
Earlier this week, Steam released Family Options, their version of parental controls, for the Steam game client. Read on as we show you how to lock down adult games, online content, and purchasing options to make your Steam client kid-friendly.

本周早些时候,Steam为Steam游戏客户端发布了其家长控制版本的Family Options。 请继续阅读,我们将向您展示如何锁定成人游戏,在线内容和购买选项,以使您的Steam客户端适合儿童。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want to Do This?)

By default, when you launch the Steam client you have full access to everything: the Steam store, the complete game library of the current user, the Steam Community (online discussions), the profile of the current user, and all the settings. Just take a look at the screenshot above: not only are there a bunch of kid-inappropriate games we certainly wouldn’t want our kids playing, but they can also (with just a few clicks) open the store and purchase things, hop into the Steam Community and talk with anyone, or otherwise mess around with settings and our content.

默认情况下,启动Steam客户端时,您可以完全访问所有内容:Steam商店,当前用户的完整游戏库,Steam社区(在线讨论),当前用户的个人资料以及所有设置。 只需看一下上面的截图:不仅有很多我们不希望孩子玩的不适合孩子的游戏,而且他们还可以(只需单击几下)打开商店并购买东西,跳入Steam社区并与任何人交谈,或者以其他方式弄乱设置和我们的内容。

It’s a less than ideal situation if you want to let your kids play the kid-friendly games in your Steam library. This less than ideal situation is, however, thankfully mended by the release of the Steam Family Options.  Although the most obvious use of Steam Family Options is to lock down an adult’s account so that only the kid-friendly content is accessible, we’d like to point out that it’s also very useful for locking down Steam accounts that belong to children. Let’s say you set up a Steam account for your child so that you two can play multiplayer Steam games together. Even though there’s no objectionable game content in your child’s Steam account, it’s still nice to be able to lock down the account so that they can’t access the Steam store or find themselves chatting with random people via the Steam communities and chat.

如果您想让孩子们在Steam库中玩适合儿童的游戏,那将是一种不太理想的情况。 但是,值得庆幸的是,Steam系列选项的发布弥补了这种不足。 尽管Steam Family Options最明显的用途是锁定成人帐户,以便仅访问儿童友好的内容,但我们想指出的是,这对于锁定属于孩子的Steam帐户也非常有用。 假设您为孩子设置了一个Steam帐户,以便你们两个可以一起玩多人Steam游戏。 即使您孩子的Steam帐户中没有令人反感的游戏内容,还是能够锁定该帐户,使他们无法访问Steam商店或发现自己通过Steam社区与随机的人聊天并聊天还是很不错的。

We’ve had the opportunity to beta-test Family Options and have been quite pleased with it. Let’s take a tour of the setup process to show off how easy it is to lock down your Steam account.

我们有机会对Beta版家庭选项进行了测试,对此感到非常满意。 让我们浏览一下设置过程,以展示锁定Steam帐户有多么容易。

打开家庭选项 (Turning Family Options On)

Launch your Steam client. If you haven’t launched it in the last week or so, you’ll have a client update waiting (which will enable the new options).

启动您的Steam客户端。 如果您在上个星期左右没有启动它,则将有一个客户端更新等待(它将启用新选项)。

Note: Although we’re using the Steam client for this tutorial (because it allows you to immediately test your changes and see the results), you can in fact log into your Steam account and, using the Family Options (found in the lower right hand column) make the same changes.


Once it has finished loading, navigate via the menu bar to Steam – >Settings. Within the Settings menu, select Family. At the top of the screen you’ll see Family Options, as seen in the screenshot above. Click Manage Family Options.

加载完成后,通过菜单栏导航至Steam –>“设置”。 在设置菜单中,选择家庭。 在屏幕顶部,您将看到“家庭选项”,如上面的屏幕截图所示。 单击管理家庭选项。

The Family Options has two sections you can manage: Library Content and Online Content & Features. It defaults to the strictest settings: only games you choose (which, by default, is none of them) and no Online Content & Features.

