
Aperture, along with shutter speed and ISO, is one of the three most important settings you control when you take a photo. It affects both the amount of light that hits your camera sensor and the depth of field of your images. Let’s look at how to pick the right aperture for a given image.

光圈,以及快门速度和ISO感光度,是您在拍照时控制的三个最重要的设置之一。 它会影响入射到相机传感器的光量以及图像的景深。 让我们看一下如何为给定图像选择合适的光圈。

宽光圈:f / 1.2-f / 2.8 (Wide Apertures: f/1.2-f/2.8)

Any aperture wider than f/2.8 is really wide. Most fast prime lenses have an aperture of f/1.8, although some have an aperture of f/1.4 or even f/1.2. A very small handful of rare lenses have even wider apertures like f/0.95!

任何比f / 2.8宽的光圈都非常宽。 大多数快速定焦镜头的光圈为f / 1.8,尽管有些镜头的光圈为f / 1.4甚至f / 1.2。 极少数稀有镜头的光圈甚至更大,例如f / 0.95!

These wide apertures have two main uses: to let in a lot of light for night sky photography and to create a shallow depth of field for portraits.


Which use you’re going for really depends on your lens. A wide angle wide aperture lens is much more suited to astrophotography while a fast telephoto lens will take great portraits.

您要使用哪种用途确实取决于您的镜头。 广角大光圈镜头更适合天文摄影,而快速远摄镜头则可以拍摄人像。

中等光圈:f / 2.8-f / 5.6 (Mid-Wide Apertures: f/2.8-f/5.6)

Apertures between f/2.8 and f/5.6 are still pretty wide. They’re the widest apertures of a lot of zoom lenses. For example, the Canon 18-55mm kit lens’s widest aperture is f/3.5 when it’s at 18mm and f/5.6 when it’s at 55mm.

f / 2.8和f / 5.6之间的光圈仍然很宽。 它们是许多变焦镜头中最大的光圈。 例如,佳能18-55mm套装镜头的最大光圈在18mm时为f / 3.5,在55mm时为f / 5.6。

The two times you’ll use an aperture in this range are when you want to use the maximum aperture of a zoom lens (either to get a shallow depth of field or shoot at night) or you’re deliberately stopping down a faster lens to get more depth of field and a slightly sharper image. Fast f/1.8 prime lenses normally take better quality images—at least from a technical standpoint—at f/2.8.

两次使用此范围内的光圈是当您要使用变焦镜头的最大光圈时(要获得较浅的景深或在夜间拍摄),或者是故意停下一个更快的镜头以获得更大的景深和更清晰的图像。 快速的f / 1.8定焦镜头通常至少在技术上可以f / 2.8拍摄更高质量的图像。

中光圈:f / 5.6-f / 11 (Mid Apertures: f/5.6-f/11)

There’s an old photojournalist maxim: “f/8 and be there.” It means that if you set your lens to f/8, you’ll get an image that works for a newspaper in almost all situations. The depth of field is wide enough that pretty much everything in the foreground and mid-ground will be in focus, while still giving you a fast enough shutter speed that nothing gets blurry. It’s why I recommend f/8 for street photography.

摄影记者有一个古老的格言:“ f / 8并在那里。” 这意味着,如果将镜头设置为f / 8,您将获得在几乎所有情况下都适用于报纸的图像。 景深足够宽,几乎可以对前景和中景中的所有事物进行对焦,同时仍然可以使您获得足够快的快门速度,而不会出现任何模糊现象。 这就是为什么我推荐f / 8用于街头摄影的原因。

The focal lengths between f/5.6 and f/11 are all in that sort of category. Unless you’re using a long telephoto lens, they’re narrow enough to give you a deep depth of field while letting you shoot your camera handheld in most lighting conditions. If you need a slightly faster shutter speed, go with something closer to f/5.6; if you want to be sure most things will be in focus, go with something nearer f/11.

f / 5.6和f / 11之间的焦距都属于此类。 除非您使用长焦镜头,否则它们的狭窄程度足以使您获得更深的景深,同时又可以让您在大多数照明条件下手持拍摄相机。 如果您需要稍快的快门速度,请选择接近f / 5.6的光圈; 如果您想确保大多数事情都可以聚焦,可以选择f / 11附近的值。

If you’re not sure what aperture to use, between f/5.6 and f/8 should be your default.

如果不确定使用哪个光圈,则应将f / 5.6和f / 8设置为默认值。

中窄光圈:f / 11-f / 18 (Mid-Narrow Apertures: f/11-f/18)

Between f/11 and f/18 you have the main narrow apertures. At this range, pretty much everything will be in sharp focus (unless you’re shooting extremely close subjects). It’s also the range where most lenses perform their best optically. They will be at their sharpest across the frame without too much vignetting, distortion, or chromatic aberration.

在f / 11和f / 18之间,您有主要的狭窄光圈。 在此范围内,几乎所有事物都会清晰对焦(除非您要拍摄非常近的被摄对象)。 这也是大多数镜头在光学方面表现最佳的范围。 它们将在整个画面上保持最清晰的状态,而不会出现渐晕,畸变或色差。

So, the uses for this range should be pretty clear: you use something between f/11 and f/18 when you want to maximize image quality and depth of field. They’re popular for landscape photographs. Depending on the lighting situation, you may need to use a tripod to get a good image.

因此,此范围的用途应该非常清楚:当您要最大程度地提高图像质量和景深时,请使用介于f / 11和f / 18之间的值。 它们在风景照中很受欢迎。 根据照明情况,您可能需要使用三脚架才能获得良好的图像。

窄光圈:f / 18-f / 32 (Narrow Apertures: f/18-f/32)

You should generally avoid using any aperture from f/18 to the minimum aperture of your lens—f/22 for most lenses, though, in the case of some zoom lenses, it can be around f/32.

通常应该避免使用从f / 18到镜头的最小光圈的任何光圈-大多数镜头为f / 22,尽管在某些变焦镜头的情况下,光圈可以在f / 32左右。

The reasons are pretty simple: although the narrowest apertures give you a slightly greater depth of field than f/16, they do so at the expense of image quality throughout the image. Unless you need maximum depth of field for some reason, you’re better off just going with f/16.

原因很简单:尽管最窄的光圈使您的景深比f / 16略大,但这样做却以牺牲整个图像的图像质量为代价。 除非出于某种原因需要最大景深,否则最好还是选择f / 16。

You might also be tempted to go with a really narrow aperture for long exposure images, but really, you should invest in a neutral density filter. It will give you a lot more flexibility with what aperture you use and, as a result, better looking and more creative images.

您也可能会选择使用非常窄的光圈来获得长时间曝光的图像,但实际上,您应该投资购买中性密度滤镜。 使用哪种光圈,将为您提供更大的灵活性,从而使图像看起来更好,更具创意。

Aperture controls both the depth of field and how much light hits the sensor. How much of your frame you want in focus and how fast a shutter speed you need should be your two concerns when picking an aperture.

光圈控制景深和照射到传感器的光量。 选择光圈时,您需要关注的重点是对焦多少帧以及所需的快门速度有多快。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/370006/what-aperture-should-i-use-with-my-camera/



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