Distributed and Parallel Databases, 14, 5–51, 2003
2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Manufactured in The Netherlands.
Workflow Patterns
W.M.P. VAN DER AALST∗ w.m.p.v.d.aalst@tm.tue.nl
Department of Technology Management, Eindhoven University of Technology, GPO Box 513,
NL-5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
A.H.M. TER HOFSTEDE† a.terhofstede@qut.edu.au
B. KIEPUSZEWSKI† bkiepuszewski@infovide.pl
Centre for Information Technology Innovation, Queensland University of Technology, GPO Box 2434,
Brisbane Qld 4001, Australia
A.P. BARROS‡ abarros@dstc.edu.au
Distributed Systems Technology Centre, The University of Queensland, Brisbane Qld 4072, Australia
Recommended by: Asuman Dogac
Abstract. Differences in features supported by the various contemporary commercial workflow management
systems point to different insights of suitability and different levels of expressive power. The challenge, which
we undertake in this paper, is to systematically address workflow requirements, from basic to complex. Many
of the more complex requirements identified, recur quite frequently in the analysis phases of workflow projects,
however their implementation is uncertain in current products. Requirements for workflow languages are indicated
through workflow patterns. In this context, patterns address business requirements in an imperative workflow style
expression, but are removed from specificworkflowlanguages. The paper describes a number ofworkflowpatterns
addressing what we believe identify comprehensive workflow functionality. These patterns provide the basis for
an in-depth comparison of a number of commercially available workflow management systems. As such, this
paper can be seen as the academic response to evaluations made by prestigious consulting companies. Typically,
these evaluations hardly consider the workflow modeling language and routing capabilities, and focus more on
the purely technical and commercial aspects.
Keywords: workflow, pattern, control flow, suitability, expressive power
1. Introduction
Workflow technology continues to be subjected to on-going development in its traditional
application areas of business process modeling and business process coordination, and
now in emergent areas of component frameworks and inter-workflow, business-to-business
interaction. Addressing this broad and rather ambitious reach, a large number of workflow
∗Part of this work was done at CTRG (University of Colorado, USA) during a sabbatical leave.
†This research was partially supported by an ARC SPIRT grant “Component System Architecture for an Open
Distributed Enterprise Management System with Configurable Workflow Support” between QUT and Mincom.
‡Part of this work was supported by CITEC, an agency within the Queensland State Government.
products, mainly workflow management systems (WFMS), are commercially available,
which see a large variety of languages and concepts based on different paradigms (see e.g.
[1, 4, 15, 16, 23, 27, 28, 31, 34, 35, 43, 54]).
As current provisions are compared and as newer concepts and languages are embarked
upon, it is striking how little, other than standards glossaries, is available for central reference.
One of the reasons attributed to the lack of consensus of what constitutes a workflow
specification is the variety of ways in which business processes are otherwise described.
The absence of a universal organizational “theory”, and standard business process modeling
concepts, it is contended, explains and ultimately justifies the major differences in
workflow languages—fostering up a “horses for courses” diversity in workflow languages.
What is more, the comparison of different workflow products winds up being more of a
dissemination of products and less of a critique of workflow language capabilities—“bigger
picture” differences of workflow specifications are highlighted, as are technology, typically
platform dependent, issues.
Workflow specifications can be understood, in a broad sense, from a number of different
perspectives (see [4, 27]). The control-flow perspective (or process) perspective describes
activities and their execution ordering through different constructors, which permit flow
of execution control, e.g. sequence, choice, parallelism and join synchronization. Activities
in elementary form are atomic units of work, and in compound form modularize an
execution order of a set of activities. The data perspective layers business and processing
data on the control perspective. Business documents and other objects which flow between
activities, and local variables of the workflow, qualify in effect pre- and post-conditions of
activity execution. The resource perspective provides an organizational structure anchor to
the workflow in the form of human and device roles responsible for executing activities. The
operational perspective describes the elementary actions executed by activities, where the
actions map into underlying applications. Typically, (references to) business and work-
flow data are passed into and out of applications through activity-to-application interfaces,
allowing manipulation of the data within applications.
Clearly, the control flow perspective provides an essential insight into a workflow speci-
fication’s effectiveness. The data flow perspective rests on it, while the organizational and
operational perspectives are ancillary. If workflow specifications are to be extended to meet
newer processing requirements, control flow constructors require a fundamental insight
and analysis. Currently, most workflow languages support the basic constructs of sequence,
iteration, splits (AND and OR) and joins (AND and OR)—see [4, 34]. However, the interpretation
of even these basic constructs is not uniform and it is often unclear how more
complex requirements could be supported. Indeed, vendors are afforded the opportunity to
recommend implementation level “hacks” such as database triggers and application event
handling. The result is that neither the current capabilities ofworkflowlanguages nor insight
into more complex requirements of business processes is advanced.
Even without formal qualification, the distinctive features of different workflow languages
allude to fundamentally different semantics. Some languages allowmultiple instances of the
same activity type at the same time in the same workflow context while others do not. Some
languages structure loops with one entry point and one exit point, while in others loops are
allowed to have arbitrary entry and exit points. Some languages require explicit termination
activities forworkflows and their compound activities while in others termination is implicit.
Such differences point to different insights of suitability and different levels of expressive
The challenge, which we undertake in this paper, is to systematically address workflow
requirements, from basic to complex, in order to (1) identify useful routing constructs and
(2) to establish to what extent these requirements are addressed in the current state of the
art. Many of the basic requirements identify slight, but subtle differences across workflow
languages, while many of the more complex requirements identified in this paper, in our
experiences, recur quite frequently in the analysis phases of workflow projects, and present
grave uncertainties when looking at current products. Given the fundamental differences
indicated above, it is tempting to build extensions to one language, and therefore one
semantic context. Such a strategy is rigorous and its results would provide a detailed and
unambiguous view into what the extensions entail. Our strategy is more practical.We wish
to draw a more broader insight into the implementation consequences for the big and
potentially big players. With the increasing maturity of workflow technology, workflow
language extensions, we feel, should be levered across the board, rather than slip into “yet
another technique” proposals.
We indicate requirements for workflow languages through workflow patterns. As described
in [41], a pattern “is the abstraction from a concrete form which keeps recurring in specific
nonarbitrary contexts”. Gamma et al. [22] first catalogued systematically some 23 design
patterns which describe the smallest recurring interactions in object-oriented systems. The
design patterns, as such, provided independence from the implementation technology and
at the same time independence from the essential requirements of the domain that they were
attempting to address (see also e.g. [20]).
For our purpose, patterns address business requirements in an imperative workflow style
expression, but are removed from specific workflow languages. Thus they do not claim to
be the only way of addressing the business requirements. Nor are they “alienated” from the
workflow approach, thus allowing a potential mapping to be positioned closely to different
languages and implementation solutions. Along the lines of [22], patterns are described
through: conditions that should hold for the pattern to be applicable; examples of business
situations; problems, typically semantic problems, of realization in current languages; and
implementation solutions.
To demonstrate solutions for the patterns, our recourse is a mapping to existing work-
flow language constructs. In some cases support from the workflow engine has been identified,
and we briefly sketch implementation level strategies. Among the contemporary
workflow management systems considered in this paper, none supports all the patterns. For
those patterns that were supported, some had a straightforward mapping while others were
demonstrable in a minority of tools.
It is important to note that the scope of our patterns is limited to static control flow, i.e., we
do not consider patterns for resource allocation [32], case handling [3], exception handling
[14, 30], and transaction management [23, 44].
Related work
Many languages have been proposed for the design and specification ofworkflowprocesses.
Some of these languages are based on existing modeling techniques such as Petri nets and
State charts. Other languages are system specific. Any attempt to give a complete overview
of these languages and the patterns they support is destined to fail. Throughout this paper we
will give pointers to concrete languages without striving for completeness.To our knowledge
no other attempts have been made to collect a structured set ofworkflowpatterns. This paper
builds on [6] where only four patterns are introduced. A previous version of this paper
(evaluating only 12 systems but addressing more patterns) is available as a technical report
[7]. Moreover, the “Workflow Patterns Home Page” [5] has been used to invite researchers,
developers, and users to generate feedback. As a result, several authors have used our
patterns to evaluate existing workflow management systems or newly designed workflow
languages, e.g., in [33] the OmniFlow environment is evaluated using 10 of our patterns,
in [24] our patterns are used to evaluate the CONDIS Workflow Management System, and
in [51, 52] the frequency of each of our patterns in real-life situations is investigated. Some
of the patterns presented in this paper are related to the control-flow patterns described in
[27]. However, the goal of [27] is to develop a workflow management systems that can be
extended with new patterns rather than structuring and evaluating existing patterns. Our
work is also related to investigations into the expressive power of workflow languages, cf.
[11]. Other authors have coined the term workflow patterns but addressed different issues.
In [53] a set of workflow patterns inspired by Language/Action theory and specifically
aiming at virtual communities is introduced. Patterns at the level of workflow architectures
rather than control flow are given in [37]. Collaboration patterns involving the use of data
and resources are described in [36].
For more information about the evaluations of the individual workflow systems, we refer
to [8]. For a more fundamental discussion on the various control-flow mechanisms used in
various systems the reader is referred to [28].
The organization of this paper is as follows. First, we describe theworkflowpatterns, then
we present the comparison of contemporary workflow management systems using the patterns
(except the most elementary ones, as they are supported by all workflow management
systems). Finally, we conclude the paper and identify issues for further research.
2. Workflow patterns
The design patterns range from fairly simple constructs present in anyworkflowlanguage to
complex routing primitives not supported by today’s generation of workflow management
systems. We will start with the more simple patterns. Since these patterns are available in
the current workflow products we will just give a (a) description, (b) synonyms, and (c)
some examples. In fact, for these rather basic constructs, the term “workflow pattern” is
not very appropriate. However, for the more advanced routing constructs we also identify
(d) the problem and (e) potential implementation strategies. The problem component of a
pattern describes why the construct is hard to realize in many of the workflow management
systems available today. The implementation component, also referred to as solutions,
describes how, assuming a set of basic routing primitives, the required behavior can be
realized. For these more complex routing constructs the term “pattern” is more justified
since non-trivial solutions are given for practical problems encountered when using today’s
workflow technology.
Before we present the patterns, we first introduce some of the terms that will be used
throughout this paper. The primary task of a workflow management system is to enact
case-driven business processes by allowing workflow models to be specified, executed,
and monitored. Workflow process definitions (workflow schemas) are defined to specify
which activities need to be executed and in what order (i.e. the routing or control flow). An
elementary activity is an atomic piece ofwork.Workflowprocess definitions are instantiated
for specific cases (i.e. workflow instances). Examples of cases are: a request for a mortgage
loan, an insurance claim, a tax declaration, an order, or a request for information. Since a
case is an instantiation of a process definition, it corresponds to the execution of concrete
work according to the specified routing. Activities are connected through transitions and
we use the notion of a thread of execution control for concurrent executions in a workflow
context. Activities are undertaken by roles which define organizational entities, such as
humans and devices. Control data are data introduced solely for workflow management
purposes, e.g. variables introduced for routing purposes. Production data are information
objects (e.g. documents, forms, and tables) whose existence does not depend on workflow
management. Elementary actions are performed by roles while executing an activity for
a specific case, and are executed using applications (ranging from a text editor to custom
built applications to perform complex calculations).
Each workflow language can be formally described by a set of primitive modeling constructs,
syntactical rules for composition, and the semantics of these constructs. In this paper,
we will not present a new modeling language. Instead, we focus on workflow patterns that
originate from business requirements. The semantics of these patterns are much less formal
because we cannot assume a (formal) language. Moreover, the patterns are context-oriented,
i.e., a workflow pattern typically describes certain business scenarios in a very specific context.
