
In this article, we’ll take a look at using the sprintf() function in C / C++.

在本文中,我们将研究在C / C ++中使用sprintf()函数。

This is an important function if you want to write characters from a format string into a buffer.


Let’s take a look at this function, using illustrative examples!


C / C ++中sprintf()函数的基本语法 (Basic Syntax of the sprintf() function in C/C++)

This function takes a format string and writes it into a string buffer.


This is very similar to printf(), but writes the output to a buffer instead of stdout.


This is function is present in the <stdio.h> header file.


#include <stdio.h>int sprintf (char* buffer, const char* fmt, ...);

Here, this takes in an input fmt string along with necessary arguments (denoted by ...) and stores it into buffer.


The function returns the number of characters written to the buffer if it succeeds.


If it fails, it will return a negative integer.


The size of the buffer must be large enough to accomodate the string! Otherwise, you can access an unbound memory location.

缓冲区的大小必须足够大以容纳字符串! 否则,您可以访问未绑定的内存位置。

Now, to understand this completely, let’s look at some examples:


使用sprintf()–一些示例 (Using sprintf() – Some Examples)

Let’s take an input from the user, and concatenate it onto a string, using sprintf().


#include <stdio.h>int main() {char original[] = "Hello from JournalDev";char buffer[256];printf("Enter an integer:\n");int n;scanf("%d", &n);sprintf(buffer, "%s_%d", original, n);printf("Buffer = %s\n", buffer);return 0;



Enter an integer:
Buffer = Hello from JournalDev_100

As you can see, we used the format string to concatenate an integer to a string directly.


You may just realize how handy this function can be when used at the right time!


Let’s now take another example to verify that all the characters are written to the buffer.


#include <stdio.h>int main() {char original[] = "Hello from JournalDev";char buffer[25];printf("Enter an integer:\n");int n;scanf("%d", &n);int num_written = sprintf(buffer, "%s_%d", original, n);printf("Buffer = %s\n", buffer);printf("Number of Characters written using sprintf() = %d\n", num_written);return 0;



Enter an integer:
Buffer = Hello from JournalDev_10
Number of Characters written using sprintf() = 24

As you can see, the number of characters written (24), is the same as the string length!


结论 (Conclusion)

In this article, we learned about using the sprintf() function in C/C++. This is useful if you want to write to a string using a format specifier.

在本文中,我们学习了在C / C ++中使用sprintf()函数的知识。 如果要使用格式说明符写入字符串,这将很有用。

For similar content, do go through our tutorial section on C programming, which covers various aspects of C and C++.

对于类似的内容,请阅读我们有关C编程的教程部分 ,其中涵盖C和C ++的各个方面。

参考资料 (References)

  • cppreference.com page on sprintf() in C / C++C / C ++中sprintf()上的cppreference.com页面

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/41098/sprintf-function-in-c-plus-plus


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