PAC is related(有关的) to the Latin words for "agree" and "peace".


(1)To soothe(舒缓) anger or agitation(激动).  (2)To subdue(征服) by armed action.

例:It took the police hours to pacify(安抚) the angry demonsrators(示威者).


pacify assuage 使平静

rankle pacify 激怒

pacify water 使水域静下来


A person opposed(反对) to war or violence(暴力),especially someone who refuses to bear arms or to fight,on moral(道德) or religious(宗教的) grounds.

例:Her grandfather had fought in the Marines(海军陆战队) in Woeld War Ⅱ ,but in his later years he had become almost a pacifist(和平主义者),opposing(反对) every war for one reason or another.


pacifist education 和平主义教育

Pacifist movement 和平运动 ; 和平主义运动

The Pacifist 和平主义者


An agreement between two or more people or groups;a treaty(条约) or formal(正式的) agreement between nations to deal with a problem or to resolve a dispute(争议).

*The word is generally used in the field of international relations(关系).

例:The girls made a pact never to reveal(揭示) what had happened on that terrifying(可怕的) night in the abandoned house.


Contrary(相反) to the opinion of.

例:She had only three husbands,pace some Hollywood historians(历史学家) who claim(宣称) she had as many as six.

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