The semantics of the pattern in this context is clear, while the semantics outside the
context is undefined. Workflow patterns are typically realized in a specific language using
one or more constructs available for this language. Please note the difference between the
semantics of the pattern and the realization using a specific language. Sometimes workflow
constructs available for a given language are not sufficient to realize a given pattern and
workflow implementers have to resort to programming techniques such as event queuing,
database triggers, etc. to circumvent the limitations of a given workflow tool.
Patterns should be interpreted in a given context, i.e., assumptions about the environment
which embeds the pattern are highly relevant. Consider for example the basic synchronization
pattern (Pattern 3) often referred to as AND-join. It is a simple and well-understood
pattern that describes a point in a workflow where multiple parallel subprocesses/activities
converge into one single thread of control, thus synchronizing multiple threads. It is
important to understand though that this pattern is clear and well-defined only in a very specific
context, i.e. when we expect only one trigger from each of the incoming branches
that we want to synchronize. This context is indeed the most common one, however
not the only one possible and the simple synchronization pattern does not specify how
synchronization should occur in a different context. Realizing the simple synchronization
pattern is straightforward and involves usage of a language-specific synchronization
construct, for example synchronizer in Verve, rendezvous in FileNet’s Visual WorkFlo,
join in MQSeries/Workflow, etc. However, each of these language-specific synchronization
constructs behaves differently if this assumption about the context is dropped.
2.1. Basic control flow patterns
In this section patterns capturing elementary aspects of process control are discussed. These
patterns closely match the definitions of elementary control flow concepts provided by the
WfMC in [54]. The first pattern we consider is the sequence.
Pattern 1 (Sequence)
Description. An activity in a workflow process is enabled after the completion of another
activity in the same process.
Synonyms. Sequential routing, serial routing.
– Activity send bill is executed after the execution of activity send goods.
– An insurance claim is evaluated after the client’s file is retrieved.
– Activity add air miles is executed after the execution of activity book flight.
– The sequence pattern is used to model consecutive steps in a workflow process and is
directly supported by each of the workflow management systems available. The typical
implementation involves linking two activities with an unconditional control flow arrow.
The next two patterns can be used to accommodate for parallel routing.
Pattern 2 (Parallel split)
Description. A point in the workflow process where a single thread of control splits into
multiple threads of control which can be executed in parallel, thus allowing activities to be
executed simultaneously or in any order.
Synonyms. AND-split, parallel routing, fork.
– The execution of the activity payment enables the execution of the activities ship goods
and inform customer.
– After registering an insurance claim two parallel subprocesses are triggered: one for
checking the policy of the customer and one for assessing the actual damage.
– All workflow engines known to us have constructs for the implementation of this pattern.
One can identify two basic approaches: explicit AND-splits and implicit AND-splits.
Workflow engines supporting the explicit AND-split construct (e.g. Visual WorkFlo)
define a routing node with more than one outgoing transition which will be enabled as
soon as the routing node gets enabled.Workflow engines supporting implicit AND-splits
(e.g. MQSeries/Workflow) do not provide special routing constructs—each activity can
have more than one outgoing transition and each transition has associated conditions. To
achieve parallel execution theworkflowdesigner has to make sure that multiple conditions
associated with outgoing transitions of the node evaluate to True (this is typically achieved
by leaving the conditions blank).
Pattern 3 (Synchronization)
Description. A point in the workflow process where multiple parallel subprocesses/
activities converge into one single thread of control, thus synchronizing multiple threads.
It is an assumption of this pattern that each incoming branch of a synchronizer is executed
only once (if this is not the case, then see Patterns 13–15 (Multiple Instances Requiring
Synonyms. AND-join, rendezvous, synchronizer.
– Activity archive is enabled after the completion of both activity send tickets and activity
receive payment.
– Insurance claims are evaluated after the policy has been checked and the actual damage
has been assessed.
– All workflow engines available support constructs for the implementation of this pattern.
Similarly to Pattern 2 one can identify two basic approaches: explicit AND-joins (e.g.
Rendez-vous construct in Visual WorkFlo or Synchronizer in Verve) and implicit joins
in an activity with more than one incoming transition (as in e.g. MQSeries/Workflow or
Fort´e Conductor).
The next two patterns are used to specify conditional routing. In contrast to parallel routing
only one selected thread of control is activated.
Pattern 4 (Exclusive choice)
Description. A point in the workflow process where, based on a decision or workflow
control data, one of several branches is chosen.
Synonyms. XOR-split, conditional routing, switch, decision.
– Activity evaluate claim is followed by either pay damage or contact customer.
– Based on the workload, a processed tax declaration is either checked using a simple
administrative procedure or is thoroughly evaluated by a senior employee.
– Similarly to Pattern 2 (Parallel split) there are a number of basic strategies. Someworkflow
engines provide an explicit construct for the implementation of the exclusive choice pattern
(e.g. Staffware, Visual WorkFlo). In some workflow engines (MQSeries/Workflow,
Verve) the workflow designer has to emulate the exclusiveness of choice by specifying
exclusive transition conditions. In another workflow product, Eastman, a post-processing
rule list can be specified for an activity. After completion of the activity, the transition
associated with the first rule in this list to evaluate to true is taken.
Pattern 5 (Simple merge)
Description. A point in the workflow process where two or more alternative branches
come together without synchronization. It is an assumption of this pattern that none of the
alternative branches is ever executed in parallel (if this is not the case, then see Pattern 8
(Multi-merge) or Pattern 9 (Discriminator)).
Synonyms. XOR-join, asynchronous join, merge.
– Activity archive claim is enabled after either pay damage or contact customer is
– After the payment is received or the credit is granted the car is delivered to the customer.
– Given that we are assuming that parallel execution of alternative threads does not occur,
this is a straightforward situation and all workflow engines support a construct that can
be used to implement the simple merge. It is interesting to note here that some languages
impose a certain level of structuredness to automatically guarantee that not more than one
alternative thread is running at any point in time. Visual WorkFlo for example requires
the merge construct to always be preceded by a corresponding exclusive choice construct
(combined with some other requirements this then yields the desired behavior). In other
languages workflow designers themselves are responsible for the design not having the
possibility of parallel execution of alternative threads.
2.2. Advanced branching and synchronization patterns
In this section the focus will be on more advanced patterns for branching and synchronization.
As opposed to the patterns in the previous section, these patterns do not have
straightforward support in most workflow engines. Nevertheless, they are quite common in
real-life business scenarios.
Pattern 4 (Exclusive choice) assumes that exactly one of the alternatives is selected and
executed, i.e. it corresponds to an exclusive OR. Sometimes it is useful to deploy a construct
which can choose multiple alternatives from a given set of alternatives. Therefore,
we introduce the multi-choice.
Pattern 6 (Multi-choice)
Description. A point in the workflow process where, based on a decision or workflow
control data, a number of branches are chosen.
Synonyms. Conditional routing, selection, OR-split.
– After executing the activity evaluate damage the activity contact fire department or the
activity contact insurance company is executed. At least one of these activities is executed.
However, it is also possible that both need to be executed.
Problem. In many workflow management systems one can specify conditions on the transitions.
In these systems, the multi-choice pattern can be implemented directly. However,
there are workflow management systems which do not offer the possibility to specify conditions
on transitions and which only offer pure AND-split and XOR-split building blocks
(e.g. Staffware).
– As stated, for workflow languages that assign transition conditions to each transition
(e.g. Verve, MQSeries/Workflow, Fort´e Conductor) the implementation of the multichoice
is straightforward. The workflow designer simply specifies desired conditions for
each transition. It may be noted that the multi-choice pattern generalizes the parallel split
(Pattern 2) and the exclusive choice (Pattern 4).
– For languages that only supply constructs to implement the parallel split and the exclusive
choice, the implementation of the multi-choice has to be achieved through a combination
of the two. Each possible branch is preceded by an XOR-split which decides, based on
control data, either to activate the branch or to bypass it. All XOR-splits are activated by
one AND-split.
– A solution similar to the previous one is obtained by reversing the order of the parallel
split pattern and the exclusive choice pattern. For each set of branches which can be
activated in parallel, one AND-split is added. All AND-splits are preceded by one XORsplit
which activates the appropriate AND-split. Note that, typically, not all combinations
of branches are possible. Therefore, this solution may lead to a more compact workflow
specification. Both solutions are depicted in figure 1.
It should be noted that there is a trade-off between implementing the multi-choice as in
WorkflowAof figure 1 or as inWorkflowC of this figure. The solution depicted inWorkflow
A (assuming that the Workflow language allows for such an implementation) is much
x<5 y>7
x<5 y>7
x>=5 & y<=7
x<5 & y>7
x<5 & y<=7
x>=5 & y>7
Workflow A Workflow B Workflow C
Figure 1. Design patterns for the multi-choice.
D ??? Multichoice
Figure 2. How do we want to merge here?
more compact and therefore more suitable for end-users. However, automatic verification
of the workflow (i.e. checking for existence of deadlocks, etc.) is not possible for such
solutions without additional knowledge of dependencies between the transition conditions
(in Workflow C, the workflow designer has typically eliminated impossible combinations;
this transformation is necessary, though not necessarily sufficient in itself, for enabling
automatic verification).
Today’s workflow products can handle the multi-choice pattern quite easily. Unfortunately,
the implementation of the corresponding merge construct is much more difficult to
realize. This merge construct, the subject of the next pattern, should have the capability to
synchronize parallel flows and to merge alternative flows. The difficulty is to decide when
to synchronize and when to merge. As an example, consider the simple workflow model
shown in figure 2. After activity A finishes, either B or C, or both B and C, or neither
B nor C will be executed. Hence, we would like to achieve the following traces: ABCD,
ACBD, ABD, ACD, and A (these should be all the possible completed traces). The use
of a simple synchronization construct leads to potential deadlock, while the use of a merge
construct as provided by some workflow engines may lead to multiple execution of activity
D (in case both B and C were executed).
Pattern 7 (Synchronizing merge)
Description. A point in the workflow process where multiple paths converge into one
single thread. If more than one path is taken, synchronization of the active threads needs
to take place. If only one path is taken, the alternative branches should reconverge without
synchronization. It is an assumption of this pattern that a branch that has already been
activated, cannot be activated again while the merge is still waiting for other branches to
Synonyms. Synchronizing join.
– Extending the example of Pattern 6 (Multi-choice), after either or both of the activities
contact fire department and contact insurance company have been completed (depending
on whether they were executed at all), the activity submit report needs to be performed
(exactly once).
Problem. The main difficulty with this pattern is to decide when to synchronize and when
to merge. Generally speaking, this type of merge needs to have some capacity to be able to
determine whether it may (still) expect activation from some of its branches.
– The two workflow engines known to the authors that provide a straightforward construct
for the realization of this pattern are MQSeries/Workflowand InConcert. As noted earlier,
if a synchronizing merge follows an OR-split and more than one outgoing transition of
that OR-split can be triggered, it is not until runtime that we can tell whether or not
synchronization should take place. MQSeries/Workflow works around that problem by
passing a False token for each transition that evaluates to False and a True token for each
transition that evaluates to True. The merge will wait until it receives tokens from each
incoming transition. InConcert does not use a False token concept. Instead it passes a
token through every transition in a graph. This token may or may not enable the execution
of an activity depending on the entry condition. This way every activity having more than
one incoming transition can expect that it will receive a token from each one of them,
thus deadlock cannot occur. The careful reader may note that these evaluation strategies
require that the workflow process does not contain cycles.
