
Digital photo collages are a great way to showcase a few of your favorite, related photos. Sure, you could manually create your own using photo editing software, but specialized apps that automatically handle resizing photos to fit in a predesigned template make it much easier. Here are some of our favorite free options.

数码照片拼贴是展示一些您喜欢的相关照片的好方法。 当然,您可以使用照片编辑软件手动创建自己的照片,但是专门的应用程序可以自动处理照片的大小调整以适合预先设计的模板,因此变得更加容易。 以下是一些我们最喜欢的免费选项。

Google相簿 (Google Photos)

We’ll start with Google Photos since it’s an app so many people are already using. If you are and already have your photos uploaded to the service, then using it to create collages is a no-brainer.

我们将从Google相册开始,因为它是一个已经有很多人在使用的应用程序。 如果您已经将自己的照片上传到服务,那么用它来创建拼贴画就很容易了。

You’ll use the Assistant in Google Photos to create a collage. It’s straightforward to use but doesn’t have as many bells and whistles as other apps. You can choose as few as two and as many as nine photos to be part of your collage. If you’ve already got your photos there, it beats uploading them to another service or downloading another app. You also have plenty of photo editing tools at your disposal.

您将在Google相册中使用助手来创建拼贴。 它易于使用,但没有其他应用程序那么多的花哨功能。 您最多可以选择两张或九张照片作为拼贴的一部分。 如果您已经有照片,则可以将它们上传到其他服务或下载其他应用。 您还可以使用许多照片编辑工具。

Google Photos is available on Android, iPhone, and on the web.

Google相册可在Android , iPhone和网络上使用 。

图片拼贴 (Pic Collage)

Pic Collage provides you with hundreds of templates and layouts, backgrounds, thousands of stickers, and drawings to customize your collage. With its intuitive user interface, you can create a simple, yet effective collage in a couple of minutes. If you don’t like any of the templates, you can use the free-form option and create a layout for your collage that is as unique as the photos you’re featuring. When you’re done, you can instantly share the collage with friends and family on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

Pic Collage为您提供了数百种模板和布局,背景,数千张贴纸和绘图,以自定义您的拼贴画。 凭借其直观的用户界面,您可以在几分钟之内创建一个简单而有效的拼贴画。 如果您不喜欢任何模板,则可以使用自由格式选项,并为拼贴创建与您所展示的照片一样独特的布局。 完成后,您可以立即在Facebook,Twitter或Instagram上与亲朋好友分享拼贴。

The one downside of Pic Collage is that the free version inserts a slight watermark on your collages. You’ll have to pay $1.99 in the form of an in-app purchase to remove the watermark and also remove ads from the app itself.

Pic Collage的一个缺点是免费版本在您的拼贴上插入了少许水印。 您必须以应用内购买的形式支付1.99美元,才能删除水印并从应用本身中删除广告。

Pic Collage is available for Windows, iOS, and Android.

Pic Collage可用于Windows , iOS和Android 。

佛托 (Fotor)

Fotor collage maker is a free, web-based application that offers hundreds of free templates for you to choose from, ranging from classic to artistic frames to funky frames. While they do have a “Premium” membership with even more templates, you won’t feel like you’re missing out because of the extensive templates they offer with the free version. When you’re done, you can either save your collage to your computer or share it instantly to your social media account right from the website.

Fotor Collage maker是一个免费的基于Web的应用程序,提供数百种免费模板供您选择,范围从经典,艺术框架到时髦的框架。 尽管他们确实拥有包含更多模板的“高级”会员资格,但您不会觉得自己因为其免费版本提供的广泛模板而错过了。 完成后,您可以将拼贴保存到计算机上,也可以直接从网站立即将其共享到您的社交媒体帐户。

FotoJet (FotoJet)

FotoJet is a free online tool that lets you create beautiful and complex looking collages with just a few clicks. They offer hundreds of free, professional-looking templates. Like Fotor, they have a Premium membership with many more templates to choose from, but you definitely won’t need to subscribe to enjoy making collages with FotoJet.

FotoJet是一个免费的在线工具,只需单击几下,您就可以创建漂亮而复杂的拼贴。 他们提供了数百个免费的专业外观模板。 像Fotor一样,它们具有高级会员资格,提供更多模板供您选择,但是您绝对不需要订阅就可以享受使用FotoJet制作拼贴的乐趣。

Included with the free version is a myriad of arrangments to choose from, including standard grid, artistic frames, and 3D collages. This is probably one of the best free options out there when creating collages online.

免费版本中包括许多可供选择的布置,包括标准网格,艺术框架和3D拼贴。 在线创建拼贴时,这可能是最好的免费选项之一。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/368860/how-to-make-a-digital-photo-collage/



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