
  • 1.算法程序
  • 2.作者答疑



{function DemoPalette(thisObj){// Called when a button is pressed, to invoke its associated scriptfunction onHelpButtonClick(){alert("Click a button to run one of the following scripts:\n\n"  +"Find and Replace Text:\n"+"Launches a UI to find and replace text values. Finds and replaces text within values and keyframe values of selected text layers of the active comp.\n" +"\n" +"Scale Composition:\n" +"Launches a UI to scale the active comp. Scales all layers, including cameras, and also the comp dimensions.\n" +"\n" +"Scale Selected Layers:\n" +"Launches a UI to scale the selected layers of the active comp. Scales all selected layers, including cameras.\n" +"\n" +"Sort Layers by In Point:\n"+"Reorders all layers in the active comp by in-point.\n" +"\n" +"Render and Email:\n"+"Renders all queued render items and then sends you an email message when the render batch is done. Refer to Help for more information on this script.\n" +"", "Demo Palette");}// This function adds a new help button to the palettefunction addHelpButton(palette, buttonRect){var newButton = palette.add("button", buttonRect, "?");newButton.onClick = onHelpButtonClick;return newButton;}// Called when a button is pressed, to invoke its associated scriptfunction onScriptButtonClick(){var prevCurrentFolder = Folder.current;Folder.current = this.currentDirectory;// The scriptFile variable was set during addButton.// Run the script by opening it, reading it, and evaluating its contents.var scriptFile = new File(this.scriptFileName);scriptFile.open();eval(scriptFile.read());scriptFile.close();Folder.current = prevCurrentFolder;}// This function adds a new script-launching button to the palettefunction addScriptButton(palette, buttonRect, buttonLabel, buttonCurrentDirectory, buttonScriptName){var newButton = palette.add("button", buttonRect, buttonLabel);// JavaScript has an unusual but useful bit of functionality.// You can just assign a value to a new variable name and JS will// store it for you. The lines below create new variables named// scriptName and currentDirectory within newButton, and sets them// to buttonScriptName and myCurrentDirectory.// Later, in the onButtonClick() callback, the button will first// re-establish the current directory, then load and// run that file.newButton.scriptFileName   = buttonScriptName;newButton.currentDirectory = buttonCurrentDirectory;newButton.onClick = onScriptButtonClick;return newButton;}function isSecurityPrefSet(){var securitySetting = app.preferences.getPrefAsLong("Main Pref Section", "Pref_SCRIPTING_FILE_NETWORK_SECURITY");return (securitySetting == 1);}if (isSecurityPrefSet() == true) {//// Save the value of the current directory.// -- In some cases, the current directory value is lost when button and other// callbacks are invoked from a floating palette.// -- Some of the buttons in the demo palette need to read other script// files.  The most convenient notation for the filenames is to specify them// relative to the current directory. And if the current directory is set wrong,// then the nested scripts will fail to run correctly.// -- to fix this, save the current directory now, and make sure to // re-establish it during onScriptButtonClick(). This will insure that the // files run during onScriptButtonClick() can properly read other script files.//var myDirectory = Folder.current;var demosDirectory = new Folder(myDirectory.absoluteURI);// Horizontal Spacing variablesvar left_margin_width    = 5;var right_margin_width   = 5;var between_button_width = 5;// Width of buttons depends on platform and languagevar button_width;if (system.osName.indexOf("Windows") != -1) {// Windows system has narrower buttons.button_width = 120;} else {// Mac has wider buttonsbutton_width = 160;}if (app.language == Language.JAPANESE) {// Add 20 pixels for japanese machines, default font is widerbutton_width += 17;}var l_button_left  = left_margin_width;var l_button_right = l_button_left + button_width;var r_button_left  = l_button_right + between_button_width;var r_button_right = r_button_left + button_width;var palette_width  = r_button_right + right_margin_width;// Create and show a floating palette//var my_palette = new Window("palette","Script Demos");my_palette.bounds = [300,200,300+palette_width,285];var button1 = addScriptButton(my_palette,[l_button_left,   5, l_button_right, 25], "Find and Replace Text",    demosDirectory, "Find and Replace Text.jsx");var button3 = addScriptButton(my_palette,[l_button_left,  30, l_button_right, 50], "Scale Composition",         demosDirectory, "Scale Composition.jsx");var button4 = addScriptButton(my_palette,[l_button_left,  55, l_button_right, 75], "Scale Selected Layers", demosDirectory, "Scale Selected Layers.jsx");var button6 = addScriptButton(my_palette,[r_button_left,   5, r_button_right, 25], "Sort Layers by In Point",     demosDirectory, "Sort Layers by In Point.jsx");var button8 = addScriptButton(my_palette,[r_button_left,  30, r_button_right, 50], "Render and Email",    myDirectory,    "Render and Email.jsx");var button12 = addHelpButton(my_palette,[r_button_left,  55, r_button_right, 75]);my_palette.show();} else {alert ("This demo requires the scripting security preference to be set.\nGo to the \"General\" panel of your application preferences, and make sure that \"Allow Scripts to Write Files and Access Network\" is checked.", "Demo Palette");}}DemoPalette(this);




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