
Some process called “dasd” is running on your Mac. Don’t worry: it’s part of macOS. But what is it?

Mac上正在运行一个名为“ dasd”的进程。 不用担心:它是macOS的一部分。 那是什么

This article is part of our ongoing series explaining various processes found in Activity Monitor, like kernel_task, hidd, mdsworker, installd, WindowServer, blued, launchd, backup, opendirectoryd, and many others. Don’t know what those services are? Better start reading!

这篇文章是一部分我们正在进行一系列解释各种进程在活动监视器中发现,像kernel_task , hidd , mdsworker , INSTALLD , WindowServer , 发蓝 , launchd会 , 备份 , opendirectoryd ,和其他许多人 。 不知道这些服务是什么? 最好开始阅读!

Today’s process, dasd, is the Duet Activity Scheduler Daemon. That explains everything, so thanks for reading everyone!

当今的过程dasd是Duet Activity Scheduler守护程序。 以上说明了所有内容,感谢您阅读大家!

Just kidding: obviously that’s cryptic, so let’s look a bit deeper. A Daemon is a background process. This particular daemon manages other background processes. To quote the man page for dasd:

只是开个玩笑:显然那是个神秘的事物,所以让我们再深入一点。 守护程序是后台进程。 该特定守护程序管理其他后台进程。 引用dasd的手册页:

dasd -- Daemon for background activity scheduling.

dasd -- Daemon for background activity scheduling.

So the Duet Activity Scheduler helps manage background activities, but how? A post on Eclectic Light Company explains how macOS runs background apps. Here’s what is says:

因此,Duet Activity Scheduler可帮助管理后台活动,但是如何呢? 在Eclectic Light Company上的帖子解释了macOS如何运行后台应用程序 。 这就是说的:

Duet Activity Scheduler (DAS) maintains a scored list of background activities which usually consists of more than seventy items. Periodically, it rescores each item in its list, according to various criteria such as whether it is now due to be performed, i.e. clock time is now within the time period in which Centralized Task Scheduling (CTS) calculated it should next be run.

Duet活动计划程序(DAS)维护后台活动的打分列表,该列表通常包含70多个项目。 它会定期根据各种标准(例如,是否应立即执行该项目)对列表中的每个项目进行重评分,即时钟时间现在位于下一次应运行集中式任务调度(CTS)的时间段内。

You can read the entire post for more details, but the summary is that dasd is maintaining a list of background processes that your Mac should run soon. This is stuff that most Mac users will never have to think about, but you Googled the process and now you know. Congrats! You’re really cool and we should hang out sometime. Not next week, I’m busy then, but someday maybe.

您可以阅读整篇文章以获取更多详细信息,但摘要是dasd维护了Mac应尽快运行的后台进程的列表。 这是大多数Mac用户永远都不必考虑的东西,但是您通过Google搜索了该过程,现在您知道了。 恭喜! 您真的很帅,我们应该出去玩。 下周不是,那时候我很忙,但也许有一天。

You shouldn’t notice dasd using up a lot of system resources—its job is pretty straight forward. If it does the problem is probably with a background task, so check to see what other processes are using up a lot of resources and look into them.

您不应该注意到das消耗了很多系统资源-它的工作非常简单。 如果确实存在,则问题可能出在后台任务上,因此请检查其他进程是否正在使用大量资源并进行调查。

Photo credit: guteksk7/Shutterstock.com

图片来源: guteksk7 / Shutterstock.com

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/357437/what-is-dasd-and-why-is-it-running-on-my-mac/


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