i2c-toos 交互数据

CD-i:交互式光盘 (CD-i: Compact Disk-Interactive)

CD-i is an abbreviation of "Compact Disk-Interactive". It is a standard of software and hardware-based configuration of digital optical disc data storage, created mutually in cooperation by Philips International and Sony Corporation to store audio tracks, video clips, and binary data on compact optical disks. A range of particular compression systems of processes are used in CD-I for audio and visual-based data format, and a technique is also used to interleave audio, video, and text data. It was designed and created as an extended version of CDDA and CD-ROM and mentioned in the Green Book, created to merge audio, text, and graphics. It was designed as a user-friendly option in place of a personal computer, the use of its players was simpler, and it contains as completely a TV video output.

CD-i是“ Compact Disk-Interactive”的缩写 。 它是数字光盘数据存储基于软件和硬件的配置的标准,由飞利浦国际公司和索尼公司共同创建,以将音频轨道,视频剪辑和二进制数据存储在紧凑型光盘上。 在CD-1中,一系列特定的过程压缩系统用于基于音频和视频的数据格式,并且还使用一种技术来交织音频,视频和文本数据。 它是作为CDDA和CD-ROM的扩展版本设计和创建的,并在绿皮书中提到,它是为合并音频,文本和图形而创建的。 它被设计为代替个人计算机的用户友好选项,其播放器的使用更加简单,并且完全包含电视视频输出。

CD-i历史 (CD-i History)

  • In the month of March 1986, CD-i was widely, the very first time launched by Philips and Sony at Microsoft's CD-ROM Conference in Seattle.

    在1986年3月,CD-i广为流传,这是飞利浦和索尼在西雅图的Microsoft CD-ROM会议上首次发布的。

飞利浦CD-i播放器型号 (CD-i Player Models of Philips)

Philips CD-i player models are given in the following mentioned points, which comprise,

以下提到的要点给出了Philips CD-i播放器的型号,其中包括:

  • The CD-i player 100 series: This series comprised the three units of the proficient and specialized system model, which are CD-i player 180, 181, and 182.

    CD-i播放器100系列 :该系列包含熟练和专业的系统模型的三个单元,分别是CD-i播放器180、181和182。

  • The CD-i player 200 series: This series also comprised the three units of the proficient and specialized system model, which are CD-i player 205, 210, and 220.

    CD-i播放器200系列 :该系列还包括熟练专业的系统模型的三个单元,分别是CD-i播放器205、210和220。

  • The CD-i player 300 series: This series comprised the four units of proficient and specialized system models, which are CD-i player 310, 350, 360, and 370.

    CD-i播放器300系列 :该系列包含四个专业和专业的系统模型单元,分别是CD-i播放器310、350、360和370。

  • The CD-i player 400 series: This series comprised the three units of proficient and specialized system models, which are CD-i player 450, 470, 490.

    CD-i播放器400系列 :该系列包括三个专业的专业系统模型单元,分别是CD-i播放器450、470、490。

  • The CD-i player 500 series: This series comprised the single unit of the proficient and specialized system model, which is a CD-i player 550.

    CD-i播放器500系列 :该系列包含熟练和专业的系统模型的单个单元,即CD-i播放器550。

  • The CD-i player 600 series: This series comprised the seven units of proficient and specialized system models, which are CD-i player 601, 602, 604, 605, 615, 660, and 670.

    CD-i播放器600系列 :该系列包含七个精通和专业的系统模型,分别是CD-i播放器601、602、604、605、615、660和670。

  • The CD-I player 700 series: This series comprised the single unit of the proficient and specialized system model, which is CD-i player 740.

    CD-I播放器700系列 :该系列包含熟练且专业的系统模型的单个单元,即CD-i播放器740。

Reference: CD-i

参考: CD-i

Algo tagged in: Dictionary – 'C'

Algo标签在: 词典 –'C '

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/cd-i-full-form.aspx

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