MBIST 有許多測試算法, 針對不同製程及不同缺陷產生. 會有不同的運算測試方法. 我們建議如下,

自動化軟體的好處, 就是隨選既產生相應電路. 避免人為耗時及除錯等非必要問題產生

for Emerging Market

Technology node

Testing algorithm

Memory defect


March C-, March C,

March C+

SAF, TF, AF, CFin, CFid, CFst


March C-, March C,

March C+, March LR,


SAF, TF, AF, CFin, CFid, CFst, SOF, RDF


March 33N, CROWN

SAF, TF, AF, CFin, CFid, CFst, SOF, RDF,




SAF, TF, AF, CFin, CFid, CFst, SOF, RDF,


Word-oriented CF

Specific request

Testing algorithm

Retention test

March RET, March MDSN

Memory with write enable

Non-March BM

Dedicated test column or row

Fast_X, Fast_Y

Automotive electronics


for Emerging Market


Technology node

Suggested algorithm

AI (Video)

40nm, 28nm, 16nm, 12nm, 7nm, 5nm, 3nm

March 33N, CROWN,


AI (Audio)

55nm, 40nm, 28nm

March C+, March C,

March 33N

AI (Blockchain)

28nm, 16nm12nm, 7nm, 5nm, 3nm

March 33N, CROWN,



55nm, 40nm, 28nm

MOVI, March C+,

Non-March BM,

March MDSN, March 33N

Wireless (WiFi or BLE)

55nm, 40nm, 28nm

March C+, Non-March BM,

March RET


55nm, 40nm, 28nm

MOVI, March C+, March C,

Non-March BM, March RET,

March 33N


55nm, 40nm, 28nm

MOVI, March C+, March 33N

Fingerprint recognition

180nm, 130nm, 110nm, 55nm, 28nm

MOVI, March C+, March C, Non-March BM,

March RET, March 33N

for Programming type

Programming Type

Suggested algorithm

Most of instructions are related to Load/Store

March C+, March 33N, CROWN, POLARIS

Most of instructions are related to Branch

MOVI, March C+, March C

Most of instructions are related to VLIW and SIMD

March C+, March 33N, CROWN,


Most of instructions are related to ALU

MOVI, March C+, Non-March BM,

March MDSN,

March 33N

for Automotive

Suggested algorithm


March CW

The March CW algorithm is a word-oriented test algorithm for embedded memory.

It has highest fault coverage than other algorithms.

March 33N

The March 33N minimal March test algorithm is introduced for detection of

all two-operation single-cell dynamic faults.

Non-March BM

The Non-March BM is used to detect bit/group write enable faults and

datapath shorts.

Suggested algorithm


March Weak WL @2P

The March Weak WL @2P for two port memories

in advance manufacturing technologies

March C+ @2P

The March C+ @2P algorithm detects normally

memory fault in two ports memory

March A2PF-M

The March A2PF-M algorithm for dual port memories

in advance manufacturing technologies

March C+ @DP

The March C+ @DP algorithm detects normally

memory fault in dual port memory

歡迎詢問 alex.jou@istart-tek.com.tw

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