Why Does Everyone Else Appear to Be Succeeding? 

—Steven G. Krantz

When you are a student, it will appear that

  • Everyone else is breezing through their quals;
  • Everyone else is getting a thesis advisor and a thesis problem with no effort and diving right into the work;
  • Everyone else is making great headway on their thesis problem;
  • Everyone else is solving their problem and writing a great thesis;
  • Everyone else is getting lots of job offers and going on to great careers.

After you have graduated and you have been in the profession for a while, it will appear that 

  • Everyone else is getting invited to all of the big conferences;
  • Everyone else has lots of research grants;
  • Everyone else is winning Sloan Fellowships;
  • Everyone else is getting invited to speak at the International Congress of Mathematicians;
  • Everyone else is getting the plum jobs.

When you are a senior member of the profession, it will seem that

  • Everyone else is getting elected to the National Academy of Sciences;
  • Everyone else is getting a Chair Professorship at Harvard;

  • Everyone else is winning the Wolf Prize;

  • Everyone else is getting the Steele Prize.

And on it goes.


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