python insert

list.insert()方法 (list.insert() Method)

insert() is an inbuilt method in python, which is used to add an element /item at specified index to the list.

insert()是python中的内置方法,用于将指定索引处的元素/ item添加到列表中。

insert() is able to add the element where we want i.e. position in the list, which we was not able to do the same in list.append() Method.

insert()能够将元素添加到我们想要的位置,即列表中的位置,而list.append()方法无法做到这一点 。



    list.insert(index, element)



  • list is the name of the list.


  • index is the valid value of the position/index.


  • element is an item/element to be inserted.


Return type: Method insert() does not return any value, it just modifies the existing list.




# Python program to demonstrate
# an example of list.insert() method
# list
cities = ['New Delhi', 'Mumbai']
# print the list
print "cities are: ",cities
# insert 'Bangalore' at 0th index
index = 0
# insert 'Chennai' at 2nd index
index = 2
cities.insert(index, 'Chennai')
# print the updated list
print "cities are: ",cities



    cities are:  ['New Delhi', 'Mumbai']cities are:  ['Bangalore', 'New Delhi', 'Chennai', 'Mumbai']



  • Initially there were two elements in the list ['New Delhi', 'Mumbai'].

    最初,列表中有两个元素['New Delhi','Mumbai']

  • Then, we added two more city names (two more elements) - 1) 'Bangalore' at 0th index and 2) 'Chennai' at 2nd index after adding 'Bangalore' at 0th index, by using following python statements:

    :在0在第二索引处0添加“班加罗尔” 索引,通过使用以下Python语句后1)“班加罗尔” 索引和2)“奈” -然后,我们增加了两个城市名称(两个元件)

# insert 'Bangalore' at 0th index
index = 0
cities.insert(index, 'Bangalore')
# insert 'Chennai' at 2nd index
index = 2
cities.insert(index, 'Chennai')

  • After inserting 'Bangalore' at 0th index, the list will be ['Bangalore', 'New Delhi', 'Chennai'].

    0 索引处插入“班加罗尔”后,列表将为['Bangalore','New Delhi','Chennai']

  • And, then we added 'Chennai' at 2nd index. After inserting 'Chennai' at 2nd index. The list will be ['Bangalore', New Delhi', 'Chennai', 'Mumbai'].

    然后,我们在第二个索引处添加了“ Chennai” 。 在第二个索引处插入“ Chennai”之后。 该列表将是['Bangalore',New Delhi','Chennai','Mumbai']

  • So, it is at our hand, what we have to do? If our requirement is to add an element at the end of the list - use list.append() Method, or if our requirement is to add an element at any index (any specified position) - use list.insert() Method.

    那么,这在我们眼前,我们该怎么办? 如果我们的要求是在列表的末尾添加一个元素-使用list.append()方法 ,或者我们的要求是在任何索引(任何指定位置)添加一个元素-使用list.insert()方法。


    python insert

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