Taking an image as input, how can I get the rgb matrix corresponding to it?

I checked out the numpy.asarray function. Does that give me the rgb matrix or some other matrix?


The simplest answer is to use the NumPy and SciPy wrappers around PIL. There's a great tutorial, but the basic idea is:

from scipy import misc

arr = misc.imread('lena.png') # 640x480x3 array

arr[20, 30] # 3-vector for a pixel

arr[20, 30, 1] # green value for a pixel

For a 640x480 RGB image, this will give you a 640x480x3 array of uint8.

Or you can just open the file with PIL (or, rather, Pillow; if you're still using PIL, this may not work, or may be very slow) and pass it straight to NumPy:

import numpy as np

from PIL import Image

img = Image.open('lena.png')

arr = np.array(img) # 640x480x4 array

arr[20, 30] # 4-vector, just like above

This will give you a 640x480x4 array of type uint8 (the 4th is alpha; PIL always loads PNG files as RGBA, even if they have no transparency; see img.getbands() if you're every unsure).

If you don't want to use NumPy at all, PIL's own PixelArray type is a more limited array:

arr = img.load()

arr[20, 30] # tuple of 4 ints

This gives you a 640x480 PixelAccess array of RGBA 4-tuples.

Or you can just call getpixel on the image:

img.getpixel(20, 30) # tuple of 4 ints

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