– In Eastman, “non-parallel work items routed to Join worksteps bypass Join Processing”
(p. 109 of [47]), hence an XOR-split followed by an AND-join does not have to lead
to deadlock. For example, if in the workflow of figure 2 the multi-choice is replaced by
an XOR-split and the merge construct by an AND-join, activity D would be reached.
However, in Eastman, if an XOR-split is placed after activity B which leads to the ANDjoin
but also to an empty (final) task, then activity D would not be reached if after
executing B a choice is made for this empty task and the workflow would be in deadlock.
Hence, joins require some information about how many active threads to expect under
certain circumstances.
– In other workflow engines the implementation of the synchronizing merge typically is
not straightforward. The only solution is to avoid the explicit use of the OR-split that may
trigger more than one outgoing transition and implement it as a combination of ANDsplits
and XOR-splits (see Pattern 6 (Multi-choice)). This way we can easily synchronize
corresponding branches by using AND-join and standard merge constructs.
D ??? AND
Figure 3. How do we want to merge here?
The next two patterns can be applied in contexts where the assumption made in Pattern 5
(Simple merge) does not hold, i.e. they can deal with merge situations where multiple incoming
branches may run in parallel. As an example, consider the simple workflow model
depicted in figure 3. If a standard synchronization construct (Pattern 3 (Synchronization))
is used as a merge construct, activity D will be started once, only after activities B and
C are completed. Then, all possible completed traces of this workflow are ABCD and
ACBD. There are situations though where it is desirable that activity D is executed once,
but started after either activity B or activity C is completed (as to avoid waiting unnecessarily
for the other activity to finish). All possible completed traces would then be ABCD,
ACBD, ABDC, ACDB. Such a pattern will be referred to as a discriminator. Another
scenario which may occur is one where activity D is to be executed twice, after activity B
is completed and also after activity C is completed. All possible completed traces of this
workflow will be ABCDD, ACBDD, ABDCD, and ACDBD. Such a pattern will be
referred to as a multi-merge.
Pattern 8 (Multi-merge)
Description. A point in a workflow process where two or more branches reconverge
without synchronization. If more than one branch gets activated, possibly concurrently, the
activity following the merge is started for every activation of every incoming branch.
– Sometimes two or more parallel branches share the same ending. Instead of replicating
this (potentially complicated) process for every branch, a multi-merge can be used. A
simple example of this would be two activities audit application and process application
running in parallel which should both be followed by an activity close case.
Problem. The use of a standard merge construct as provided by some workflow products
to implement this pattern often leads to undesirable results. Some workflow products (e.g.
Staffware, I-Flow) will not generate a second instance of an activity if another instance is
still running, while e.g. HP Changengine will never start a second instance of an activity.
Finally, in some workflow products (e.g. VisualWorkFlo, SAP R/3Workflow) it is not even
possible to use a merge construct in conjunction with a parallel split as in the workflow of
figure 3 due to syntactical restrictions that are imposed.
– The merge constructs of Eastman, Verve Workflow and Fort´e Conductor can be used
directly to implement this pattern.
Figure 4. Typical implementation of multi-merge pattern.
– If the multi-merge is not part of a loop, the common design pattern for languages that are
not able to create more than one active instance of an activity is to replicate this activity
in the workflow model (see figure 4 for a simple example). If the multi-merge is part of
a loop, then typically the number of instances of an activity following the multi-merge
is not known during design time. For a typical solution to this problem, see Pattern 14
(Multiple Instances with a Priori Runtime Knowledge) and Pattern 15 (Multiple Instances
Without a Priori Runtime Knowledge).
– An interesting solution is offered by the case-handling system FLOWer. FLOWer allows
for dynamic subplans. A dynamic subplan is a subprocess with a variable number of
instances. Moreover, the number of instances can be controlled dynamically through a
variable. This way it is possible to indirectly model the multi-merge.
Pattern 9 (Discriminator)
Description. The discriminator is a point in a workflow process that waits for one of the
incoming branches to complete before activating the subsequent activity. From that moment
on it waits for all remaining branches to complete and “ignores” them. Once all incoming
branches have been triggered, it resets itself so that it can be triggered again (which is
important otherwise it could not really be used in the context of a loop).
– To improve query response time, a complex search is sent to two different databases over
the Internet. The first one that comes up with the result should proceed the flow. The
second result is ignored.
Problem. Most workflow engines do not have a construct that can be used for a direct
implementation of the discriminator pattern. As mentioned in Pattern 8 (Multi-merge),
the standard merge construct in some workflow engines (e.g. Staffware, I-Flow) will not
generate the second instance of an activity if the first instance is still active. This does not
provide a solution for the discriminator, however, since if the first instance of the activity
finishes before an attempt is made to start it again, a second instance will be created (in
terms of figure 3 this would mean that e.g. a trace like ABDCD is possible).
– A regular join construct in Changengine has a semantics similar to that of the
– There is a special construct that implements the discriminator semantics in Verve (in fact
we adopted this term from this product). This construct has many incoming branches and
one outgoing branch. When one of the incoming branches finishes, the subsequent activity
is triggered and the discriminator changes its state from “ready” to “waiting”. From then
on it waits for all remaining incoming branches to complete. When that has happened,
it changes its state back to “ready”. This construct provides a direct implementation
option for the discriminator pattern, however, it does not work properly when used in
the context of a loop (once waiting for the incoming branches to complete, it ignores
additional triggers from the branch that fired it).
– In SAP R/3 Workflow (version 4.6 C) for forks (a combination of an AND-split and an
AND-join) it is possible to specify the number of branches that have to be completed for
the fork to be considered completed. Setting this number to one realizes a discriminator
except that (1) the branches that have not been completed receive the status “logically
deleted” and (2) the fork restricts the form that parallelism/synchronization can take.
– The discriminator semantics can be implemented in products supporting Custom Triggers.
For example in Fort´e Conductor a custom trigger can be defined for an activity that has
more than one incoming transition. Custom triggers define the condition, typically using
some internal script language, which when satisfied should lead to execution of a certain
activity. Such a script can be used to achieve a semantics close to that of a discriminator
(again, in the context of a loop such a script may be more complicated). The downside
of this approach is that the semantics of a join that uses custom triggers is impossible to
determine without carefully examining the underlying trigger scripts. As such, the use
of custom triggers may result in models that are less suitable and hard to understand.
– Some workflow management systems (e.g., FLOWer) allow for data-dependent executions.
In FLOWer it is possible to have a so-called milestone which waits for a variable
to be set. The moment the variable is set, processing of the parallel thread containing
the milestone will continue. The reset functionality is realized through using so-called
sequential/dynamic subplans rather than iteration.
– Typically, in otherworkflowengines the discriminator is impossible to implement directly
in the workflow modeling language supplied.
To realize a discriminator that behaves properly in loops is quite complicated and this may
be the reason why it has not been implemented in its most general form in any of the
workflow products referred to in this paper. The discriminator needs to keep track of which
branches have completed (and how often in case of multiple activations of the same branch)
and resets itself when it has seen the completion of each of its branches.
Note that the discriminator pattern can easily be generalized for the situation when an
activity should be triggered only after n out of m incoming branches have been completed.
Similarly to the basic discriminator all remaining branches should be ignored. In
B2 B1
B2 B1
Figure 5. Implementation of a 2-out-of-3-join using the basic discriminator.
the literature, this type of discriminator has been referred to as a partial join (cf. [13]).
Implementation approaches to this pattern are similar to those for the basic discriminator
when custom triggers can be used and SAP R/3 Workflow’s approach already allowed the
number of branches that need to be completed to be more than one. In languages that provide
direct support for the basic discriminator (e.g. Verve Workflow) an n-out-of-m join
can be realized with the additional use of a combination of AND-joins and AND-splits
(the resulting workflow definition becomes large and complex though). An example of the
realization of a 2-out-of-3 join is shown in figure 5.
2.3. Structural patterns
Different workflow management systems impose different restrictions on their workflow
models. These restrictions (e.g. arbitrary loops are not allowed, only one final node should
be present etc.) are not always natural from a modeling point of view and tend to restrict
the specification freedom of the business analyst. As a result, business analysts either have
to conform to the restrictions of the workflow language from the start, or they model their
problems freely and transform the resulting specifications afterwards. A real issue here is
that of suitability. In many cases the resulting workflows may be unnecessarily complex
which impacts end-users who may wish to monitor the progress of their workflows. In this
section two patterns are presented which illustrate typical restrictions imposed on workflow
specifications and their consequences.
Virtually every workflow engine has constructs that support the modeling of loops. Some
of the workflow engines provide support only for what we will refer to as structured cycles.
Structured cycles can have only one entry point to the loop and one exit point from the loop
and they cannot be interleaved. They can be compared to WHILE loops in programming
languages while arbitrary cycles are more like GOTO statements. This analogy should not
deceive the reader though into thinking that arbitrary cycles are not desirable as there are
two important differences here with “classical” programming languages: (1) the presence
of parallelism which in some cases makes it impossible to remove certain forms of arbitrariness
and (2) the fact that the removal of arbitrary cycles may lead to workflows that are
much harder to interpret (and as opposed to programs, workflow specifications also have to
be understood at runtime by their users).
Pattern 10 (Arbitrary cycles)
Description. A point in a workflow process where one or more activities can be done
Synonyms. Loop, iteration, cycle.
Problem. Some of the workflow engines do not allow arbitrary cycles—they have support
for structured cycles only, either through the decomposition construct (MQSeries/Workflow,
InConcert, FLOWer) or through a special loop construct (Visual WorkFlo, SAP R/3
– Arbitrary cycles can typically be converted into structured cycles unless they contain
one of the more advanced patterns such as multiple instances (see Pattern 14 (Multiple
InstancesWith a Priori Runtime Knowledge)). The conversion is done through auxiliary
variables and/or node repetition. An analysis of such conversions and an identification
of some situations where they cannot be done can be found in [29]. Figure 6 provides an
example of an arbitrary workflow converted to a structured workflow. Such a structured
workflow can be implemented directly in workflow engines such as MQSeries/Workflow
or VisualWorkFlo that do not have direct support for arbitrary cycles. Note that auxiliary
Figure 6. Example of implementation of arbitrary cycles.
Figure 7. Transformation of structured cycle of figure 6 to block structure in MQSeries/Workflow.
variables and are required as we may not know which activities in the original
workflow set the values of β and χ.
Remark 2.1. The rightmost workflow in figure 6 requires a slight adaptation, shown in
figure 7, in order to be realizable in block structured languages such as MQSeriesWorkflow.
This adaptation is required asis the post-condition for this block. Ifevaluates to false, the
block should start again, and the next activity should be the initial activity of the block (but
the activity named C which follows the evaluation of is not initial). The transformation
though is straightforward and always possible for structured cycles.
Note that some authors (e.g., [9]) claim that any loop is an exception and should not be
modeled explicitly. As an alternative, typically a facility to jump back to any previous state
in the workflow (cf. the backward linear jumps in [9]) is proposed. This approach has been
implemented in FLOWer [3]. In FLOWer any activity has a so-called “redo role”. The redo
role specifies who is allowed to undo the activity and jump backwards in the process. This
allows for the implicit modeling of loops.
Another example of a requirement imposed by some workflow products is that the work-
flow model is to contain only one ending node, or in case of many ending nodes, the
workflow model will terminate when the first of these ending nodes is completed. Again,
many business models do not follow this pattern—it is more natural to think of a business
process as terminated once there is nothing else to be done.
Pattern 11 (Implicit termination)
Description. A given subprocess should be terminated when there is nothing else to be
done. In other words, there are no active activities in the workflow and no other activity can
be made active (and at the same time the workflow is not in deadlock).
