
Opera 9.5 was officially released today.  I started to play with this version today and I must say I am quite impressed!  Here is a quick how-to on importing your Firefox bookmarks into Opera.

Opera 9.5今天正式发布。 我今天开始使用此版本,我必须说我印象深刻! 这是将Firefox书签导入Opera的快速方法。

The first thing I did was open up the bookmarks management console in Firefox.  Click on File Export.

我要做的第一件事是在Firefox中打开书签管理控制台。 单击文件导出。

This brings up an Explorer screen to choose the directory to save the bookmarks file in.  I am just placing my on the desktop.


Then Open Opera and go to File Import and Export Import Firefox Bookmarks


Now navigate to the Firefox bookmark file you just created and double click “bookmarks.html”.

现在,导航到您刚刚创建的Firefox书签文件,然后双击“ bookmarks.html”。

The next screen is a confirmation indicating the entries imported.  Click OK.

下一个屏幕是确认,指示已导入的条目。 单击确定。

Now when I opened Opera and went to the bookmarks tab all of my Firefox bookmarks were put into the Netscape folder.


We can easily change this.  Just click on the Manage Bookmarks tab navigate to the Netscape folder, right click and choose Properties.

我们可以轻松地更改它。 只需单击“管理书签”选项卡,导航到Netscape文件夹,右键单击并选择“属性”。

This brings up a window similar to that in Firefox where we can rename the folder and other descriptive information.


This is a quick tip so you can have all of your favorite pages to surf in Opera 9.5 while waiting for the release of Firefox 3 on Tuesday, June, 17th!

这是一个快速提示,因此您可以在6月17日(星期二)等待Firefox 3的发布时,在Opera 9.5中浏览所有喜欢的页面!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/79954/import-firefox-bookmarks-into-opera-9-5/


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