
Beacons let you use the Salt event system to monitor non-Salt processes. The beacon system allows the minion to hook into a variety of system processes and continually monitor these processes. When monitored activity occurs in a system process, an event is sent on the Salt event bus that can be used to trigger a reactor.

beacons使您可以使用Salt事件系统来监视非Salt进程。 beacon系统允许minion进入各种系统进程并持续监控这些进程。 当监视的活动发生在系统进程中时,Salt事件总线上会发送一个事件,用于触发反应堆。

Salt beacons can currently monitor and send Salt events for many system activities, including:

Salt beacons目前可以监视和发送Salt事件以用于许多系统活动,包括:

  • file system changes 
  • system load  
  • service status
  • shell activity, such as user login
  • network and disk usage

See beacon modules for a current list. 请参阅当前列表的beacon模块。

Salt beacons are an event generation mechanism. Beacons leverage the Salt reactor system to make changes when beacon events occur.
Salt beacons是一种事件生成机制。beacons事件发生时,beacons利用Salt反应堆系统进行更改。

configuring beacons

Salt beacons do not require any changes to the system components that are being monitored, everything is configured using Salt.

Salt beacons不需要对正在监测的系统组件进行任何更改,所有内容均使用Salt进行配置。

Beacons are typically enabled by a beacons: top level block in /etc/salt/minion or any file in /etc/salt/minion.d/ such as /etc/salt/minion.d/beacons.conf or add it to pillars for that minion:


1 beacons:
2   inotify:
3     - files:
4         /etc/important_file: {}
5         /opt: {}

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The beacon system, like many others in Salt, can also be configured via the minion pillar, grains, or local config file.

像Salt中的许多其他系统一样,Beacon系统也可以通过pillar, grains或本地配置文件进行配置。

The inotify beacon only works on OSes that have inotify kernel support. Currently this excludes FreeBSD, macOS, and Windows.
inotify beacon只适用于具有inotify内核支持的操作系统。 目前这不包括FreeBSD,macOS和Windows。

create watched file

Create the file named /etc/important_file and add some simple content:


important_config: True

add beacon configs to minion

On the Salt minion, add the following configuration to /etc/salt/minion.d/beacons.conf:

在Salt minion上,将以下配置添加到/etc/salt/minion.d/beacons.conf中:

1 beacons:
2   inotify:
3     - files:
4         /etc/important_file:
5           mask:
6             - modify
7     - disable_during_state_run: True

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Save the configuration file and restart the minion service. The beacon is now set up to notify salt upon modifications made to the file.


The disable_during_state_run: True parameter prevents the inotify beacon from generating reactor events due to salt itself modifying the file.
disable_during_state_run:True参数可以防止inotify beacon生成反应器事件,因为salt本身会修改文件。

view events on the master

On your Salt master, start the event runner using the following command:

在你的Salt master上,使用以下命令启动事件执行器:

salt-run state.event pretty=true

This runner displays events as they are received by the master on the Salt event bus. To test the beacon you set up in the previous section, make and save a modification to /etc/important_file. You'll see an event similar to the following on the event bus:

这个执行在Salt事件总线上由maser接收时显示事件。 要测试您在前一节中设置的beacon,请对/etc/important_file进行修改并保存。 您将在事件总线上看到与以下内容类似的事件:

1 {
2  "_stamp": "2015-09-09T15:59:37.972753",
3  "data": {
4      "change": "IN_IGNORED",
5      "id": "larry",
6      "path": "/etc/important_file"
7  },
8  "tag": "salt/beacon/larry/inotify//etc/important_file"
9 }

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This indicates that the event is being captured and sent correctly. Now you can create a reactor to take action when this event occurs.

这表示事件正在被捕获并正确发送。 现在,您可以创建一个反应堆,在发生此事件时采取行动。

create a reactor

This reactor reverts the file named /etc/important_file to the contents provided by salt each time it is modified.


reactor sls

On your Salt master, create a file named /srv/reactor/revert.sls.

在Salt master端,创建一个名为/srv/reactor/revert.sls.

If the /srv/reactor directory doesn't exist, create it.
mkdir -p /srv/reactor

Add the following to /srv/reactor/revert.sls:

1 revert-file:
2   local.state.apply:
3     - tgt: {{ data['data']['id'] }}
4     - arg:
5       - maintain_important_file

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In addition to setting disable_during_state_run: True for an inotify beacon whose reaction is to modify the watched file, it is important to ensure the state applied is also idempotent.
除了设置disable_during_state_run:True对于反应修改观察文件的inotify beacon而言,重要的是要确保所应用的状态也是幂等的。
The expression {{ data['data']['id'] }} is correct as it matches the event structure shown above.
表达式{{data ['data'] ['id']}}是正确的,因为它匹配上面显示的事件结构。


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