Problem. Most workflow engines terminate the process when an explicit Final node is
reached. Any current activities that happen to be running at that time will be aborted.
– Some workflow engines (Eastman, Staffware, MQSeries/Workflow, InConcert) support
this pattern directly as they would terminate a (sub)process when there is nothing else to
be done.
– For workflow products that do not support this pattern directly, the typical solution to this
problem is to transform the model to an equivalent model that has only one terminating
node. The complexity of that task depends very much on the actual model. Sometimes
it is easy and fairly straightforward, typically by using a combination of different join
constructs and activity repetition. However, there are situations where it is difficult or
even impossible to do so. A model that involves multiple instances (see Section 2.4) and
implicit termination is typically very hard to convert to a model with explicit termination.
A detailed analysis of which workflow model can be converted to an equivalent model
that has only one terminating node is beyond the scope of this paper.
2.4. Patterns involving multiple instances
The patterns in this subsection involve a phenomenon that we will refer to as multiple
instances. From a theoretical point of view the concept is relatively simple and corresponds
to multiple threads of execution referring to a shared definition. From a practical point of
view it means that an activity in a workflow graph can have more than one running, active
instance at the same time. As we will see, such behavior may be required in certain situations.
The fundamental problem with the implementation of these patterns is that due to design
constraints and lack of anticipation for this requirement most of the workflow engines do
not allow for more than one instance of the same activity to be active at the same time.
When considering multiple instances there are two types of requirements. The first requirements
has to do with the ability to launch multiple instances of an activity or a subprocess.
The second requirement has to do with the ability to synchronize these instances
and continue after all instances have been handled. Each of the patterns needs to satisfy the
first requirement. However, the second requirement may be dropped by assuming that no
synchronization of the instances launched is needed. This assumption is somewhat related
to Patterns 8 (Multi-merge) and 11 (Implicit Termination). The Multi-merge also allows for
the creation of multiple instances without any synchronization facilities. If instances that
are created are not synchronized, then termination of each of these instances is implicit and
not coordinated with the main workflow.
If the instances need to be synchronized, the number of instances is highly relevant. If this
number is fixed and known at design time, then synchronization is rather straightforward.
If however, the number of instances is determined at run-time or may even change while
handling the instances, synchronization becomes very difficult. Therefore, we identify three
patterns with synchronization. If no synchronization is needed, the number of instances is
less relevant: Any facility to create instances within the context of a case will do. Therefore,
we only present one pattern for multiple instances without synchronization.
Pattern 12 (Multiple instances without synchronization)
Description. Within the context of a single case (i.e., workflow instance) multiple instances
of an activity can be created, i.e., there is a facility to spawn off new threads of
control. Each of these threads of control is independent of other threads. Moreover, there
is no need to synchronize these threads.
Synonyms. Multi threading without synchronization, Spawn off facility.
– A customer ordering a book from an electronic bookstore such as Amazon may order
multiple books at the same time. Many of the activities (e.g., billing, updating customer
records, etc.) occur at the level of the order. However, within the order multiple instances
need to be created to handle the activities related to one individual book (e.g., update stock
levels, shipment, etc.). If the activities at the book level do not need to be synchronized,
this pattern can be used.
– The most straightforward implementation of this pattern is through the use of the loop
and the parallel split construct as long as the workflow engine supports the use of parallel
splits without corresponding joins and allows triggering of activities that are already
active. This is possible in languages such as Fort´e and Verve. This solution is illustrated
by Workflow A in figure 8.
– Some workflow languages support an extra construct that enables the designer to create a
subprocess or a subflow that will “spawn-off” from the main process and will be executed
concurrently. For example, Visual WorkFlo supports the Release construct while I-Flow
supports the Chained Process Node. COSA has a similar facility, one workflow may
contain multiple concurrent flows that are created through an API and share information.
– In most workflow management systems the possibility exists to create new instances of
a workflow process through some API. This allows for the creation of new instances by
calling the proper method from activities inside the main flow. Note that this mechanism
works.However, the system maintains no relation between the main flowand the instances
that are spawned off.
Pattern 12 is supported by most workflow management systems. The problem is not to
generate multiple instances, the problem is to coordinate them. As explained before, it is
not trivial to synchronize these instances. Therefore, we will present three patterns involving
the synchronization of concurrent threads.
B i:=i+1
Task A: Determine
the number of required
instances of B
Solution for languages supporting multiple
Sequential simulation
Solution using Bundle construct
Workflow A
1 instance
2 instances
3 instances
Task A: Determine
the number of required
instances of B
Workflow B
Workflow C
Workflow D
Solution for number of instances <= 3
i:=0 i:=0
Figure 8. Design patterns for multiple instances.
The simplest case is when we know, during the design of the process, the number of
instances that will be active during process execution. In fact, this situation can be considered
to be a combination of Patterns 2 (Parallel Split) and 3 (Synchronization) were all
concurrent activities share a common definition.
Pattern 13 (Multiple instances with a priori design time knowledge)
Description. For one process instance an activity is enabled multiple times. The number
of instances of a given activity for a given process instance is known at design time. Once
all instances are completed some other activity needs to be started.
– The requisition of hazardous material requires three different authorizations.
– If the number of instances is known a priori during design time, then a very simple
implementation option is to replicate the activity in the workflow model preceding it with
a construct used for the implementation of the parallel split pattern. Once all activities are
completed, it is simple to synchronize them using a standard synchronizing construct.
It is simple enough to model multiple instances when their number is known a priori, as
one simply replicates the task in the process model. However, if this information is not
known, and the number of instances cannot be determined until the process is running, this
technique cannot be used. The next two patterns consider the situation when the number of
instances is not known at design time. The first pattern considers the situation where it is
possible to determine the number of instances to be started before any of these instances is
Pattern 14 (Multiple instances with a priori runtime knowledge)
Description. For one case an activity is enabled multiple times. The number of instances
of a given activity for a given case varies and may depend on characteristics of the case or
availability of resources [14, 27], but is known at some stage during runtime, before the
instances of that activity have to be created. Once all instances are completed some other
activity needs to be started.
– In the reviewprocess of a scientific paper submitted to a journal, the activity review paper
is instantiated several times depending on the content of the paper, the availability of
referees, and the credentials of the authors. Only if all reviews have been returned,
processing is continued.
– For the processing of an order for multiple books, the activity check availability is executed
for each individual book. The shipping process starts if the availability of each
book has been checked.
– When booking a trip, the activity book flight is executed multiple times if the trip involves
multiple flights. Once all bookings are made, the invoice is to be sent to the client.
– When authorizing a requisition with multiple items, each item has to be authorized
individually by different workflow users. Processing continues if all items have been
Problem. As the number of instances of a given activity is not known during the design we
cannot simply replicate this activity in a workflow model during the design stage. Currently
only a few workflow management systems allow for multiple instances of a single activity
at a given time, or offer a special construct for the multiple activation of one activity for a
given process instance, such that these instances are synchronized.
– If the workflow engine supports multiple instances directly (cf. Fort´e and Verve), we can
try and use the solution illustrated inWorkflow A in figure 8. However, activity E in this
model will possibly be started before all instances of activity B are completed. To achieve
proper synchronization one needs to resort to techniques well beyond the modeling power
of these languages. For example, it may be possible to implement activity B such that
once it is completed, it sends an event to some external event queue. Activity E can be
preceded by another activity that consumes the events from the queue and triggers E
only if the number of events in the queue is equal to the number of instances of activity
B (as pre-determined by activity A). This solution is very complex, may have some
concurrency problems, and for the end-user it is totally unclear what the true semantics
of the process is.
– Similar problems occur when using the Release construct ofVisualWorkFlo, the Chained
Process Node of I-Flow, the multiple subflows of COSA, or some API to invoke the
subprocess as part of an activity in a process. In each of these systems, it is very difficult
to synchronize concurrent subprocesses.
– Some workflow engines offer a special construct that can be used to instantiate a given
number of instances of an activity. An example of such a construct is the Bundle concept
that was available in FlowMark, version 2.3 (it is not available in MQSeries/Workflow
version 3.3). Once the desired number of instances is obtained (typically by one of the
activities in the workflow) it is passed over via the available data flow mechanism to a
bundle construct that is responsible for instantiating a given number of instances. Once
all instances in a bundle are completed, the next activity is started. The bundle construct
provides a very clear and straightforward solution to the problem (see Workflow D in
figure 8). A similar concept is provided in SAP R/3 Workflow through “Table-driven
Dynamic Parallel Processing”.
– If there is a maximum number of possible instances, then a combination of AND-splits and
XOR-splits can be used to obtain the desired routing. An XOR-split is used to select the
number of instances and triggers one of several AND-splits. For each number of possible
instances, there is an AND-split with the corresponding cardinality. The drawback of
this solution is that the resulting workflow model can become large and complex and the
maximum number of possible instances needs to be known in advance (see Workflow C
in figure 8).
– As in many cases, the desired routing behavior can be supported quite easily by making
it more sequential. Simply use iteration (cf. Pattern 10 (Arbitrary Cycles)) to activate
instances of the activity sequentially. Suppose that activity A is followed by n instantiations
of B followed by E. First execute A, then execute the first instantiation of B.
Each instantiation of B is followed by an XOR-split to determine whether another instantiation
of B is needed or that E is the next step to be executed. This solution is
fairly straightforward. However, the n instantiations of B are not executed in parallel
but in a fixed order (see workflow B in figure 8). In many situations this is not acceptable.
Recall the example of the refereeing process of papers. Clearly, it is not acceptable
that the second referee has to wait until the first referee completes his/her review,
Finally, we would like to present a pattern which is typically the hardest to implement. In it
the number of instances in a process is determined in a totally dynamic manner rendering
solutions such as e.g. the use of the Bundle concept inappropriate.
Pattern 15 (Multiple instances without a priori runtime knowledge)
Description. For one case an activity is enabled multiple times. The number of instances
of a given activity for a given case is not known during design time, nor is it known at
any stage during runtime, before the instances of that activity have to be created. Once
all instances are completed some other activity needs to be started. The difference with
Pattern 14 is that even while some of the instances are being executed or already completed,
new ones can be created.
– The requisition of 100 computers involves an unknown number of deliveries. The number
of computers per delivery is unknown and therefore the total number of deliveries is not
known in advance. After each delivery, it can be determined whether a next delivery is
to come by comparing the total number of delivered goods so far with the number of the
goods requested. After processing all deliveries, the requisition has to be closed.
– For the processing of an insurance claim, zero or more eyewitness reports should be
handled. The number of eyewitness reports may vary. Even when processing eyewitness
reports for a given insurance claim, new eyewitnesses may surface and the number of
instances may change.
Problem. Some workflow engines provide support for generating multiple instances only
if the number of instances is known at some stage of the process. This can be compared to
a “for” loop in procedural languages. However, these constructs are of no help to processes
requiring “while” loop functionality.
– FLOWer is one of the few systems directly supporting this pattern. In FLOWer it is
possible to have dynamic subplans. The number of instances of each subplan can be
changed at any time (unless specified otherwise).
– This pattern is a generalization of Pattern 14 (Multiple Instances With a Priori Runtime
Knowledge). Some implementation strategies are also applicable here. Specifically, the
creation part of this pattern may easily be implemented if the engine supports multiple
instances directly. Similarly we may also provide an implementation using special constructs
for “spawning off” new processes or using APIs to do that. However, as with
Pattern 14, synchronization of the instances is very hard to achieve, in fact in this pattern
it is even harder as there is no count of spawned-off activities readily available. Consider
for example Workflow A in figure 9. Since NumInst may vary while instances of B are
executed, the implementation of this construct is more involved. Dynamically, the number
of instances (to be) activated needs to be compared with the number of instances
completed. This can be implemented by a precondition and an event queue connected
to E which counts the number of completed instances of B, i.e., each instance of B
generates an event for E when it completes. Activity E has a precondition comparing
the number of instances launched and the number of instances completed.
