Publications.

购买此书后,您还将获得Manning Publications提供的所有流行格式免费电子书,包括PDF,Kindle和ePub

This book is going to introduce you to Node’s powerful features and how to work with Express in creating scalable web applications.


To get the most out of this book, you’ll need to know the basics of web design and be proficient with JavaScript.


Since you have made it till here, I appreciate your stay and your feedback will be highly appreciated.


Well, this was all about best books for Node Js. If you have found this post helpful, please share it with your friends or colleagues who are looking for some Node Js books.

好吧,这都是关于Node Js的最佳书籍。 如果您发现这篇文章有帮助,请与正在寻找Node Js书籍的朋友或同事分享。

And if you have started with Node Js development and stuck in some kind of problem or bug, you can leave your comment here and we will get back to you soon

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