
The most obvious empirical basis of the establishment of phrase structure rules is the observation of word order phenomena. Since in a large set of Hungarian sentences any permutation of the major constituents is grammatical, the conclusion of theoretically nonbiassed traditional linguistics has been that Hungarian word order on the sentence level is basically free; i.e., it is not rule governed. Due to this explicit or implicit assumption, as well as to general lack of interest in word order and in formal structure, traditional Hungarian grammars, e.g. Szvorényi (1876), Balassa (1899), Lotz (1939), Gombocz (1949), Tompa (1961–62), Rácz (1967). Hadrovics (1969), etc. (with the exception of Simonyi (1889) and Klemm (1928, 1940, 1942), who present the theory of Brassai to be reviewed in 1.3.) do not formulate any rules or algorithms for ordering the major constituents in the sentence. At best, they notice certain tendencies; for instance, it has been known since Fogarasi (1838) that the most emphatic constituent of the sentence will immediately precede the V, causing the verbal prefix (PreV) to move behind the V.


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