– If the language supports multiple instances and supports a decomposition concept with
implicit termination (hence a decomposition is only considered to be finished when
More instances needed
No more instances needed
Solution for languages supporting multiple
Task C: Determine
if more instances of B
are needed
More instances needed
No more instances needed
AND Task C: Determine
if more instances of B
are needed
Workflow A Workflow B
Figure 9. Design patterns for multiple instances.
all its activities are finished), then multiple instances can be synchronized by placing
the workflow sub-flow containing the loop generating the multiple instances inside the
decomposition block (see Workflow B in figure 9). Here, activity B will be invoked
many times, and activity C is used to determine if more instances of B are needed.
Once all instances of B are completed, the subprocess will complete and activity E
can be processed. Implicit termination of the subprocess is used as the synchronizing
mechanism for the multiple instances of activity B. We find this approach to be a very
natural solution to the problem, however, none of the languages included in our review
supports both multiple instances and a decomposition concept with implicit termination.
– Similarly to Pattern 14, the desired routing behavior can be supported quite easily by
making it sequential.
As a side note to multiple instances patterns wewould like to point out an interesting problem
associated with the use of Pattern 3 (Synchronization) and Pattern 8 (Multi-merge). Consider
the simple workflow shown in figure 10. The multi-merge construct will cause both activities
A and B to be instantiated twice.We would then like activity C to be instantiated twice
as well. Different engines, however, behave differently when a synchronization construct
A multi
merge B
synch C
Figure 10. Workflow depicting a basic synchronization problem.
is used in a process where multiple triggering of activities is allowed. For example, work-
flow products such as Verve and HP Changengine support a synchronizer notion whereby
multiple triggering by the same activity is ignored. So in this example the synchronizer will
ignore termination of instances of activity A if it has already seen one such instance and
is waiting for the termination of an instance of activity B. As a result, activity C may be
performed once or twice depending on the sequence of completion of instances of A and B.
In Staffware the problem is even more complicated by the fact that Staffware’s AND-join is
not commutative. As input of an AND-join, there is a transition (graphically represented by
a solid line) that waits till other transitions are released and there are transitions (graphically
represented by dashed lines) that represent threads that have to be waited upon. Multiple
signals from the former type of transition are ignored, while multiple signals from the latter
type of transition are remembered.
2.5. State-based patterns
In real workflows, most workflow instances are in a state awaiting processing rather than
being processed.Many computer scientists, however, seem to have a frame of mind, typically
derived from programming, where the notion of state is interpreted in a narrower fashion
and is essentially reduced to the concept of data. As this section will illustrate, there are
real differences between work processes and computing and there are business scenarios
where an explicit notion of state is required. As the notation we have deployed so far is
not suitable for capturing states explicitly, we will use the well-known Petri-net notation
[2, 40] when illustrating the patterns in this section. Petri nets provide a possible solution to
modeling states explicitly (examples of commercial workflow management systems based
on Petri nets are COSA [46] and Income [39]).
Moments of choice, such as supported by constructs as XOR-splits/OR-splits, inworkflow
management systems are typically of an explicit nature, i.e. they are based on data or they are
captured through decision activities. This means that the choice is made a-priori, i.e. before
the actual execution of the selected branch starts an internal choice is made. Sometimes this
notion is not appropriate. Consider figure 11 adopted from [2]. In this figure two workflows
are depicted. In both workflows, the execution of activity A is followed by the execution of
B or C. In Workflow A the moment of choice is as late as possible. After the execution of
activity A there is a “race” between activities B and C. If the external message required for
activity C (the envelope notation denotes that activity C requires an external trigger) arrives
before someone starts executing activity B (the arrow above activity B indicates it requires
human intervention), then C is executed, otherwise B. In Workflow B the choice for either
B or C is fixed after the execution of activity A. If activity B is selected, then the arrival of
an external message has no impact. If activity C is selected, then activity B cannot be used
to bypass activity C. Hence, it is important to realize that in Workflow A, both activities
B and C were, at some stage, simultaneously scheduled. Once an actual choice for one of
them was made, the other was disabled. InWorkflow B, activities B and C were at no stage
scheduled together.
For the readers familiar with Petri nets, the difference between both workflows becomes
clear when considering the places in figure 11. InWorkflow A each case in-between A and
implicit XOR
D c7 A c2
Workflow A
c3 CB
explicit XOR
C c4
D c7
A c2
Workflow B
Figure 11. Illustrating the difference between implicit (Workflow A) and explicit (Workflow B) XOR-splits.
B or C is in the state represented by place c2. In this state both B and C are enabled. In
Workflow B each case in-between A and B or C is either in the state represented by place
c3 or in the state represented by place c4. If place c3 is marked, only B is enabled. If place
c4 is marked, only C is enabled. The only way to distinguish both situations is by explicitly
considering the states in between subsequent activities. The modeling languages used
by contemporary workflow management systems typically abstract from states between
subsequent activities, and hence have difficulties modeling implicit choices.
Pattern 16 (Deferred choice)
Description. A point in the workflow process where one of several branches is chosen.
In contrast to the XOR-split, the choice is not made explicitly (e.g. based on data or a
decision) but several alternatives are offered to the environment. However, in contrast to the
AND-split, only one of the alternatives is executed. This means that once the environment
activates one of the branches the other alternative branches are withdrawn. It is important
to note that the choice is delayed until the processing in one of the alternative branches is
actually started, i.e. the moment of choice is as late as possible.
Synonyms. External choice, implicit choice, deferred XOR-split.
– At certain points during the processing of insurance claims, quality assurance audits are
undertaken at random by a unit external to those processing the claim. The occurrence
of an audit depends on the availability of resources to undertake the audit, and not on
any knowledge related to the insurance claim. Deferred Choices can be used at points
where an audit might be undertaken. The choice is then between the audit and the next
activity in the processing chain. The audit activity triggers the next activity to preserve
the processing chain.
– Consider activity A in figure 11 to represent the activity send questionnaire, and activities
B and C, the activities time out and process questionnaire respectively. The activity
time out requires a time trigger, while the activity process questionnaire is only to be
executed if the complainant returns the form that was sent (hence an external trigger is
required for its execution). Clearly, the moment of choice between process questionnaire
and time out should be as late as possible. If this choice was modeled as an explicit XORsplit
(Pattern 4), it is possible that forms which are returned in time are rejected, or cases
are blocked if some of the forms are not returned at all.
– After receiving products there are two ways to transport them to the department. The
selection is based on the availability of the corresponding resources. Therefore, the choice
is deferred until a resource is available.
– Business trips require approval before being booked. There are two ways to approve
a task. Either the department head approves the trip (activity A1) or both the project
manager (activity A21) and the financial manager (activity A22) approve the trip. The
latter two activities are executed sequentially and the choice between A1 on the one hand
and A21 and A22 on the other hand is implicit, i.e., at the same time both activity A1 and
activity A21 are offered to the department head and project manager respectively. The
moment one of these activities is selected, the other one disappears.
Problem. Many workflow management systems support the XOR-split described in Pattern
4 but do not support the deferred choice. Since both types of choices are desirable (see
examples), the absence of the deferred choice is a real problem.
– COSA is one of the few systems that directly supports the deferred choice. Since COSA
is based on Petri nets it is possible to model implicit choices as indicated in figure 11(A).
Some systems offer partial support for this pattern by offering special constructs for a
deferred choice between a user action and a time out (e.g., Staffware) or two user actions
(e.g., FLOWer).
– Assume that theworkflowlanguage being used supports cancellation of activities through
either a special transition (for example Staffware, see Pattern 19 (Cancel Activity)) or
through an API (most other engines). Cancellation of an activity means that the activity
is being removed from the designated worklist as long as it has not been started yet. The
deferred choice can be realized by enabling all alternatives via an AND-split. Once the
processing of one of the alternatives is started, all other alternatives are canceled. Consider
the deferred choice between B andC in figure 11(WorkflowA). After A, both B andC are
enabled. Once B is selected/executed, activityC is canceled. OnceC is selected/executed,
activity B is canceled.WorkflowAof figure 12 shows the correspondingworkflowmodel.
Note that the solution does not always work because B and C can be selected/executed
– Another solution to the problem is to replace the deferred choice by an explicit XORsplit,
i.e. an additional activity is added. All triggers activating the alternative branches
Workflow A Workflow B
Figure 12. Strategies for implementation of deferred choice.
are redirected to the added activity. Assuming that the activity can distinguish between
triggers, it can activate the proper branch. Consider the example shown in figure 11.
By introducing a new activity E after A and redirecting triggers from B and C to
E, the implicit XOR-split can be replaced by an explicit XOR-split based on the origin
of the first trigger. Workflow B of figure 12 shows the corresponding workflow
model. Note that the solution moves part of the routing to the application or task
level. Moreover, this solutions assumes that the choice is made based on the type of
Typically, Patterns 2 (Parallel Split) and 3 (Synchronization) are used to specify parallel
routing. Most workflow management systems support true concurrency, i.e. it is possible
that two activities are executed for the same case at the same time. If these activities share
data or other resources, true concurrency may be impossible or lead to anomalies such as
lost updates or deadlocks. Therefore, we introduce the following pattern.
Pattern 17 (Interleaved parallel routing)
Description. A set of activities is executed in an arbitrary order: Each activity in the set
is executed, the order is decided at run-time, and no two activities are executed at the same
moment (i.e. no two activities are active for the same workflow instance at the same time).
Synonyms. Unordered sequence.
– The Navy requires every job applicant to take two tests: physical test and mental test.
These tests can be conducted in any order but not at the same time.
– At the end of each year, a bank executes two activities for each account: add interest and
charge credit card costs. These activities can be executed in any order. However, since
they both update the account, they cannot be executed at the same time.
Problem. Since most workflow management systems support true concurrency when using
constructs such as the AND-split and AND-join, it is not possible to specify interleaved
parallel routing.
– A very simple, but unsatisfactory, solution is to fix the order of execution, i.e. instead of
using parallel routing, sequential routing is used. Since the activities can be executed in
an arbitrary order, a solution using a predefined order may be acceptable. However, by
fixing the order, flexibility is reduced and the resources cannot be utilized to their full
– Another solution is to use a combination of implementation constructs for the sequence
and the exclusive choice patterns i.e. several alternative sequences are defined and before
execution one sequence is selected using a XOR-split. A drawback is that the order is
fixed before the execution starts and it is not clear how the choice is made. Moreover,
the workflow model may become quite complex and large by enumerating all possible
sequences.Workflow B in figure 13 illustrates this solution in a case with three activities.
– By using implementation strategies for the deferred choice pattern (instead of an explicit
XOR-split) the order does not need to be fixed before the execution starts, i.e. the implicit
XOR-split allows for on-the-fly selection of the order. Unfortunately, the resulting model
typically has a “spaghetti-like” structure. This solution is illustrated by Workflow C of
figure 13.
– For workflow models based on Petri nets, the interleaving of activities can be enforced
by adding a place which is both an input and output place of all potentially concurrent
activities. The AND-split adds a token to this place and the AND-join removes the token.
It is easy to see that such a place realizes the required “mutual exclusion”. See figure 14
for an example where this construct is applied. Note that, unlike the other solutions, the
structure of the model is not compromised.
The expressive power of many workflow management systems is restricted by the fact
that they abstract from states, i.e. the state of a workflow instance is not modeled explicitly.
