首先,你必须remove vnc4server,这个东西和这个软件有冲突
sudo apt-get remove vnc4server
sudo apt-get install tightvncserver
sudo apt-get install xrdp

使用netstat -ctl查看一下有没有使用3389端口在监听
重启后机子可能不会自动启动xrdp server,需要自己来起动在
rm /var/run/xrdp/xrdp.pid
/etc/init.d/xrdp start

1. Gnome的panel設定一直update不成功
2. Xauthorization
3. 鍵盤問題輸入

xrdp package doesn’t work out of box

Craig Ringer wrote on 2009-06-12: (permalink)

xrdp is _severely_ bugged when using vnc4server as a backend. gnome-panel tends to launch, then crash out with a BadWindow xlib error, resulting in a flickering gnome-panel and otherwise a default stippled x server background.

If you remove vnc4server and install tightvncserver, login should work. However, at least on the systems I’ve tried, the gnome theme seems to be constantly reset to a flat generic theme and the keyboard mapping is completely insane (dvorak? something similarly mad).

At present, xrdp seems pretty broken.

還是會遇到上面的問題, (銀幕一直閃, 但我學弟好像沒遇到)
1. Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop
2. apt-get install tightvncserver
3. apt-get install xrdp
4. 解決鍵盤問題
(1) gconftool-2 –type list –list-type=string –set /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/kbd/layouts [damnlayouts]
(2) Disable gnome-keyboard-plugin (這方法比較好)
keyboard unusable after logging in
gnome-settings-daemon crash opening any window: “BadWindow” X error under Xvnc

disable the keyboard plugin of the gnome-settings-daemon using gconf-editor:
set active to False.
5. 重開機xrdp會跑不起來, 蠻怪的, 我自己是寫了一個script重跑就好, xrdp.sh
/etc/init.d/xrdp stop
rm /var/run/xrdp/xrdp.pid
/etc/init.d/xrdp start
6. apt-get install ssh joe
記得改sshd_config->Port and Root login
7. 裝web: apache, mysql, php, phpmyadmin, webmin?



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