[root@localhost guorongman-software]# lftp 登录ftp服务器10.0.2.253
lftp> cd software/ 进入software文件夹
lftp> mirror cherrytree/ 下载cherrytree文件夹
Total: 1 directory, 2 files, 0 symlinks
New: 2 files, 0 symlinks
17655694 bytes transferred in 2 seconds (11.14M/s)
lftp> quit 退出
[root@localhost guorongman-software]# ls
[root@localhost guorongman-software]#
[root@localhost guorongman-software]# cd cherrytree/ 进入目录
[root@localhost cherrytree]# ls 查看
cherrytree-0.29.4.tar.xz cherrytree_0.29.4_win32_portable.7z
[root@localhost cherrytree]# tar xf cherrytree-0.29.4.tar.xz 解压文件
[root@localhost cherrytree]# ls
cherrytree-0.29.4 cherrytree_0.29.4_win32_portable.7z
[root@localhost cherrytree]#
[root@localhost cherrytree]# cd cherrytree-0.29.4 进入文件夹
[root@localhost cherrytree-0.29.4]# ls 查看
changelog.txt debian linux setup.py
cherrytree glade locale windows
create_debian_package.sh license.txt modules
[root@localhost cherrytree-0.29.4]#
[root@localhost cherrytree-0.29.4]# chmod +x setup.py 修改权限
[root@localhost cherrytree-0.29.4]# ./setup.py build 安装出问题
running build
creating build/mo/it
compiling locale/it.po -> build/mo/it/cherrytree.mo
Building gettext files failed. Try setup.py --without-gettext [build|install]
Error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory 出错了
[root@localhost cherrytree-0.29.4]#
[root@localhost cherrytree-0.29.4]# yum install gettext -y 安装gettext软件
[root@localhost cherrytree-0.29.4]# ./setup.py build 编译
running build
compiling locale/it.po -> build/mo/it/cherrytree.mo
creating build/mo/zh_CN
compiling locale/zh_CN.po -> build/mo/zh_CN/cherrytree.mo
creating build/mo/fr
compiling locale/fr.po -> build/mo/fr/cherrytree.mo
creating build/mo/es
compiling locale/es.po -> build/mo/es/cherrytree.mo
creating build/mo/pl
compiling locale/pl.po -> build/mo/pl/cherrytree.mo
creating build/mo/ru
compiling locale/ru.po -> build/mo/ru/cherrytree.mo
creating build/mo/cs
compiling locale/cs.po -> build/mo/cs/cherrytree.mo
creating build/mo/de
compiling locale/de.po -> build/mo/de/cherrytree.mo
creating build/mo/uk
compiling locale/uk.po -> build/mo/uk/cherrytree.mo
[root@localhost cherrytree-0.29.4]#
[root@localhost cherrytree-0.29.4]# ./setup.py install 安装
[root@localhost cherrytree-0.29.4]# cherrytree & 打开软件


lftp 下载mplayer
1062 ls
1063 cd mplayer
1064 ls
1065 tar xf MPlayer-1.1.1.tar.xz
1066 ls
1067 cd MPlayer-1.1.1
1068 ls

1074 lftp 下载yasm
1079 tar xf yasm-1.2.0.tar.gz
1080 ls
1081 cd yasm-1.2.0
1082 ls
1083 ./configure
1084 make
1085 make install

1143 cd /llj_software
1144 ls
1145 cd mplayer
1146 ls
1147 cd MPlayer-1.1.1
1148 ls
1149 ./configure --enable-gui --prefix=/usr/local/share/mplayer
1150 make ;make install

1111 cd ..
1112 ls
1114 tar xf Blue-1.8.tar.bz2
1115 ls
1116 cd Blue
1117 ls
1118 ./configure
1119 cd ..
1120 ls
1122 cp Blue /usr/local/share/mplayer/skins/ -r
1123 cd /usr/local/share/mplayer/skins/
1124 ls
1125 mv Blue/ default

1163 cd /llj_software/
1165 ls
1166 cd mplayer/
1167 ls
1168 mv Blue /usr/local/share/mplayer/share/mplayer/skins/
1169 cd /usr/local/share/mplayer/share/mplayer/skins/
1170 ln -s Blue default
1171 cd /usr/local/share/mplayer/bin
1172 ./gmplayer


下载instal_flash_player_9_linux..tar.gz 然后解压


lftp> get stardict-3.0.1-17.el6.x86_64.rpm
1268756 bytes transferred                                          
lftp> get stardict-dic-zh_CN-2.4.2-6.puias6.noarch.rpm
6966676 bytes transferred                                         
lftp> exit

[root@student lianxi]# rpm -ivh stardict-dic-zh_CN-2.4.2-6.puias6.noarch.rpm stardict-3.0.1-17.el6.x86_64.rpm
warning: stardict-dic-zh_CN-2.4.2-6.puias6.noarch.rpm: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 41a40948: NOKEY
error: Failed dependencies:
    espeak is needed by stardict-3.0.1-17.el6.x86_64
    libespeak.so.1()(64bit) is needed by stardict-3.0.1-17.el6.x86_64
[root@student lianxi]# rpm -ivh stardict-dic-zh_CN-2.4.2-6.puias6.noarch.rpm stardict-3.0.1-17.el6.x86_64.rpm --nodeps --force                               ###由于在实验室不需要发音就忽略
warning: stardict-dic-zh_CN-2.4.2-6.puias6.noarch.rpm: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 41a40948: NOKEY

Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:stardict               ########################################### [ 50%]
   2:stardict-dic-zh_CN     ########################################### [100%]



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