The solution shown in figure 14 is only possible because mutual exclusion can be enforced
by place mutex (i.e. state information shared among the activities). Pattern 16 (Deferred
choice) is another example of a construct which is hard to handle if one abstracts from
the states in-between activities. The next pattern, Pattern 18 (Milestone), allows for testing
whether a case has reached a certain phase. By explicitly modeling the states in-between
activities this pattern is easy to support. However, if one abstracts from states, then it is
hard, if not impossible, to test whether a case is in a specific phase.
Example 2.1. Consider the workflow process for handling complaints (see figure 15).
First the complaint is registered (activity register), then in parallel a questionnaire is sent
to the complainant (activity send questionnaire) and the complaint is evaluated (activity
evaluate). If the complainant returns the questionnaire within two weeks, the activity process
questionnaire is executed. If the questionnaire is not returned within two weeks, the
result of the questionnaire is discarded (activity time out). Note that there is a deferred
choice between process questionnaire and time out (Pattern 16). Based on the result of the
Workflow A
Workflow B
Workflow C
Figure 13. The implementation options for interleaving execution of A, B and C.
evaluation (activity evaluate), the complaint is processed or not. Transitions skip and processing
needed have been added to model the explicit choice. Note that the choice between
skip and processing needed is not offered to the environment. This choice is made by the
workflow management system, e.g., based on an attribute set in activity evaluate. The actual
processing of the complaint (activity process complaint) is delayed until the questionnaire
is processed or a time-out has occurred. The processing of the complaint is checked via
activity check processing. Again two transitions (OK and NOK) have been added to model
the explicit choice. Finally, activity archive is executed.
The construct involving activity process complaint which is only enabled if place c5
contains a token is called a milestone.
AND-split AND-join
C c4
Figure 14. The execution of A, B, and C is interleaved by adding a mutual-exclusion place.
c4 c5
time out
NOK check
Figure 15. The state in-between the processing/time-out of the questionnaire and archiving the complaint (i.e.
place c5) is an example of a milestone.
B m C
... ...
... ...
Figure 16. Schematical representation of a milestone.
Pattern 18 (Milestone)
Description. The enabling of an activity depends on the case being in a specified state, i.e.
the activity is only enabled if a certain milestone has been reached which did not expire yet.
Consider three activities named A, B, and C. Activity A is only enabled if activity B has
been executed and C has not been executed yet, i.e. A is not enabled before the execution
of B and A is not enabled after the execution of C. Figure 16 illustrates the pattern. The
state in between B and C is modeled by place m. This place is a milestone for A. Note that
A does not remove the token from M: It only tests the presence of a token.
Synonyms. Test arc, deadline (cf. [27]), state condition, withdraw message.
– In a travel agency, flights, rental cars, and hotels may be booked as long as the invoice
is not printed.
– A customer can withdraw purchase orders until two days before the planned delivery.
– A customer can claim air miles until six months after the flight.
– The construct involving activity process complaint and place c5 shown in figure 15.
Problem. The problem is similar to the problem mentioned in Pattern 16 (Deferred
Choice): There is a race between a number of activities and the execution of some activities
may disable others. In most workflow systems (notable exceptions are those based
on Petri nets) once an activity becomes enabled, there is no other-than-programmatic way
to disable it. A milestone can be used to test whether some part of the process is in a given
state. Simple message passing mechanisms will not be able to support this because the
disabling of a milestone corresponds to withdrawing a message. This type of functionality
is typically not offered by existing workflow management systems. Note that in figure 15
activity process complaint may be executed an arbitrary number of times, i.e. it is possible
to bypass process complaint, but it is also possible to execute process complaint several
times. It is not possible to model such a construct by an AND-split/AND-join type of synchronization
between the two parallel branches, because it is not known how many times a
synchronization is needed.
Workflow A Workflow B Workflow C
Figure 17. The Milestone pattern in its simplest form: implemented using a Petri net (Workflow A), implemented
using a deferred choice (Workflow B), and implemented using a busy wait (Workflow C).
– Consider three activities A, B, and C. Activity A can be executed an arbitrary number of
times before the execution of C and after the execution of B, cf.Workflow A in figure 17.
Such a milestone can be realized using Pattern 16 (Deferred Choice). After executing
B there is an implicit XOR-split with two possible subsequent activities: A and C. If A
is executed, then the same implicit XOR-split is activated again. If C is executed, A is
disabled by the implicit XOR-split construct. This solution is illustrated by Workflow
B in figure 17. Note that this solution only works if the execution of A is not restricted
by other parallel threads. For example, the construct cannot be used to deal with the
situation modeled in figure 15 because process complaint can only be executed directly
after a positive evaluation or a negative check, i.e. the execution of process complaint is
restricted by both parallel threads. Clearly, a choice restricted by multiple parallel threads
cannot be handled using Pattern 16 (Deferred Choice).
– Another solution is to use the data perspective, e.g. introduce a Booleanworkflowvariable
m. Again consider three activities A, B, and C such that activity A is allowed to be
executed in-between B and C. Initially, m is set to false. After execution of B m is
set to true, and activity C sets m to false. Activity A is preceded by a loop which
periodically checks whether m is true: If m is true, then A is activated and if m is false,
then check again after a specified period, etc. This solution is illustrated by Workflow
C in figure 17. Note that this way a “busy wait” is introduced and after enabling A
it cannot be blocked anymore, i.e., the execution of C does not influence running or
enabled instances of A. Using Pattern 19 (Cancel Activity), A can be withdrawn once
C is started. More sophisticated variants of this solution are possible by using database
triggers, etc. However, a drawback of this solution approach is that an essential part of the
process perspective is hidden inside activities and applications. Moreover, the mixture of
parallelism and choice may lead to all kinds of concurrency problems.
It is interesting to think about the reason why many workflow products have problems
dealing with the state-based patterns. Systems that abstract from states are typically based on
messaging, i.e. if an activity finishes, it notifies or triggers other activities. This means that
activities are enabled by the receipt of one or more messages. The state-based patterns have
in common that an activity can become disabled (temporarily). However, since states are
implicit and there are no means to disable activities (i.e. negative messages), these systems
have problems dealing with the constructs mentioned. Note that the synchronous nature
of the state-based patterns further complicates the use of asynchronous communication
mechanisms such as message passing using “negative messages” (e.g. messages to cancel
previous messages).
2.6. Cancellation patterns
The first solution described in Pattern 16 (Deferred Choice) uses a construct where one
activity cancels another, i.e. after the execution of activity B, activity C is withdrawn and
after the execution of activity C activity B is withdrawn. (See figure 12: The dashed arrows
correspond to withdrawals.) The following pattern describes this construct.
Pattern 19 (Cancel activity)
Description. An enabled activity is disabled, i.e. a thread waiting for the execution of an
activity is removed.
Synonyms. Withdraw activity.
– Normally, a design is checked by two groups of engineers. However, it is possible that
one of these checks is withdrawn to be able to meet a deadline.
– If a customer cancels a request for information, the corresponding activity is disabled.
Problem. Only a fewworkflowmanagement systems support the withdrawal of an activity
directly in the workflow modeling language, i.e. in a (semi-)graphical manner.
– If the workflow language supports Pattern 16 (Deferred Choice), then it is possible to
cancel an activity by adding a so-called “shadow activity”. Both the real activity and the
shadowactivity are preceded by a deferred choice. Moreover, the shadowactivity requires
no human interaction and is triggered by the signal to cancel the activity. Consider for
example a workflow language based on Petri nets. An activity is canceled by removing
the token from each of its input places. The tokens are removed by executing another
activity having the same set of input places. Note that the drawback of this solution is the
introduction of activities which do not correspond to actual steps of the process.
– Many workflow management systems support the withdrawal of activities using an API
which simply removes the corresponding entry from the database, i.e. it is not possible to
model the cancellation of activities in a direct and graphical manner, but inside activities
one can initiate a function which disables another activity.
Note that the semantics of this pattern may become ill defined if it is used in combination
with multiple instances. We assume that the cancellation of an activity refers to a single
instance of that activity. For the cancellation of an entire case, we assume that all instances
of each activity is cancelled.
Pattern 20 (Cancel case)
Description. A case, i.e. workflow instance, is removed completely (i.e., even if parts of
the process are instantiated multiple times, all descendants are removed).
Synonyms. Withdraw case.
– In the process for hiring new employees, an applicant withdraws his/her application.
– A customer withdraws an insurance claim before the final decision is made.
Problem. Workflow management systems typically do not support the withdrawal of an
entire case using the (graphical) workflow language.
– Pattern 19 (Cancel Activity) can be repeated for every activity in the workflow process
definition. There is one activity triggering the withdrawal of each activity in theworkflow.
Note that this solution is not very elegant since the “normal control-flow” is intertwined
with all kinds of connections solely introduced for removing the workflow instance.
– Similar to Pattern 19 (Cancel Activity), many workflow management systems support
the withdrawal of cases using an API which simply removes the corresponding entries
from the database.
3. Comparing workflow management systems
3.1. Introduction
The workflow patterns described in this paper correspond to routing constructs encountered
when modeling and analyzing workflows. Many of the patterns are supported by workflow
management systems. However, several patterns are difficult, if not impossible, to realize
using many of the workflow management systems available today. As indicated in the introduction,
the routing functionality is hardly taken into account when comparing/evaluating
workflow management systems. The system is checked for the presence of sequential, parallel,
conditional, and iterative routing without considering the ability to handle the more
subtle workflow patterns described in this paper. The evaluation reports provided by prestigious
consulting companies such as the “Big Six” (AndersenWorldwide, Ernst & Young,
Deloitte & Touche, Coopers & Lybrand, KPMG, and Price Waterhouse) typically focus
on purely technical issues (Which database management systems are supported?), the pro-
file of the software supplier (Will the vendor be taken over in the near future?), and the
marketing strategy (Does the product specifically target the telecommunications industry?).
As a result, many enterprises select a workflow management system that does not fit their
In this section, we provide a comparison of the functionality of 15 workflow management
systems (COSA, Visual Workflow, Fort´e Conductor, Lotus Domino Workflow, Meteor,
Mobile, MQSeries/Workflow, Staffware,VerveWorkflow, I-Flow, InConcert, Changengine,
SAP R/3 Workflow, Eastman, and FLOWer) based on the workflow patterns presented in
this paper. We would like to point out that the common practice of choosing workflow
technology before a thorough analysis of business processes in an organization may lead to
a choice of a workflow product that has inadequate support for workflow patterns that could
be common in this organization. In our consulting practice we have found that advanced
workflow patterns as presented in this paper are frequently needed. In addition, we would
like to stress that the comparison is based on the information in our possession at the
end of 2001 and that we cannot guarantee the accuracy of product-specific information.
However, we have found that most new versions of workflow products bring new features
in areas of performance, integration approaches, new platform support, etc and feature
minimal changes to the workflow modeling language which forms the core of the product.
Therefore, many of the results presented in this paper will also hold for future versions of
the product.
It should be noted that the goal of this section is to demonstrate that there are relevant
differences between workflow products and that the set of patterns presented in this paper
is a useful tool to compare these products. The goal is not to completely evaluate individual
3.2. Products
Before we compare the products based on the workflow patterns presented in this paper,
we briefly introduce each product and supply some background information.
