combine src1 * src2

Multiplies src1 and src2 together. The result will be darker than either input.
combine src1 + src2
Adds src1 and src2 together. The result will be lighter than either input.
combine src1 - src2
Subtracts src2 from src1.
源1 减去 源2
combine src1 +- src2
Adds src1 to src2, then subtracts 0.5 (a signed add).
combine src1 lerp (src2) src3
Interpolates between src3 and src1, using the alpha of src2. Note that the interpolation is opposite direction: src1 is used when alpha is one, and src3 is used when alpha is zero.
combine src1 * src2 + src3
Multiplies src1 with the alpha component of src2, then adds src3.
combine src1 * src2 +- src3
Multiplies src1 with the alpha component of src2, then does a signed add with src3.
combine src1 * src2 - src3
Multiplies src1 with the alpha component of src2, then subtracts src3.

All the src properties can be either one of previous, constant, primary or texture.

所有源属性都可以是previous, constant, primary or texture其中的一个。

  • Previous is the the result of the previous SetTexture.
  • Primary is the color from the lighting calculation or the vertex color if it is bound.
  • Texture is the color of the texture specified by [_TextureName] in the SetTexture (see above).
  • Constant is the color specified in ConstantColor.

Modifiers 解释:

  • The formulas specified above can optionally be followed by the keywords Double or Quad to make the resulting color 2x or 4x as bright.
    上述的公式都均能通过关键字 Double 或是 Quad 将最终颜色调高亮度2倍或4倍。
  • All the src properties, except lerp argument, can optionally be preceded by one - to make the resulting color negated.
  • All the src properties can be followed by alpha to take only the alpha channel.
    所有src属性能通过跟随 alpha 标签来表示只取用alpha通道。


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