




About Technology Consulting - SAP

Deloitte Consulting Technology Service Area aims to provide the end-to-end consulting services by helping clients in different industries to re-engineer the business process, design the enterprise level application system architecture and modules, implement the application systems, manage the changes of business along the whole process, and realize the digital transformation. Deloitte Technology Consulting team is the world-leading enterprise application consulting organization, and continuously ranked as "leader" in the enterprise application consulting market in China for years.

SAP team covers various service offerings including ERP (enterprise resource planning), CRM (customer relationship management), SCM (supply chain management), HCM (human capital management), E-commence, BI (business intelligence), and many other solutions.

Work you'll do:

•Produces a high quality work product to ensure a superior client experience with others to team

•Collects, assimilates and analyzes relevant data and uses standard processes and tools to help surface and support solutions

•Applies basic financial concepts to client and Deloitte business models

•Maintains a positive, professional attitude and adapts to changing priorities to instill confidence in team

•Uses and applies frameworks to organize concepts, identify gaps, and communicate ideas clearly

•Values and considers the diverse perspectives and backgrounds of colleagues and clients

•Applies technology fundamentals to client situations

•Finds and leverages a diverse set of resources and share findings with others

•Applies training and background in SAP and relevant Deloitte methodology to support the implementation of SAP solutions

You are also expected to:

•Builds own understanding of our purpose and values; explores opportunities for impact

•Demonstrates strong commitment to personal learning and development

•Acts as a brand ambassador to help attract top talent

•Understands expectations and demonstrates personal accountability for keeping performance on track

•Focuses on developing effective communication and relationship-building skills actively

•Understands how their daily work contributes to the priorities of the team and the business



•Prefers major in Computer Science, Management Information System, SAP/Oracle, Management Engineering, Finance, Management, Logistics, Supply Chain Management, E-commence and other related majors

•Strong logical, analytical, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills

•Be passionate about excelling a career in Consulting

•Always takes the initiative, self-motivated and willing to work under pressure and travel

•Demonstrates leadership abilities with good organizing skills

•Good written and oral communication skills in both English and Mandarin

•A fast learner and strong team player

•Creative, flexible and self-confident

•Proficiency in MS Office

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