Staffware [48] is one of the leading workflow management systems. Staffware is authored
and distributed by Staffware PLC. We used Staffware 2000, which was released in the last
quarter of 1999, for our evaluation. In 1998, it was estimated by the Gartner Group that
Staffware has 25 percent of the global market [12]. The routing elements used by Staffware
are the Start, Step,Wait, Condition, and Stop. The Step corresponds to an activity which has
an OR-join/AND-split semantics. TheWait step is used to synchronize flows (i.e. an ANDjoin)
and conditions are used for conditional routing (i.e. XOR-split). Arbitrary loops are
supported. There is no direct provision for multiple instances nor for the advanced synchronization
constructs. There is no need to define explicit termination points, i.e. termination
is implicit. Staffware does not offer a state concept. The so-called “withdraw” transition
allows the Cancel Activity pattern to be supported. No support is available for Cancel
COSA [46] is a Petri-net-based workflow management system developed by Ley GmbH
(formerly operating under the names Software Ley,COSASolutions, and Baan). LeyGmbH
is a German company based in Pullheim (Germany) and is part of Thiel Logistik AG.
COSA is one of the leading workflow management systems in Europe and can be used
as a stand-alone workflow system or as the workflow module of the Baan IV ERP system.
This evaluation is based on version 3.0. The modeling language of COSA consists
of two types of building blocks: activities (i.e., Petri net transitions) and conditions (i.e.
Petri net places). COSA extends the classical Petri net model with control data to allow for
explicit choices based on information and decisions. Unfortunately, only safe Petri nets are
allowed, i.e., it is not allowed to have multiple tokens in one place. Therefore, COSA is
unable to support multiple instances directly. The only way to deal with multiple instances
is to use workflow triggers. Every subprocess in COSA has a unique start activity and a
unique end activity. As a result, only highly structured subprocesses are possible and termination
is always explicit. The main feature of the workflow language of COSA is that
it allows for the explicit representation of states. As a result, state-based patterns such as
the Deferred Choice, and Interleaved Parallel Routing are supported in a direct and graphical
manner. Tokens can be removed from places, providing support for Cancel Activity,
however COSA does not have an explicit provision for Cancel Case other than through its
InConcert has been established in 1996 as a Xerox fully-owned subsidiary. In 1999 it has
been bought by TIBCO Software. This evaluation is based on InConcert 2000 [49] (version
5.1). An InConcert workflow definition is called a “job”. A job can contain none, one or
many activities. An activity is either simple or compound. An activity can be connected
to an arbitrary number of other activities but circular dependencies are not allowed. Each
activity has a perform condition attached to it. The default setting of the perform condition
is “true” such that activities can be executed in general. If the perform condition evaluates
to “false”, the activity is skipped. If an activity is skipped, then the subsequent activities
are not skipped automatically. Conditional branching or case branching can be achieved by
parallel activities with different perform conditions. Arbitrary cycles are not supported. An
explicit termination point is not required. There is no direct provision for multiple instances
nor for direct implementation of the state-based patterns. The cancellation patterns are not
Eastman software offers a variety of imaging products. Their software is used to electronically
capture, share, display, fax, print, and store vital document-based information.
On top of their imaging products, Eastman Software also offers a workflow management
system. Enterprise Workflow 4.0, a component of the Eastman Software Enterprise Work
Manager Series, provides a so-called RouteBuilder tool to design workflow processes consisting
of different types of work steps [47]. The following types of work steps (i.e., activity
types) are supported: custom, system, archive, print, OCR, fax, transfer, program, rendezvous,
split, and join. The standard semantics of a work step is an XOR-join/XOR-split
semantics. The rendezvous, split, and join steps have been added to allow for parallel routing.
For each join step, the user can indicate how many threads need to be synchronized.
Moreover, using techniques based on the number of active parallel threads, join steps are
bypassed if synchronization is not possible. This leads to constructs similar to the false-token
propagation in MQSeries.
FLOWer is Pallas Athena’s case handling product [10]. This evaluation is based on version
2.05. FLOWer can be used for flexibly structured processes, but also supports traditional
production workflow functionality. The case handling mechanisms of FLOWer solve many
of the flexibility problems of traditional workflow management systems. Flexibility is guaranteed
through data-driven workflows, redo and skip capabilities, and activity independent
forms. FLOWer consists of a number of components: FLOWer Studio, FLOWer Case Guide,
FLOWer CFM, FLOWer Queues/Queries, FLOWer Integration Facility, and FLOWer Management
Information and Case History Logging. FLOWer Studio is the graphical design
environment. It is used to define processes, activities, precedences, data objects, and forms.
FLOWer Case Guide is the client application which is used to handle individual cases.
FLOWer queue corresponds to the worktray, worklist or in-basket of traditional WFM systems.
TheFLOWer queue provides a refined mechanism to look for cases satisfying specified
search criteria. FLOWer CFM (ConFiguration Management) is used to define users (i.e. actors),
work profiles, and authorization profiles. The profiles are used to map users onto
roles. FLOWer CFM is also available at the operational level to allow for run-time flexibility.
FLOWer Management Information and Case History Logging can be used to store and
retrieve management information at various levels of detail. FLOWer Integration Facility
provides the functionality to interface with other applications. The modeling language of
FLOWer is block-structured. Blocks are named plans can be nested and there are five types
of plans: static, dynamic, sequential, user decision and system decision. The static plan is
used to specify subprocesses. The dynamic subplan is used to model multiple instances.
The sequential subplan is used to model iteration. The user decision corresponds to the
deferred choice and the system decision corresponds to the explicit choice. In this paper,
we do not focus on the case handling facilities. We evaluate FLOWer as if it is a workflow
management system. Note that the case handling capabilities may reduce the need for some
of the patterns mentioned in this paper [3].
Domino workflow [38] is the workflow extension of the widely used groupware product
Lotus Domino/Notes (Lotus/IBM). Clearly, the tight integration with the groupware product
is one of the attractive features of this product. The marriage between groupware (Lotus
Domino/Notes) and workflow (DominoWorkflow) allows for partly structured workflows.
There are various types of resource classes, e.g., person (singleton), workgroup (including
inheritance and many-to-many relationships), department (only one-to-many relationships,
however with inheritance), and roles. Each routing relation is of one of the following types:
(1) always (for AND-split) (2) exclusive choice (for XOR-split made by the user at the end
of the activity), (3) multiple choice (for OR-split made by the user after completing the
activity), (4) condition (automatically evaluated on the basis of data elements), and (5) else
(only taken if none of the other routing relations is activated). Each activity can serve as
a join. The type of join is determined implicitly. Joins are either enabled or disabled. If a
join is disabled, it serves as an XOR-join, i.e., the activity is enabled the moment one of
the preceding activities completes. If the join is enabled, it continuously checks whether
potentially it can receive more inputs in the future without activating itself. This way it is
possible to make AND-joins or use more advanced synchronization mechanisms.
Meteor (Managing End-To-End OpeRations) [45] is a CORBA-based workflow management
system developed by members of the LSDIS laboratory of the University of Georgia
(USA). Our evaluation is based on the 1999 version of Meteor. Interesting features of Meteor
are the support for transactional workflows and the full exploitation of Web, CORBA, and
Java based distributed computing infrastructures. The Meteor project is funded through the
NIST ATP initiative in Information Infrastructure for Healthcare and involves 17 IT and
healthcare institutions. Meteor has been tested by several industry partners and is in the
process of being commercialized by Infocosm Inc. A workflow in Meteor is defined as a
collection of activities and dependencies. An activity can be any combination of AND/XORjoins
and AND/XOR-splits and there are two types of dependencies: control dependencies
and data dependencies. The focus of Meteor is on transactional features and distribution
aspects. The workflow modeling language supports few of the more advanced constructs.
For example, it is not possible to handle any of the state-based patterns, multiple instances
are not supported explicitly, termination is always explicit, and the Synchronization merge,
Discriminator and cancellation are not supported. The Multi-merge and Arbitrary cycles
patterns are supported.
Mobile [27] is a workflow management system developed by members of the Database
Systems group at the University of Erlangen/N¨urnberg (Germany). It is a research prototype
with several interesting features, e.g. the system is based on the observation that a
workflow comprises many perspectives (cf. [27]) and one can reuse each perspective separately.
Our evaluation is based on the 1999 version of Mobile. The control-flow perspective
of Mobile offers various routing constructs to link so-called “workflow types”. A workflow
type is either an elementary activity or the composition of other workflow types. A powerful
feature of the Mobile language is that the set of control-flow constructs is not fixed, i.e.
the language is extensible. It is possible to add any of the design patterns identified in this
paper as a construct. To add a construct, one can use the Mobile editor MoMo to add the
graphical representation of the construct. The semantics is expressed in terms of Java. Since
the Java code has direct access to the state of the workflow instance, all routing constructs
can be supported. The fact that the language is extensible makes the workflow language
of Mobile hard to compare with the other languages. To make a fair comparison we only
considered the routing constructs supported by Mobile at the time of evaluating the product.
The standard constructs of Mobile include, in addition to the basic patterns, the N-out-of-M
join and Interleaved Parallel Routing.
MQSeries/workflow [26] is the successor of IBM’s workflow offering, FlowMark. Flow-
Mark was one of the first workflow products that was independent from document management
and imaging services. It has been renamed to MQSeries/Workflow after a move
from the proprietary middleware to middleware based on the MQSeries product. Our evaluation
is based on version 3.1 of the product. The workflow model consists of activities
linked by transitions. Other than a decomposition block, few other special modeling constructs
are available. The workflow engine of MQSeries/Workflow has a unique execution
semantics in that it propagates a False Token for every transition with a condition evaluating
to False. This allows for every activity that has more than one incoming transition to act
as a synchronizing merge (see Pattern 7). Other than the synchronizing merge, which is
a natural construct for MQSeries/Workflow, there is no way to directly implement any of
the other advanced synchronization patterns. Support for multiple instances is provided
through the Bundle construct although it is not suitable if the number of instances is not
known at any point prior to generating the instances involved (note that this construct is
not supported in version 3.1 of the product). Arbitrary loops are not supported. An explicit
termination point is not required and the workflow process will terminate when “there is
nothing else to be executed”. There is no directway to model the state-based and cancellation
Fort´e conductor [19] is a workflow engine that is an add-on to Fort´e’s development environment,
Fort´e 4GL (formerly Fort´e Application Environment). Conductor’s engine is
based on experimental work performed at Digital Research and its modeling language is
powerful and flexible. Fort´e Software has recently (in October 1999) been acquired by
Sun Microsystems and subsequently became part of iPlanet E-Commerce Solutions. In
late 2000 version 3.0 of the product became an integral part of iPlanet Integration Server.
Our evaluation is based on version 1.0 of the product. The workflow model in Conductor
comprises a set of activities connected with transitions (called Routers). Each transition
has associated transition conditions. Each activity has a trigger that determines the
semantics of that activity if it has more than one incoming transition. The triggers are
flexible enough for easy specification of OR-join, AND-join and N-out-of-M join (see
also Pattern 9 (Discriminator)) although the semantics of such a specification is implicit
and not visible to the end-user. Arbitrary cycles are supported, but explicit termination
points are required. Fort´e supports creation of multiple instances directly (through the use
of a multi-merge join) but does not support any direct means of their subsequent synchronization.
State-based patterns cannot be realized. Fort´e does not have a construct
for Cancel Activity but Cancel Case is available through its termination semantics—
when an activity is executed which has no other triggers, it will terminate that workflow
Verve [50] is a relative newcomer to the workflow market as it debuted in 1998. In late 2000
it was acquired by Versata and renamed Versata Integration Server (VIS). Our evaluation is
based on version 2.1 of the product that was released just before the acquisition by Versata.
What makes Verve Workflow Engine an interesting workflow product is that it has been
designed from the ground up as an embeddable workflow engine. The workflow engine of
Verve is very powerful and amongst other features allows for multiple instances and dynamic
modification of running instances. The Verve workflow model consists of activities connected
by transitions. Each transition has an associated transition condition. Extra routing
constructs such as synchronizer and discriminator are supported. Arbitrary loops are supported.
