
For the past year, our community has been hard at work on a massive new programming curriculum. And now that curriculum is live and out of beta!

在过去的一年中,我们的社区一直在努力编写大量的新编程课程。 现在,该课程已上线并且为beta版!

We’ve retooled freeCodeCamp’s curriculum to emphasize fundamental software development skills and concepts:


  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScriptHTML,CSS和JavaScript
  • Accessibility辅助功能
  • Visual Design视觉设计
  • Data Structures数据结构
  • Object-oriented Programming面向对象编程
  • Functional Programming功能编程
  • Debugging调试
  • Information Security信息安全
  • Testing测试中

You’ll still learn specific tools like Node.js and React, but these appear further into our curriculum.


We recommend working through the curriculum in order from start to finish, but feel free to skip around if you just want to learn a specific skill.


您可以获得6个新的开发人员认证。 (6 new developer certifications you can earn.)

You can still claim all of the original 3 certifications (Front End, Back End, and Data Visualization) from the freeCodeCamp settings page. And now we also offer 6 new certifications:

您仍然可以在freeCodeCamp设置页面上声明所有原始的3个认证 (前端,后端和数据可视化)。 现在我们还提供6个新认证:

  • Responsive Web Design (HTML, CSS, Flexbox, CSS Grid)

    响应式网页设计 (HTML,CSS,Flexbox,CSS网格)

  • JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures (Just JavaScript. LOTS of JavaScript.)

    JavaScript算法和数据结构 (仅JavaScript。很多JavaScript。)

  • Front End Libraries (React, Redux, Sass, Bootstrap, jQuery)

    前端库 (React,Redux,Sass,Bootstrap,jQuery)

  • Data Visualization (D3.js)

    数据可视化 (D3.js)

  • APIs and Microservices (Node.js, Express.js, databases)

    API和微服务 (Node.js,Express.js,数据库)

  • Information Security and Quality Assurance (Chai, Helmet.js, BCrypt, Passport.js)

    信息安全和质量保证 (Chai,Helmet.js,BCrypt,Passport.js)

Each of these new certifications has 5 required projects that you must complete. All the other coding challenges are optional, and serve to prepare you for these projects.

这些新认证中的每一个都有5个必须完成的必需项目。 所有其他编码挑战都是可选的,可帮助您为这些项目做准备。

30个核心课程项目中的每个项目都有其自己的测试套件。 (Each of the 30 core curriculum projects has its own test suite.)

In the past, freeCodeCamp’s projects just had user stories. It was up to you to interpret these user stories and turn them into working features.

过去,freeCodeCamp的项目只有用户故事。 取决于您自己来解释这些用户故事并将其转变为有效的功能。

Now every required project on freeCodeCamp has its own suite of tests. These tests can help guide your coding. And you can run them to see whether your project is ready to submit.

现在,freeCodeCamp上的每个必需项目都有自己的测试套件。 这些测试可以帮助指导您的编码。 您可以运行它们以查看您的项目是否准备好提交。

You can include these test suites in your project by including a single line of JavaScript. This means you can build your projects anywhere: on  CodePen,  Glitch, or right on your local computer. Our only requirement is that your projects have a publicly accessible URL on the web.

您可以通过包含一行JavaScript将这些测试套件包含在您的项目中。 这意味着您可以在任何地方构建项目:在CodePen , Glitch上或在本地计算机上。 我们唯一的要求是您的项目必须在网络上具有可公开访问的URL。

数以百计的新编码面试准备挑战 (Hundreds of new coding interview prep challenges)

Thousands of people have asked for a section focused on coding interview preparation. So we’ve added hundreds of advanced algorithm and data structure challenges, and dozens of optional “take home projects” that you can build for practice.

成千上万的人要求提供一个专门针对面试准备的部分。 因此,我们增加了数百个高级算法和数据结构挑战,以及数十个可以为实践而构建的可选“带回家的项目”。

Some of these challenges are extremely difficult, and will take even veteran programmers hours to complete.


Long after you’ve finished all of freeCodeCamp’s certifications, you can keep coming back and expanding your skills here.


闪电般的学习平台 (A lightning-fast learning platform)

We’ve rebuilt our learning platform from the ground up. Our full curriculum is now on the subdomain. It’s a single-page React app with a clean, simple design.

我们从头开始重新构建了学习平台。 我们的完整课程表现在位于learning.freeCodeCamp.org子域上。 这是一个单页面的React应用,具有简洁,简单的设计。

We are caching the entire platform on  Netlify’s Content Delivery Network so that it will be fast for you regardless of where you are in the world.

我们将整个平台缓存在Netlify的Content Delivery Network上,这样无论您身在何处 ,它都将为您提供快速的访问。

您可以在任何地方解决的全栈Web开发挑战 (Full stack web development challenges you can solve anywhere)

Many of the challenges involve building Node.js applications. You can build these on your local computer, or on your own cloud server.

许多挑战涉及构建Node.js应用程序。 您可以在本地计算机或自己的云服务器上构建这些文件。

We recommend using  Glitch, which is a free, convenient way to build your web apps without all the Git and Linux commands.

我们建议您使用Glitch ,这是一种免费,便捷的方式来构建您的Web应用程序,而无需使用所有Git和Linux命令。

Then freeCodeCamp will hit your API end points and test your code for you to verify you’ve built the API correctly.


一个新的按需输入搜索框 (A new as-you-type search box)

Now you can search through more than 8,000 freeCodeCamp lessons, articles, videos, and podcasts, right from freeCodeCamp’s navigation bar.


新的欢迎仪表板 (A new welcome dashboard)

Each time you sign in to, you’ll be greeted with a welcome dashboard. This will feature an inspiring quote and statistics about your progress through the freeCodeCamp curriculum.

每次登录www.freeCodeCamp.org时 ,都会出现一个欢迎使用的仪表板。 这将提供有关您在freeCodeCamp课程中取得的进步的鼓舞人心的报价和统计信息。

会有错误-通过报告它们来帮助我们修复它们 (There will be bugs — help us fix them by reporting them)

We just pushed a ton of new code. Even though we tested it to the best of our ability, there will always be things we missed. You can  track our open GitHub issues and create new issues here.

我们刚刚推出了大量新代码。 即使我们尽了最大的能力对其进行了测试,但总会有一些我们错过的事情。 您可以跟踪我们的公开GitHub问题并在此处创建新问题 。

I am excited to hear any feedback you may have on this new learning platform.


谢谢! (Thank you!)

A huge thank-you to the hundreds of open source contributors who helped design and test this new curriculum — many of whom will be at our  2018 Top Contributor parties in New York City, Dublin, and Hong Kong.

非常感谢数百位帮助设计和测试此新课程的开源贡献者-其中许多人将参加我们在纽约市,都柏林和香港举行的2018年杰出贡献者聚会 。

You can  jump into the new curriculum now.

您现在可以跳入新课程 。




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