



1、Oracle EBS Developer


•   Bachelor degree or above in Computer Science or Electronic Engineering•   More than 3 years working experience with ERP Oracle Development

•   Team leader experience

•   Knowledge in ERP Oracle functional modules

•   Communication skills and team player in multinational environment

•   Fluent English and/or Japanese language skills

•   Communication skills and willing to learn

•   Large global ERP offshore development experience or  or working experience in other GDC as a senior developer is highly preferred

2、SAP ABAP Developer


•   Bachelor degree or above in Computer Science or Electronic Engineering

•   More than 3 years working experience with ERP SAP Development

•   Team leader experience

•   Knowledge in ERP SAP functional modules

•   Communication skills and team player in multinational environment

•   Fluent English and/or Japanese language skills

•   Communication skills and willing to learn

•   Large global ERP offshore development experience or  or working experience in other GDC as a senior developer is highly preferred.

3、Application Maintenance Service


•   Bachelor degree or above

•   5 years working experience with AMS/ ERP implementation projects

•   Deep knowledge of specific ERP (SAP/Oracle) functional modules

•   Team leader's experience

•   Communication skill and team player in multinational environment

•   Fluent English and/oir Japanese language skills

•   Large global ERP offshore/onshore delivery experience or working experience in other GDC as a consultant is highly preferred.




1、IT Audit


•   Bachelor degree or above in computer science, information system, accounting or related disciplines

•   Certification of CICPA, CIA, CISA, CISSP, CISM is preferred but not mandatory

•   Knowledge of SAP, Oracle or any related ERP system is preferred

•   For consultant above 2 years' (sr. consultant above 4 years') experience related to IT audit, IT security, IT risk management or IT service management is required

•   Good understanding in any of the following areas is preferred: Information system audit, IT Security, Specific ERP product knowledge in SAP, Oracle Financials, ERP system implementation, Computer management, System development process, IT operation, Sarbanes-Oxley, COSO, COBIT, BS7799

•   Strong analytical skill with high commitment to quality client service

•   Good consultation and communication skills, self-initiation, good team player and willingness to work under pressure

•   Mature, proactive and committed

•   Excellent written and oral communication skills in both English and Mandarin Chinese, including both technical and business writing, good documentation and presentation skills

•   Willing to travel

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