python 科学计算机

Are you learning how to code in 2020?


Or are you already working as a developer but want to learn computer science fundamentals?


I'd like to invite you to join the CodeBookClub, a free virtual meetup for new and intermediate programmers. The club is gearing up to read a new book together--an intro to computer science book that focuses on teaching the basics of computer science and the programming language Python.

我想邀请您加入CodeBookClub,这是面向新手和中级程序员的免费虚拟聚会。 该俱乐部正加紧准备一起阅读一本新书,这是一本计算机科学入门书籍,重点介绍计算机科学和Python编程语言的基础知识。

You may think of a book club as a group of people just reading and discussing a book together. However, our reading will include ongoing activities, challenges and community events that will keep us actively learning and creating.

您可能认为读书俱乐部是一群人在一起阅读和讨论书籍。 但是,我们的阅读将包括正在进行的活动,挑战和社区活动,这些将使我们继续积极学习和创造。

Read on for more details!


这次聚会的对象是谁? (Who is this meetup for?)

  • People with no previous coding experience who’d like to get started with coding.以前没有编码经验的人想开始编码。
  • Self-taught developers who want to learn computer science fundamentals.想要学习计算机科学基础知识的自学成才的开发人员。
  • JavaScript developers interested in learning Python (and Scheme).有兴趣学习Python(和Scheme)JavaScript开发人员。

为什么要加入这个小组? (Why join this group?)

freeCodeCamp founder Quincy Larson has said, “the worst way to learn to program is to learn alone.

freeCodeCamp的创始人Quincy Larson曾说过:“ 学习编程的最糟糕方法是独自学习。

When you’re learning alone, it’s easier to give up when you get stuck on a coding problem. Or you lose motivation because you had no one keeping you accountable to keep learning. This is where the club comes in!

当您独自学习时,遇到编码问题就更容易放弃。 否则您会失去动力,因为没有人让您对继续学习负责。 这是俱乐部进来的地方!

Whether you're learning to code for the first time or already a developer, in this club we'll learn computer science fundamentals together, work through problems when we get stuck, and hold each other accountable to keep learning.


I currently work as a software developer, but 3 years ago I used online resources like freeCodeCamp to teach myself how to code.


The one thing that helped me most was finding communities of people who were learning with me. Our book club is for developers of any experience level who would like to join us!

对我最有帮助的一件事是找到与我一起学习的人们的社区。 我们的读书俱乐部适合任何经验水平的开发人员,他们愿意加入我们!

我们将学习什么? (What will we be learning?)

Our group will be reading Intro To Computing, an intro to computer science textbook written by Professor David Evans of Computer Science at the University of Virginia.

我们的团队将会阅读简介计算,前奏计算机科学教材 由弗吉尼亚大学计算机科学系的David Evans教授撰写。

The book is an introduction to several fundamentals in computer science that you've perhaps heard of but want to learn more about: algorithms, coding languages, data, interpreters, measuring cost, and more. If you'd like to view the table of contents of the book, you can do so here.

这本书是您可能已经听说过但想了解更多信息的计算机科学几个基础知识的简介:算法,编码语言,数据,解释器,度量成本等。 如果您想查看本书的目录,可以在这里进行 。

The book also introduces us to Python and (some Scheme) with coding exercises and homework assignments--so it’s not just a book focused on theory, but has many exercises throughout.


成员如何参与? (How do members participate?)

Actively learning with other developers is what the club is all about. If you join our reading, you can choose to complete various activities each week such as completing coding exercises from the book with other members of the club, answering discussion questions, or blogging or Tweeting about what you're learning. For more details on how you can participate:

与其他开发人员一起积极学习是俱乐部的全部宗旨。 如果您参加我们的阅读活动,则可以选择每周完成各种活动,例如与俱乐部的其他成员一起完成本书的编码练习,回答讨论问题,或通过博客或推特了解所学内容。 有关如何参与的更多详细信息:

We'll also set up some live Zoom calls where we meet on a video call to discuss the book and our coding exercises.


这本书和俱乐部的费用是多少? (What is the cost of the book and club?)

This book is 100% free and can be found here. The club is also free.

这本书是100%免费的,可以在这里找到。 俱乐部也是免费的。

阅读何时开始? (When does the reading start?)

You should have read chapter 1 of the book by April 12th.


这是俱乐部的更多详细信息: (Here are more details on the club:)

如果哟ü “d喜欢参加俱乐部,报名参加我们的邮件列表被邀请,得到关于如何加入这个俱乐部,并在5分钟之内加入我们的指令。 您还将获得有关未来阅读和社区活动的最新信息。 (If you'd like to join the club, sign up for our email list to be invited, get instructions on how to join the club and join us within 5 minutes. You'll also get updates on future readings and community events.)

如果您对此帖子有任何反馈或疑问,请随时向我发@madisonkanna推特,或关注@CodeBookClub。 (
The club is 100% free, always.
If you have feedback or questions on this post, feel free to Tweet me @madisonkanna or follow the @CodeBookClub.)


python 科学计算机

python 科学计算机_在这个免费的虚拟俱乐部中学习计算机科学和Python的基础知识相关推荐

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