
Problem Description
As is known, Ackermann function plays an important role in the sphere of theoretical computer science. However, in the other hand, the dramatic fast increasing pace of the function caused the value of Ackermann function hard to calcuate.

Ackermann function can be defined recursively as follows:

Now Eddy Gives you two numbers: m and n, your task is to compute the value of A(m,n) .This is so easy problem,If you slove this problem,you will receive a prize(Eddy will invite you to hdu restaurant to have supper).

Each line of the input will have two integers, namely m, n, where 0 < m < =3.
Note that when m<3, n can be any integer less than 1000000, while m=3, the value of n is restricted within 24. 
Input is terminated by end of file.
For each value of m,n, print out the value of A(m,n).
Sample Input
1 3
2 4

Sample Output

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
long fun(long m,long n)
{if(n==0)return fun(m-1,1);else if(m==0)return n+1;else if(m==1)return n+2;else if(m==2)return 2*n+3;else if(m==3)return fun(m,n-1)*2+3;
int main()
{long n,m,i,j;while(scanf("%ld%ld",&n,&m)!=EOF){//if(n==3)m==24;//else m=n;printf("%ld\n",fun(n,m));}return 0;


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