
Since its early days till present, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been used to accomplish tasks of varying difficulty — from seemingly simple ones like booking an appointment with a hairdresser to more complex activities like detecting cancerous tumors with an accuracy equivalent to that of a medical expert.


Across its many use cases, improved productivity lies at the heart of AI. In fact, experts believe that by 2021, AI will be responsible for recovering 6.2 billion hours of staff productivity. This will generate a whopping $2.9 trillion in business value.

在许多用例中,提高生产率是AI的核心。 实际上,专家认为,到2021年,人​​工智能将负责恢复62亿小时的员工生产力。 这将产生高达2.9万亿美元的商业价值 。

Like many other innovations, the AI revolution will disrupt multiple industries and sectors. And as far as productivity is concerned, AI will bring forth the new era of project management. It is not just another business strategy but leveraging AI in the workplace will become a competitive necessity in the years to come.

像许多其他创新一样,人工智能革命将破坏多个行业和部门。 就生产力而言,人工智能将开创项目管理的新纪元。 这不仅是另一种商业策略,而且在未来几年中,在工作场所中利用AI将成为一种竞争必需品。

The beauty of AI advancements is that these positive ripple effects are adaptable into various industries and sectors. And one such area that could do with greater productivity and automation is project management (PM).

AI的进步之美在于,这些积极的连锁React可以适应各种行业和领域。 其中一个可以提高生产率和自动化程度的领域是项目管理(PM)。

人工智能在项目管理中的意义 (Implications of Artificial Intelligence in Project Management)

Market and customer demands have become fast-paced and volatile. Modern PMPs and teams seize new opportunities by adopting agile project development frameworks. This way, they can innovate and deliver a minimum viable product (MVP) at speed while maintaining an edge over competitors.

市场和客户的需求已变得日新月异。 现代PMP和团队通过采用敏捷项目开发框架来抓住新机遇。 这样,他们可以快速创新并交付最低限度的可行产品(MVP),同时保持领先于竞争对手的优势。

So, how does AI play a part in PM exactly?


Combining project agility and AI-powered solutions enables project managers to process complex project data in seconds and uncover patterns that may affect project delivery. Part of the AI revolution is also to enhance automation, removing repetitive tasks from daily work.

将项目敏捷性和AI支持的解决方案相结合,项目经理可以在几秒钟内处理复杂的项目数据,并发现可能影响项目交付的模式。 AI革命的一部分还在于增强自动化,从日常工作中消除重复的任务。

By revolutionizing the way projects are managed via AI technology, organizations can reimagine the role of PMPs. They will no longer focus solely on monitoring project progress and deliverables. Instead, the new generation of project managers will instead be involved in strategic decision-making.

通过革新通过AI技术管理项目的方式,组织可以重新构想PMP的角色。 他们将不再只专注于监视项目进度和可交付成果。 相反,新一代的项目经理将参与战略决策。

AI驱动的项目管理解决方案 (AI-Powered Project Management Solutions)

So, let’s look at the most ground-breaking AI solutions that are augmenting different project activities for improved project quality and team productivity.


Right Project Information Dissemination


Information is king when it comes to project management. Just missing out on seemingly small information can result in expensive repercussions. But then again, information overload is equally bad too.

在项目管理方面,信息为准。 仅仅缺少看似很小的信息可能会导致昂贵的后果。 但是话又说回来,信息过载也同样糟糕。

So, the key is to disseminate the right information to the right person at the right time. In the world of AI, chatbot is the solution.

因此,关键是在正确的时间向正确的人传播正确的信息。 在AI世界中,chatbot是解决方案。

Cortana, meet Alexa and Siri.


Perhaps one of the most popular commercially used forms of AI, chatbots serve as intelligent virtual assistants across many functions. These chatbots can understand questions and provide relevant answers, and they’ll only get better with more human inputs.

聊天机器人也许是最流行的商用AI形式之一,它可以充当许多功能的智能虚拟助手。 这些聊天机器人可以理解问题并提供相关答案,并且只有通过更多的人工投入才能变得更好。

An example of a chatbot that can improve project information dissemination among team members is stratejos.

可以改善团队成员之间的项目信息传播的聊天机器人就是stratejos 。

Integrated with Jira and Slack, this tool is designed to provide smart notifications and follow ups to users. From creating project tasks to watching the status of tasks on Slack, this tool can do it all effortlessly without even leaving the Slack workspace. This way, no one gets distracted by incessant notifications and switching between platforms.

