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package com.huawei.algorithm;/**
* @desc: algorithm_elite
* @name: JudgeDays.java
* @author: tompai
* @email:liinux@qq.com
* @createTime: 2019年11月29日 下午12:50:18
* @history:
* @version: v1.0
*/import java.util.Scanner;public class JudgeDays {/*** @author: tompai* @createTime: 2019年11月29日 下午12:50:19* @history:* @param args void*/public static void main(String[] args) {Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);System.out.println("请输入日期,格式:2019-12-1");String date = sc.nextLine();TimeCalculator time = new TimeCalculator(date);System.out.println(time);}
}class TimeCalculator {String date;String[] dateArray;// 年份int year;// 月份int month;// 日期int day;// 总天数int allDay = 365;public TimeCalculator(String date) {this.date = date;this.dateArray = date.trim().split("-");this.year = Integer.parseInt(dateArray[0]);this.month = Integer.parseInt(dateArray[1]);this.day = Integer.parseInt(dateArray[2]);}// 输入指定日期,返回已经过去了多少天public int elapsedTime() {// 计算经历过的天数int elapsedTime = day;for (int i = 1; i < this.month; i++) {elapsedTime = elapsedTime + month(this.year, i);}return elapsedTime;}// 输入指定日期,返回还剩多少天public int daysLeft() {// 计算剩下的天数int daysLeft = allDay - elapsedTime();return daysLeft;}// 判断输入的日期,是否符合格式要求public boolean format() {boolean judge = true;if ((date.length() != 10) && (date.charAt(4) != '-') && (date.charAt(7) != '-')) {System.out.println("您输入的日期有误!!!");judge = false;}return judge;}// 判断是闰年还是平年public boolean isLeapYear(int year) {boolean judge = false;if ((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || year % 400 == 0) {allDay = 366;judge = true;}return judge;}// 输入月份返回共有多少天public int month(int year, int month) {int day = 0;switch (month) {case 1:case 3:case 5:case 7:case 8:case 10:case 12:day = 31;break;case 4:case 6:case 9:case 11:day = 30;break;case 2:if (isLeapYear(year)) {day = 29;} else {day = 28;}break;}return day;}// 计算在输入的月份里还剩多少天public int day(int year, int month, int day) {int daysLeft = month(year, month) - day;return daysLeft;}public String toString() {String time = String.valueOf(elapsedTime());;return time;}


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