
If you’ve ever used an iPad or iPhone, you know how frustrating it is when iOS switches the orientation from landscape to portrait mode (or vice versa) when you don’t want it to. Luckily, you can easily fix this with iOS’s built-in Orientation Lock.

如果您曾经使用过iPad或iPhone,那么您会知道,当iOS不想将其从横向模式切换为纵向模式(反之亦然)时,它会令人沮丧。 幸运的是,您可以使用iOS内置的Orientation Lock轻松修复此问题。

To enable it, launch the Control Center in one of the following ways:


  • iPhone X or newer/iPad running iOS 12 or later: Swipe down from the top right of the screen.

    运行iOS 12或更高版本的iPhone X或更高版本/ iPad:从屏幕右上方向下滑动。

  • iPhone 8 or earlier/iPad running iOS 11 or earlier: Swipe up from the bottom of the screen. (Control Center first appeared in iOS 7).

    iPhone 8或更早版本/运行iOS 11或更早版本的iPad:从屏幕底部向上滑动。 (控制中心首次出现在iOS 7中)。

Control Center will pop up. Tap the Orientation Lock icon.

控制中心将弹出。 点击方向锁定图标。

When the Orientation Lock is activated, iOS briefly shows a message to confirm this, and then the Orientation Lock icon will be a different color.


At any time, you can quickly check the status of the Orientation Lock by looking at the Status Bar at the top of your screen (near the battery level icon). If you see a small Orientation Lock icon there, the feature is enabled.

您随时可以通过查看屏幕顶部的状态栏(在电池电量图标附近)来快速检查方向锁定的状态。 如果在那里看到一个小的方向锁定图标,则该功能已启用。

To disable the Orientation Lock, just launch Control Center, and then tap the Orientation Lock icon.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/657244/how-to-lock-your-iphone-or-ipads-screen-orientation/



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