MongoDB is a free and open-source NoSQL Database used commonly in today’s web applications.


In this tutorial, we will show you how to install and setup MongoDB on your Ubuntu 18.04 machine in a few simple steps!

在本教程中,我们将通过几个简单的步骤向您展示如何在Ubuntu 18.04计算机上安装和设置MongoDB!

步骤1:使用Apt在Ubuntu上安装MongoDB (Step 1: Install MongoDB on Ubuntu Using Apt)

Since the MongoDB package is available in Ubuntu’s official repositories, we can simply use apt to install MongoDB on our system.


But before that, update all system critical packages first.


sudo apt update

Now, install the MongoDB package using:


sudo apt install mongodb
Install MongoDB on Ubuntu

This will install the latest version of MongoDB on our system.


As for any Database System, there is a server and a service associated with the task of Database Management. The MongoDB server is automatically started after the installation.

对于任何数据库系统,都有与数据库管理任务关联的服务器服务 。 安装后,MongoDB服务器将自动启动。

To ensure that our installation went smoothly, we need to ensure that the MongoDB service and the server are working correctly.


步骤2:检查MongoDB服务 (Step 2: Check the MongoDB Service)

To check the status of the MongoDB service, use systemctl:


sudo systemctl status mongodb

You’ll get an output similar to the below screenshot.


Mongodb Ubuntu Check Service
Mongodb Ubuntu检查服务

So now that we know that our service is running, let’s verify if our MongoDB Server is responding to our requests or not.


步骤3:测试MongoDB服务器 (Step 3: Test the MongoDB Server)

By default, the MongoDB Server is located at the localhost and uses port 27017. So the address of the server is:

默认情况下,MongoDB服务器位于本地主机,并使用端口27017 。 因此服务器的地址为:

Let’s test our server by running this command to find the Connection Status using mongo command:


mongo --eval 'db.runCommand({ connectionStatus: 1 })'

You should get a response like the below screenshot, having the “ok” field as 1, ensuring that our Connection is valid.

您应该收到类似以下屏幕截图的响应,将“ ok ”字段设置为1,确保我们的连接有效。

Mongodb Ubuntu Check Connection Status
Mongodb Ubuntu检查连接状态

步骤4:允许远程访问数据库 (Step 4: Allow remote access to the Database)

By default, the MongoDB server is only allowed by the ufw firewall to operate locally.


To allow access to MongoDB on it’s port 27017 from anywhere, we need to allow incoming connections on this port.


But this is very insecure, since any person can access the Database. To prevent this, only allow IP Addresses which correspond to trusted machines/servers.

但这是非常不安全的,因为任何人都可以访问数据库。 为避免这种情况,仅允许使用与受信任机器/服务器相对应的IP地址。

sudo ufw allow from TRUSTED_IP/32 to any port 27017

Replace TRUSTED_IP with any trusted IP address in the above command.


This allows connections from your trusted server to reach the MongoDB Database, since ufw now allows these connections.


But we still need to ensure that the MongoDB server does not only listen locally. Therefore, we need to add our trusted machine’s IP to the mongodb.conf configuration file.

但是我们仍然需要确保MongoDB服务器不仅在本地监听。 因此,我们需要将受信任机器的IP添加到mongodb.conf配置文件中。

Use your favorite text editor and edit /etc/mongodb.conf.


sudo vi /etc/mongodb.conf

Go to the bind_ip value.


Mongodb Ubuntu Config File
Mongodb Ubuntu配置文件

Add your trusted machine’s public IP Address here, by appending to the field using a comma (,).

通过使用逗号 (,)附加到该字段,在此处添加受信任计算机的公共IP地址。

The modified file will look something like this:


Mongodb Ubuntu Add Server Address
Mongodb Ubuntu添加服务器地址

Exit the editor, after saving changes


步骤5:重新启动MongoDB服务 (Step 5: Restart the MongoDB Service)

Now, we are almost done! We simply need to restart the mongodb service to apply our changes.

现在,我们快完成了! 我们只需要重新启动mongodb服务即可应用更改。

sudo systemctl restart mongodb

We have now successfully configured our MongoDB Server to accept remote connections!


结论 (Conclusion)

In this tutorial. we showed you how you can install and configure the latest version of MongoDB on your Ubuntu 18.04 system. We also made sure that we can accept specific remote connections to our database from another trusted server.

在本教程中。 我们向您展示了如何在Ubuntu 18.04系统上安装和配置最新版本的MongoDB。 我们还确保可以接受来自其他受信任服务器到数据库的特定远程连接。

I hope this served you well and cleared any of your remaining doubts regarding MongoDB installation!



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