
[译文] TD中Case的复用









在test plan



To create a

template test:

在test plan tree中右击一个测试, 选择Template Test.



你可以在一个手工测试的步骤的descrīption 或expected results中添加一个参数。

To add a parameter:

1. 在Design Steps标签中, 把焦点放在一个步骤的Descrīption 或Expected Results 中,就可以添加参数了。

2. 点击Insert Parameter 按钮。打开参数属性对话框。

3. 输入一个Parameter



当你在design steps中调用一个包含参数的手工测试时,你可以为这个参数赋值。

To call a test with parameters:

1. 在Design Steps标签中, 点击New Call to Test

按钮。打开Select a Test 对话框。

2. 默认只会显示template tests。如果你要选择的测试不是测试模板,清除Show only

Template Tests。

3. 选择你要调用的带参数的手工测试。打开一个显示被调用的测试中包含的参数的对话框。

4. 在Value


5. 在Select a Test 对话框上点击OK。这个调用作为一个链接插在design





在调用的测试中编辑参数的值,右击调用的测试选择Called test parameters。在Called Test Parameters


[原文] ,Page 132

Calling a Manual Test with Parameters

In your test

design steps, you can include a call to a manual test. When you run the test,

the test steps include the steps from the called test as part of the test. This

is useful, for example, if you have template tests that you want to reuse in

different tests.

In order to increase the flexibility and power of a test, you can add

parameters to the test and to the tests that call it. A parameter is a variable

that replaces a fixed value and can be assigned a value from outside the test in

which it is defined. You can change the value of a parameter in a test according

to the test that is calling it, or for different instances of a test in a test


For example, you can create a template test “Login_Template” which logs in

a user with a specific password when you start your application. You need to

call this test at the beginning of each test. In some cases, you will want to

log in as a regular user while in others, you will need to log in as the

administrator. You can therefore create two parameters, <

name>> and <>, and change the value according to the

type of test that is calling “Login_Template”. If the most common login is a

regular user, you can set the default values for the parameters to a regular

user name and password.

This section includes the following parts:Creating a Template Test

Adding a Parameter

Calling a Test with Parameters

Creating a Template Test

You can define any manual test

in the test plan tree as a template test. A template test generally includes

parameters and is called by different tests.

Note:Setting a test as a template test is used for

filtering purposes only. You do not need to set a test as a template test in

order to be able to call it or add parameters.

To create a template test:

Right-click a test in the test plan tree, and

choose Template Test. A box is added around the manual test icon to indicate

that it is now a template test.

Adding a ParameterYou can add a parameter to the

descrīption or expected results of a manual test step.

To add a


1 In the Design Steps tab, place the cursor in the Descrīption box

or Expected Results box of the step to which you want to add the parameter.


Click the Insert Parameter button. The Parameter Properties dialog box


3 Type a Parameter Name, and click OK. The new parameter is added to

the step using the syntax <>.

Calling a Test with Parameters

You can assign a value

to a parameter when you add a call to the manual test containing the parameter

in your design steps.

To call a test with parameters:

1 In the Design

Steps tab, click the New Call to Test button. The Select a Test dialog box


2 By default, only template tests are displayed. If you want to choose

a test that is not a template test, clear Show only Template Tests.

3 To

search for a specific test in the tree, type the name (or part of the name) of

the test in the Find box and click the Find button. If the search is successful,

TestDirector highlights the test in the tree.

4 To refresh a test in the

tree, select the test and click the Refresh Selected button.

5 Select the

manual test with parameters that you want to call. A dialog box opens,

displaying the parameters contained in the test you are calling.

6 In the Value column, type or change the value for each parameter, and

click OK.

7 Click OK in the Select a Test dialog box. The call is inserted as

a link in your design steps, and the values assigned to the parameters in the

called test are displayed.

Note: If you do not assign values to parameters when creating a test call, you

will be prompted to do so when you create a test to call your test call, when

you add your test to a test set, or when you run your test.8 To edit the values you assigned to the parameters in the called test,

right-click the test call and select Called test parameters. Type the new values

you want to assign to the test parameters in the Called Test Parameters dialog

box, and click OK.

9 To use two different parameter values for the same test,

create two separate test calls, assigning two different values to the parameter

in the called test.


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