家庭选项有两个部分可以管理:库内容和在线内容和功能。 它默认为最严格的设置:只有您选择的游戏(默认情况下都不选择游戏),也没有在线内容和功能。

We’re going to configure the settings on the strictest level. We want to give the kids in our house access to the games we green light, but we don’t want them to access the Steam store, the community generated content, to chat with anyone, or to mess around with our profiles. You can adjust the settings for your own family as you see fit. Once you have done so, click Continue.

我们将在最严格的级别上配置设置。 我们希望让家中的孩子可以访问我们批准的游戏,但是我们不希望他们访问Steam商店,社区生成的内容,与任何人聊天或与我们的个人资料混为一谈。 您可以根据需要调整自己家庭的设置。 完成后,单击继续。

On the next screen, seen above, you’ll be prompted to select which games you want to include in the new Family mode. Once you’ve checked off all the games you want to share with your kids, click Continue.

在上面看到的下一个屏幕上,系统将提示您选择要包含在新的“家庭”模式中的游戏。 选中要与孩子共享的所有游戏后,请单击“继续”。

Select a PIN. This is the key that will allow you to easily switch between Family mode and normal mode for adult gaming. They’re not kidding about jotting it down, by the way. Use a PIN you won’t forget, put it as a secure note in LastPass, or write it down. It’s a huge pain to jump through the security hoops and unlock your client if you forget it. Select your pin and click Continue.

选择一个PIN码。 这是使您能够在成人游戏的家庭模式和普通模式之间轻松切换的关键。 顺便说一句,他们并不是在开玩笑。 使用您不会忘记的PIN码,将其作为安全笔记放入LastPass中,或写下来。 如果您忘记了安全性,跳过安全环并解锁您的客户端将是一个巨大的痛苦。 选择您的图钉,然后单击继续。

The final screen is a confirmation screen. After you see the screen above, go ahead and navigate around your Steam client to see how things look with the Family Options enabled. The first stop should be the Library to confirm the games you selected are displayed and, if you locked down any of the major categories, they’re grayed out:

最终屏幕是确认屏幕。 看到上面的屏幕之后,继续浏览Steam客户端,以查看启用了“家庭选项”的情况。 第一站应该是“图书馆”,以确认您选择的游戏已显示,并且,如果您锁定了任何主要类别,则它们将显示为灰色:

Not only is the selection of games reduced to only the kid-friendly ones we selected (no Metro 2033 or Left 4 Dead to be seen) but the Store, Community, and Profile navigation elements are darkened and inaccessible. At this point everything is locked down. Success!

不仅游戏选择减少到我们选择的儿童友好游戏(看不到Metro 2033Left 4 Dead ),而且商店,社区和个人资料导航元素也变暗且无法访问。 至此,一切都被锁定。 成功!

编辑或禁用家庭选项 (Editing or Disabling Family Options)

Obviously there will come a point where you want to edit the settings (such as when you purchase a new game and want to white list it for the kids) or to switch off the Family mode to play an adult game.


To do so, look for the Family Options icon located in the upper right hand side of the Steam client window (seen in the screenshot above). Click on the icon.

为此,请在Steam客户端窗口的右上角查找“家庭选项”图标(如上图所示)。 点击图标。

After entering your PIN, your Steam client window will refresh:


Everything will look exactly like it did when we started this tutorial, with the small edition of the Family Options icon (now red) seen in the screenshot above. After you’re done gaming or editing the settings for Family Options mode, you can simply tap on that icon to lock the Steam client back down.

一切看起来都与开始本教程时完全一样,上面的屏幕截图中显示了小版的“家庭选项”图标(现为红色)。 完成游戏或编辑“家庭选项”模式的设置后,只需点击该图标即可将Steam客户端锁定回去。

That’s all there is to it! You can easily toggle the mode on and off, add more games to your kid-friendly white list, and rest easy knowing that you won’t have to deal with your kids stumbling into a gory game.

这里的所有都是它的! 您可以轻松地打开和关闭该模式,将更多游戏添加到您的孩子友好型白名单中,并放心地知道您不必对付陷入血腥游戏的孩子。




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