该工具与Jira和Slack集成在一起,旨在向用户提供智能通知和后续操作。 从创建项目任务到监视Slack上的任务状态,此工具都可以轻松完成所有任务,甚至无需离开Slack工作区。 这样,没有人会因不断的通知和平台之间的切换而分心。

In the future, stratejos will be able to analyze data and deliver strategic advice to PMPs. For example, the chatbot could scan through Slack messages, create and assign tasks to suitable team members based on their skills and expertise. Project managers would then be relieved of information processing duties and be able to divert their focus towards higher value activities.

将来,stratejos将能够分析数据并向PMP提供战略建议。 例如,聊天机器人可以浏览Slack消息,根据他们的技能和专长创建任务并将任务分配给合适的团队成员。 这样一来,项目经理将无需承担信息处理职责,并能够将精力转移到更高价值的活动上。

Data-Based Project Risk Prediction


Every project is prone to risks. The best way to circumvent potential problems is by predicting them based on past events and notifying the team so that they can make intuitive yet data-backed decisions.

每个项目都有风险。 规避潜在问题的最佳方法是根据过去的事件进行预测并通知团队,以便他们可以做出直观而又有数据支持的决策。

And that’s the basis of Aptage, a software that leverages AI to analyze project data (e.g. previous planned start and end date, backlog estimates, etc.) to predict the progress rate of teams and completion date of projects.


With its visualizations of confidence, teams can also visually see how “risky” their project can be. While Aptage doesn’t create contingency plans to contain project risks, it still directs teams towards the source of risks for appropriate corrective actions.

通过信心的可视化,团队还可以直观地看到他们的项目有多“危险”。 虽然Aptage不创建应急预案,包括项目风险,它仍然指导团队迈向适当的纠正措施的风险

Accurate Resource Management


Solid resource management is the secret sauce for successful project management. Traditionally, PMPs rely on Gantt charts to manage resources efficiently for timely project delivery.

固体资源管理是成功进行项目管理的秘诀。 传统上,PMP依靠甘特图来有效地管理资源,以便及时交付项目。

Nowadays, there are software that can automate resource management. However, they still require manual evaluation and adjustment to help project managers steer a project towards success while veering away from potential pitfalls.

如今,有可以自动进行资源管理的软件。 但是,他们仍然需要人工评估和调整,以帮助项目经理引导项目走向成功,同时避免潜在的陷阱。

But using predictive analysis and algorithms, AI-powered software like Clickup can manage resources efficiently, for instance, by matching team members’ skill sets with the most appropriate tasks. This Clickup’s beta feature can already predict the best team members for tasks accurately and assign them accordingly.

但是,使用预测分析和算法, Clickup等基于 AI的软件可以有效地管理资源,例如,通过使团队成员的技能与最合适的任务相匹配。 Clickup的Beta版功能已经可以准确预测最佳团队成员的任务,并相应地分配他们。

Reporting Made Easy


No doubt, managing projects does come with its fair share of reporting. In fact, PMPs can spend up to a day or more just to manually collate project reports from various parties and platforms. Surely, PMPs have other more valuable activities to do (e.g. mentoring) than just reporting?

毫无疑问,管理项目的确包含了合理的报告份额。 实际上,PMP可能会花费多达一天甚至更长的时间来手动整理来自各方面和平台的项目报告 。 当然,PMP除了报告还要做其他更有价值的活动(例如,指导)?

But if you think that out-of-the-box or customized reporting is good enough of a solution, think again! Artificial intelligence-generated reporting integrated within a workplace communication channel is the better method for efficient reporting.

但是,如果您认为开箱即用或自定义报告足以解决问题,请再考虑一下! 集成在工作场所沟通渠道中的人工智能生成的报告是进行有效报告的更好方法。

Workstream is the best example for AI-led reporting that allows users to instantly generate project reports right within Slack. Users only need to go to the channel where they want to generate the report from. Once they type “@workstreams report”, they’re able to view project progress report right from the channel.

Workstream是AI主导的报告的最佳示例,它使用户可以在Slack内立即生成项目报告。 用户只需要转到他们要从其生成报告的通道。 键入“ @workstreams报告”后,他们便可以直接从渠道查看项目进度报告。

The result? Accurate and efficient reporting with improved workflow and productivity among team members.

结果? 准确高效的报告,改善了团队成员的工作流程和生产力。

结论 (Conclusion)

The solutions above don’t mean that AI will supplant PMPs and team members from their roles.


In fact, when letting intelligent machines do all the dirty work, project managers are free to focus on strategic decision-making activities.


Have you invested in AI-powered solutions for your projects and teams? Share with us in the comments!

您是否为项目和团队投资了AI支持的解决方案? 在评论中与我们分享!

翻译自: https://medium.com/project-managers-planet/ai-powered-solutions-to-level-up-your-project-management-4dddeeddc4cd




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