An explicit termination point is required. Multiple instances are directly supported
(through the use of the multi-merge) as long as they do not require subsequent synchronization.
There is no direct way to implement state-based patterns. Of the cancellation patterns,
Cancel Case is supported through the forced termination by the “first of the last” activities
which terminates.
Visual WorkFlo [17, 18] is one of the market leaders in the workflow industry. It is part
of the FileNet’s Panagon suite (Panagon WorkFlo Services) that includes also document
management and imaging servers. VisualWorkFlo is one of the oldest and best established
products on the market. Since its introduction in 1994 it managed to gain a respectable share
of all worldwide workflow applications. FileNet as a corporation ranks amongst the top 60
software companies in the world (Software magazine)—with offices in 13 countries and
over 650Value Added Resellers building solutions on top of Panagon’s suite. Our evaluation
is based on version 3.0 of the product. The workflow modeling language of VisualWorkFlo
is highly structured and is a collection of activities and routing elements such as Branch
(XOR-split), While (structured loop), Static Split (AND-split), Rendezvous (AND-join),
and Release. VisualWorkFlo does not directly support any of the advanced synchronization
patterns. It requires the model to have structured loops only and one, explicit, termination
node thus limiting the suitability of the resulting specifications. Direct support for Multiple
Instances is possible through the Release construct as long as there is no further synchronization
required. There is no direct way to implement any of the state-based patterns. There
is no explicit support for the cancellation patterns.
Changengine [25] is a workflow offering from HP, the second largest computer supplier
in the world. The first major version of the product, 3.0, was introduced in 1998 and it focused
on high performance and support for dynamic modifications. In late 2000 the product
changed its name to HP Process Manager to better convey the purpose of the product to
the customers. Our evaluation is based on version 4.0, introduced in early 2000. Workflow
models in Changengine consist of a set of work nodes and routers linked by arcs. A work
node can have only one incoming and one outgoing arc. If more transitions are required,
they have to be created explicitly through the router node. Router node semantics is determined
by the set of route rules. Arbitrary loops are allowed. Changengine does not provide
any support for multiple instances. The termination policy is rather unusual: the process
will terminate once all process nodes without outgoing activities (End Points) are reached.
There is no direct way to implement the state-based patterns. A routing rule associated with
an activity can be set to cause termination of a decomposition, thus supporting Cancel Case.
The Cancel Activity pattern is not supported.
I-Flow [21] is a workflow offering from Fujitsu that can be seen as a successor of the
workflow engine from the same company, TeamWare. I-Flow is web-centric and has a
Java/CORBA based engine built specifically for Independent Software Vendors and System
Integrators. Our evaluation is based on version 3.5 of the product, introduced in early 2000.
As of the beginning of 2002 the latest version of the product is 4.1. The workflow model in
I-Flow consists of activities and a set of routing constructs connected by transitions (called
Arrows). Routing constructs include Conditional Node (XOR-split), OR-NODE (Merge),
and AND-NODE (synchronizer). The AND-split can be modeled implicitly by providing
an activity with more than one outgoing transition. Multiple instances can be implemented
using the Chained Process Node which allows for asynchronous subprocess invocation.
Arbitrary loops are allowed but the process requires an explicit termination point. There
is no direct way to implement state-based patterns. Cancel Case but not Cancel Activity is
SAP R/3 workflow [42] SAP is the main player in the market of ERP systems. Its R/3
software suite includes an integrated workflow component that we have evaluated independently
of the rest of R/3. Our evaluation is based on release 3.1 of the product. Note that
SAP workflow should not be confused with EPCs (Event-driven Process Chains) found in
ARIS (IDS Prof. Scheer) and in other parts of the SAP system. EPCs there are used entirely
for business process modeling purposes and not for modeling executable workflows in the
SAP R/3 runtime environment. SAP R/3 Workflow imposes a number of restrictions on
the use of EPCs. EPCs that are used for workflow modeling consist of a set of functions
(activities), events and connectors (AND, XOR, OR). However, in SAP R/3 Workflow not
the full expressive power of EPCs can be used, as there are a number of syntactic restrictions
similar in vein to the restrictions imposed by Filenet Visual Workflo (e.g. every workflow
needs to have a unique starting and a unique ending point, and-splits are always followed by
and-joins, or-splits by or-joins etc.). As such, there is no direct provision for the advanced
synchronization constructs (with one exception: it is possible to specify for the join operator
how many parallel branches it has to wait for, hence its semantics corresponds to the
N-out-of-M join), multiple instances, arbitrary loops, state-based or cancellation patterns.
3.3. Results
Tables 1 and 2 summarize the results of the comparison of the workflow management
systems in terms of the selected patterns. For each product-pattern combination, we checked
whether it is possible to realize the workflow pattern with the tool. If a product directly
supports the pattern through one of its constructs, it is rated +. If the pattern is not directly
supported, it is rated +/−. Any solution which results in spaghetti diagrams or coding, is
considered as giving no direct support and is rated −.
Note that a pattern is only supported directly if there is a feature provided by the graphical
interface of the tool (i.e., not in some scripting language) which supports the construct
without resorting to any of solutions mentioned in the implementation part of the pattern.
For example, Pattern 6 (Multi-choice) can be realized using a network of AND/XOR-splits.
However, this does not mean that any workflow systems supporting patterns 2 and 4 directly
supports Pattern 6. Consider for example figure 1. A system that allows for a representation
similar to the one shown in figure 1 on the left (Workflow A) offers direct support. The other
two representations (Workflow B and Workflow C) do not correspond to direct support.
If a pattern is not directly supported or even not supported at all by the workflow management
system, this does not imply that it is impossible to realize the functionality. Again
consider Pattern 6 (Multi-choice). It is possible to realize this pattern by creating a network
of AND/XOR-splits (i.e., using patterns 2 and 4). However, if no specific support is given
for Pattern 6, it is rated −. An alternative rating could have been based on “implementation
effort” rather than direct support (+), partial/indirect support (+/−) or no support (−).
However, any attempt to quantify this implementation effort is subjective and depends on
the expertise of the designer.
Table 1. The main results for Staffware, COSA, InConcert, Eastman, FLOWer, Lotus DominoWorkflow, Meteor,
and Mobile.
Pattern Staffware COSA InConcert Eastman FLOWer Domino Meteor Mobile∗
1 (seq) + + + + + + + +
2 (par-spl) + + + + + + + +
3 (synch) + + + + + + + +
4 (ex-ch) + + +/− + + + + +
5 (simple-m) + + +/− + + + + +
6 (m-choice) − + +/− +/− − + + +
7 (sync-m) − +/− + + − + − −
8 (multi-m) − − − + +/− +/− + −
9 (disc) − − − + +/− − +/− +
10 (arb-c) + + − + − + + −
11 (impl-t) + − + + − + − −
12 (mi-no-s) − +/− − + + +/− + −
13 (mi-dt) + + + + + + + +
14 (mi-rt) − − − − + − − −
15 (mi-no) − − − − + − − −
16 (def-c) − + − − +/− − − −
17 (int-par) − + − − +/− − − +
18 (milest) − + − − +/− − − −
19 (can-a) + + − − +/− − − −
20 (can-c) − − − − +/− + − −
∗Note that the modeling language of Mobile is extensible. The results only indicate the standard functionality.
Many of the design patterns described in this paper can be added to Mobile.
From the comparison it is clear that no tool support all the selected patterns. In fact,
many of these tools only support a relatively small subset of the more advanced patterns (i.e.,
Patterns 6 to 20). Specifically the limited support for the discriminator, and its generalization,
the N-out-of-M-join, the state-based patterns (only COSA), the synchronization of multiple
instances (only FLOWer) and cancellation (esp. of activities), is worth noting.
Please apply the results summarized in Tables 1 and 2 with care. First of all, the organization
selecting a workflow management system should focus on the patterns most relevant
for the workflow processes at hand. Since support for the more advanced patterns is limited,
one should focus on the patterns most needed. Second, the fact that a pattern is not directly
supported by a product does not imply that it is not possible to support the construct at
all. As indicated throughout the paper, many patterns can be supported indirectly through
mixtures of more basic patterns and coding. Third, the patterns reported in this paper only
focus on the process perspective (i.e., control flow or routing). The other perspectives (e.g.,
organizational modeling) should also be taken into account. Moreover, additional features
Table 2. The main results for MQSeries, Fort´e Conductor, Verve, Visual WorkFlo, Changengine, I-Flow, and
SAP/R3 Workflow.
Pattern MQSeries Fort´e Verve Vis. WF Changeng. I-Flow SAP/R3
1 (seq) + + + + + + +
2 (par-spl) + + + + + + +
3 (synch) + + + + + + +
4 (ex-ch) + + + + + + +
5 (simple-m) + + + + + + +
6 (m-choice) + + + + + + +
7 (sync-m) + − − − − − −
8 (multi-m) − + + − − − −
9 (disc) − + + − + − +
10 (arb-c) − + + +/− + + −
11 (impl-t) + − − − − − −
12 (mi-no-s) − + + + − + −
13 (mi-dt) + + + + + + +
14 (mi-rt) − − − − − − +/−
15 (mi-no) − − − − − − −
16 (def-c) − − − − − − −
17 (int-par) − − − − − − −
18 (milest) − − − − − − −
19 (can-a) − − − − − − +
20 (can-c) − + + − + − +
of the tool may reduce the need for certain routing constructs. For example, Lotus Domino
Workflow is embedded in a complete groupware system which reduces the need for certain
constructs. Another example is the case handling tool FLOWer. The case-handling paradigm
allows for implicit routing which reduces the need for some of the constructs (e.g., arbitrary
loops and advanced synchronization constructs).
4. Epilogue
This paper presented an overviewofworkflowpatterns, emphasizing the control perspective,
and discussed to what extent current commercially availableworkflowmanagement systems
could realize such patterns. Typically, when confronted with questions as to how certain
complex patterns need to be implemented in their product, workflow vendors respond
that the analyst may need to resort to the application level, the use of external events or
database triggers. This however defeats the purpose of using workflow engines in the first
Through the discussion in this paper we hope that we not only have provided an insight
into the shortcomings, comparative features and limitations of currentworkflowtechnology,
but also that the patterns presented can provide a direction for future developments.
Recently we evaluated five workflow projects conducted by ATOS/Origin (Utrecht, The
Netherlands) to get quantitative data about the frequency of Patterns [51, 52]. Each of
these projects involved multiple processes with processes ranging from dozens of activities
to hundreds of activities. The projects used three of the workflow products mentioned in
this paper (Eastman, Staffware, and Domino Workflow) and the results obtained show that
in most of the projects evaluated there is a strong need for the more advanced patterns
presented in this paper. Empirical findings show that in many projects workflow designers
are forced to adapt the process or need to resort to spaghetti-like diagrams or coding. Another
interesting observation is that there seems to be a correlation between the patterns being
used and the workflow product being deployed, e.g., the processes developed in projects
using Staffware have much more parallelism than the processes developed in projects using
Eastman. Further research is needed to truly understand the influence of the workflow
product on the processes being supported.
We would like to thank the anonymous referees for their useful comments that helped to
improve this paper.We also thank the vendors and consultants that cooperated by reviewing
the results. In particular, we thank Kristiaan de Vries, Ton Pijpers, Hajo Reijers, Jaap Rigter,
Eric Verbeek, Dennis Smit, Paul Berens, Dolf Grunbauer, and Oscar Ommert.
We, the authors and the associated institutions, assume no legal liability or responsibility
for the accuracy and completeness of any product-specific information contained in this
paper. However, we made all possible efforts to make sure that the results presented are, to
the best of our knowledge, up-to-date and correct.
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