GeographicLib C++ API 官方文档



  • GeographicLib-1.51.tar.gz

  • Unpack the source, running one of

      tar xfpz GeographicLib-1.51.tar.gz

    then enter the directory created with

      cd GeographicLib-1.51
  • Create a separate build directory and enter it, for example,

      mkdir BUILDcd BUILD
  • Run cmake, pointing it to the source directory (…). On Linux, Unix, and MacOSX systems, the command is

      cmake ..
  • Build and install the software. In non-IDE environments, run
  make         # compile the library and utilitiesmake test    # run some testsmake install # as root, if CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is a system directory
  • include in your CMakeLists.txt files
    find_package (GeographicLib REQUIRED)add_executable (program source1.cpp source2.cpp)target_link_libraries (program ${GeographicLib_LIBRARIES})


#include <GeographicLib/Geodesic.hpp>
#include <GeographicLib/UTMUPS.hpp>
#include <GeographicLib/MGRS.hpp>double northing, easting; // UTM坐标bool northp; // 北半球还是南半球
int izone; // UTM的zone//WGS84->UTM
UTMUPS::Forward(, newGps.lon, izone, northp, easting, northing);
string zonestr = UTMUPS::EncodeZone(izone, northp);
cout << zonestr << " " << easting << " " << northing << "\n";//UTM->MGRS
string mgrs;
// int prec=5, 意思是精确到m,如果prec=7,精确到cm,如此类推
MGRS::Forward(izone, northp, easting, northing, 7, mgrs);
// mgrs code转成MGRS坐标
cout << stod(mgrs.substr(5, 7).insert(5, ".")) << " " <<stod(mgrs.substr(12).insert(5, ".")) << "\n";


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