

Open Closed Principle 开放封闭原则

Introduction 介绍

Over the life time of an application, more time is spent adding to the existing codebase rather than constantly adding new features from scratch. As you are probably aware, this can be a tedious and frustrating process. Anytime you modify code, you risk introducing new bugs, or breaking old functionality completely. Ideally, we should be able to modify an existing codebase as quickly and easily as writing brand new code. If we correctly design our application according to the Open Closed principle, we can just do that!


Open Closed Principle 开放封闭原则

The Open Closed principle of SOLID design states that code is open for extension but closed for modification.


In Action 实践

To demonstrate the Open Closed principle, let's continue working with our OrderProcessor from the previous chapter. Consider the following section of the process method:


<!-- lang:php -->
$recent = $this->orders->getRecentOrderCount($order->account);if($recent > 0)
{throw new Exception('Duplicate order likely.');

This code is quite readable, and even easy to test since we are properly using dependency injection. However, what if our business rules regarding order validation change? What if we get new rules? In fact, what if, as our business grows, we get many new rules? Our process method will quickly grow into a beast of spaghetti code that is hard to maintain. Because this code must be changed each time our business rules change, it is open for modification and violates the Open Closed principle. Remember, we want our code to be open for extension, not modification.


Instead of performing all of our order validation directly inside the process method, let's define a new interface: OrderValidator:


<!-- lang:php -->
interface OrderValidatorInterface {public function validate(Order $order);

Next, let's define an implementation that protects against duplicate orders:


<!-- lang:php -->
class RecentOrderValidator implements OrderValidatorInterface {public function __construct(OrderRepository $orders){$this->orders = $orders;}public function validate(Order $order){$recent = $this->orders->getRecentOrderCount($order->account);if($recent > 0){throw new Exception('Duplicate order likely.');}}

Great! Now we have a small, testable encapsulation of a single business rule. Let's create another implementation that verifies the account is not suspended:


<!-- lang:php -->
class SuspendedAccountValidator implements OrderValidatorInterface {public function validate(Order $order){if($order->account->isSuspended()){throw new Exception("Suspended accounts may not order.");}}

Now that we have two different implementations of our OrderValidatorInterface, let's use them within our OrderProcessor. We'll simply inject an array of validators into the processor instance, which will allow us to easily add and remove validation rules as our codebase evolves.


<!-- lang:php -->
class OrderProcessor {public function __construct(BillerInterface $biller, OrderRepository $orders, array $validators = array()){$this->biller = $bller;$this->orders = $orders;$this->validators = $validators;}

Next, we can simply loop through the validators in the process method:


<!-- lang:php -->
public function process(Order $order)
{foreach($this->validators as $validator){$validator->validate($order);}// Process valid order...

Finally, we will register our OrderProcessor class in the application IoC container:

最后我们在 IoC 容器里面注册OrderProcessor类:

<!-- lang:php -->
App::bind('OrderProcessor', function()
{return new OrderProcessor(App::make('BillerInterface'),App::make('OrderRepository'),array(App::make('RecentOrderValidator'),App::make('SuspendedAccountValidator')));

With these few changes, which took only minimal effort to build from our existing codebase, we can now add and remove new validation rules without modifying a single line of existing code. Each new validation rule is simply a new implementation of the OrderValidatorInterface, and is registered with the IoC container. Instead of unit testing a large, unwieldy process method, we can now test each validation rule in isolation. Our code is now open for extension, but closed for modification.


Leaky Abstractions 抽象的漏洞

Watch out for dependencies that leak implementation details. An implementation change in a dependency should not require any changes by its consumer. When changes to the consumer are required, it is said that the dependency is "leaking" implementation details. When your abstractions are leaky, the Open Closed principle has likely been broken.


Before processing further, remember that this principle is not a law. It does not state that every piece of code in your application must be "pluggable". For instance, a small application that retrieves a few records out of a MySQL database does not warrant a strict adherence to every design principle you can imagine. Do not blindly apply a given design principle out of guilt as you will likely create an over-designed, cumbersome system. Keep in mind that many of these design principles were created to address common architectural problems in large, robust applications. That being said, don't use this paragraph as an excuse to be lazy!




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