



Along with the advent of information age and the continuous development of internet and online games, a lot of net bars have been distributed all over the whole country, not only distributed in the large cities but also in the small cities and even in the small counties. But people have always used the traditional methods to manage the net bars, which methods are that adopting the artificial remembering time way and the artificial settling accounts way to manage the net bars. Such management methods exist many shortcomings, such as low efficiency, poor security, easy to generate error, besides, after many years later will produce a large number of documents and date ,which will bring a lot of difficulties to find, update and maintain the date.

Use computer to manage net bars must be much more convenient than User the traditional methods to manage the net bars. Use computer to manage net bars is beyond compare which has a lot of advantages. Such as high efficiency, good security, low cost and so on.

This paper introduces all processes about design and implementation of the net bars smart card management system in the JAVA platform. By analyzing and comparing the popular net bars smart card management system development technology, combined net bars management System features, bringing forward achieving net bars smart card management system using of the Eclipse development tool on the basis of the java.

This paper is described the system analysis and design using the relevant technology and its features, and described the overall system structure and the function of the various system modules

Keywords: smart card,JAVA platform,目录



第1章 绪论1

1.1 智能卡网吧管理系统1

1.1.1 智


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