toolchain - 工具链

In software, a toolchain is a set of programming tools that is used to perform a complex software development task or to create a software product, which is typically another computer program or a set of related programs. In general, the tools forming a toolchain are executed consecutively so the output or resulting environment state of each tool becomes the input or starting environment for the next one, but the term is also used when referring to a set of related tools that are not necessarily executed consecutively.

1. GNU toolchain

The GNU toolchain is a broad collection of programming tools produced by the GNU Project. These tools form a toolchain (a suite of tools used in a serial manner) used for developing software applications and operating systems.
GNU toolchain (GNU 工具链) 是一个包含了由 GNU 项目所产生的各种编程工具的集合。这些工具形成了一条工具链 (串行使用的一组工具),用于开发应用程序和操作系统。

The GNU toolchain plays a vital role in development of Linux, some BSD systems, and software for embedded systems. Parts of the GNU toolchain are also directly used with or ported to other platforms such as Solaris, macOS, Microsoft Windows (via Cygwin and MinGW/MSYS) and Sony PlayStation 3.
GNU 工具链在针对嵌入式系统的 Linux 内核、BSD 及其它软件的开发中起着至关重要的作用。GNU 工具链中的部分工具也被 Solaris, macOS, Microsoft Windows (via Cygwin and MinGW/MSYS) and Sony PlayStation 3 等其它平台直接使用或进行了移植。

Projects included in the GNU toolchain are:
GNU make
GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)
GNU C Library (glibc)
GNU Binutils
GNU Bison
GNU m4
GNU Debugger (GDB)
GNU build system (autotools)

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