
UML:统一建模语言 (UML: Unified Modeling Language)

UML is an abbreviation of Unified Modeling Language. In the field of software engineering, it is a visual modeling language that is standard in quality. It makes it available to use an excellent way to visualize the blueprint of a system. It is projected to be used for examination, design, and execution of software-based systems, modeling business, and related processes. The primary model of UML was created by Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson, and Jim Rumbaugh. In June 2015, its recent model UML 2.5 is launched.

UML是Unified Modeling Language的缩写 。 在软件工程领域,它是一种视觉建模语言,在质量上是标准的。 它使得可以使用一种出色的方法来可视化系统的蓝图。 预计将用于基于软件的系统的检查,设计和执行,业务建模以及相关流程。 UML的主要模型是由Grady Booch , Ivar Jacobson和Jim Rumbaugh创建的 。 2015年6月,推出了其最新型号UML 2.5。

Image source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_Modeling_Language


In 1997, UML was developed as a standard by the Object Management Group (OMG). In 2005 as an official ISO standard, it was prepared and issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). From that particular time, it is revised from time to time to cover the most recent alteration of UML.

1997年,对象管理组(OMG)将UML作为标准开发。 作为国际标准化组织的官方标准,该标准于2005年由国际标准化组织(ISO)制定和发布。 从那个特定的时间开始,不时对其进行修订,以涵盖UML的最新更改。

The objective of UML, according to Object Management Group is as follows,


  • To make available for use the system architects and software engineers a tool for examination, design, and execution of software-based systems and related processes.


  • To move ahead through object visual modeling means interoperability, the position of the industry.


In comparison to other programming languages such as Java, C++, and COBOL, etc., UML is dissimilar. It is an illustrative language that is used to make designs of software. To explain, indicate and document the obtainable or new business processes and configuration and activities of artifacts of software systems, it is generally used by business analysts, software architects, and developers.

与其他编程语言(例如Java,C ++和COBOL等)相比,UML有所不同。 它是一种用于设计软件的说明性语言。 为了解释,指示和记录可获取的或新的业务流程以及软件系统工件的配置和活动,业务分析师,软件架构师和开发人员通常使用它。

Additionally, UML can be useful to numerous application domains such as banking, internet, healthcare, aerospace, etc. It can also be used with software development techniques and for several execution platforms such as J2EE, .NET.


优点 (Advantages)

  • In a computer program, a UML diagram is a visual description of the associations between classes and entities.


  • A UML diagram is readable which makes it very useful.


  • In object-oriented programming languages, UML is the contemporary standard for programming.


  • Before the programming takes place, UML aids to design a program.


缺点 (Disadvantages)

  • Managing and maintaining UML diagrams by using UML is a time taking process.


  • Software developers operate with code, not images or diagrams which makes UML not advantageous to them generally.


  • In a UML diagram, inspecting a scope of software can lead to software project stakeholders over-examining issues.


  • It leads people to drop the center of attention by spending lots of time and attention on software specifications.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/uml-full-form.aspx



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