A funny thing happened after a recent move – after setting up my wireless router in a new apartment, no matter how I tried, I couldn’t change the name of the device’s wired network connection on any of the Windows 8 machines physically attached to it. Puzzling? Very.

最近的一次移动之后发生了一件有趣的事情–在新公寓中设置了无线路由器后,无论如何尝试,我都无法在物理连接到其上的任何Windows 8机器上更改设备的有线网络连接的名称。 令人困惑? 非常。

This went for weeks and I’d regularly return to trying to fix it, but when the answer isn’t blindingly obvious and every sane attempt to find one doesn’t work, I tend to give up after a while. It’s kind of like New Tomb Raider logic: can’t get past the big bad wolf? Well, screw this game, I’m playing something else. In other words, if the hours fly by and I have no progress to show for it, it’s time to move on, and maybe come back to it later.

这花了好几个星期,我会定期返回尝试进行修复,但是当答案不是很明显时,每一次理智的发现都不可行时,我往往会在一段时间后放弃。 有点像《古墓丽影》的逻辑:难道无法摆脱那头大灰狼吗? 好吧,搞砸这个游戏,我在玩别的东西。 换句话说,如果时间过去了,而我没有任何进展可言,那就该继续前进了,也许以后再回头。

To make a long story short, I brought this router with me from a previous household and the “names” it bore (SSID and Ethernet) were unique to that household, and thus needed to be changed.


The “Service Set Identifier” is easy. The router now has a cheeky moniker inspired by my cat (don’t judge, he’s a cool cat):

“服务集标识符”很简单。 路由器现在有一个受我的猫启发的厚脸皮绰号(不要判断,他是一个很酷的猫):

If I connect to the router via WiFi, the connection it makes will be called “SmoothBGuac”, and if I change the SSID, it will be reflected accordingly, on any attached devices. If I connect to the router via Ethernet (good old Cat5) for the first time with a Windows 8.1 PC, it names the wired connection according to what the SSID is set as, and that’s it. If I change the SSID again, the wired connection is still whatever it first connected as – with no obvious way to change it.

如果我通过WiFi连接到路由器,则其建立的连接将称为“ SmoothBGuac”,并且如果更改SSID,它将在所有连接的设备上得到相应的反映。 如果我第一次使用Windows 8.1 PC通过以太网(旧的Cat5)连接到路由器,它将根据SSID设置为有线连接进行命名,仅此而已。 如果我再次更改SSID,则有线连接仍然是它最初连接时的状态-没有明显的方法来更改它。

My “big” PC is my productivity machine – it’s the typical, noisy, black monolithic box, two-screens, big keyboard kind of setup. Whenever possible, this machine is connected to the router via old school Ethernet. (The router is a Netgear WGR614. The firmware is not upgradeable and leaves much to be desired BUT it is reliable and it works.) Since a wired connection is stable, secure, and since my PC’s motherboard doesn’t have a lot of room for expansion, it frees me up from having to have a dedicated wireless adapter.

我的“大型” PC是生产力机器,它是典型的,嘈杂的黑色整体框,两屏,大型键盘设置。 只要有可能,本机就会通过老式以太网连接到路由器。 (路由器是Netgear WGR614。该固件不可升级,尚有很多不足之处,但它确实可靠且可以使用。)由于有线连接稳定,安全,而且我的PC主板空间不大。为了扩展,它使我不必拥有专用的无线适配器。

If I have to use a wireless connection – say for testing or screenshots – then I have one of those simple USB Wi-Fi adapters I can plug in and I’m good-to-go.

如果我必须使用无线连接(例如进行测试或截图),那么我拥有可以插入的那些简单的USB Wi-Fi适配器之一,而且很容易上手。

Naturally, How-To Geek was interested in figuring out how to force Windows to rename the wired connection in the most non-destructive (not reinstalling Windows or creating a new user profile) way as possible. So we put our heads together, and after some digging, we discovered a few things: it’s not impossible to do this, in fact it’s fairly easy, but it isn’t obvious and shouldn’t elicit so much head scratching.

自然,How-To Geek感兴趣的是找出如何强制Windows以最无损的方式(而不是重新安装Windows或创建新的用户配置文件)来重命名有线连接。 因此,我们把头放在一起,经过一番挖掘,我们发现了几件事:做到这一点并非并非不可能,实际上这很容易,但这不是显而易见的,也不应该引起太多的挠头。

这就是我们在说的 (Here’s what we’re talking about)

Networking computers together hasn’t always been as simple as it is today. In fact, less than a decade ago, it could be quite tedious and when Windows 95 debuted, it was almost unheard of to have a “home network”. Most households didn’t have computers, and if they did, it was a big beige box that sat on a desk (or next to one) with a big CRT monitor that weighed 50+ pounds. And, if the computer was even connected to the Internet, it was through a modem — a very slow, slow, modem.

将计算机联网在一起并不总是像今天这样简单。 实际上,在不到十年前,这可能非常繁琐,而Windows 95首次亮相时,几乎没有听说过要有“家庭网络”。 大多数家庭没有电脑,如果有的话,那是一个大米色盒子,放在桌子上(或旁边),上面放着重达50磅以上的CRT显示器。 而且,如果计算机甚至已连接到Internet,它都是通过调制解调器-一个非常慢,很慢的调制解调器。

Point is, networking was hard and it didn’t really become simple until networking components became integrated onto motherboards, operating systems adapted to make it nearly seamless, and wired/wireless routers became affordable. Now pretty much everything has a network adapter and everyone has a “network”, even if it is just a glorified gateway to the Internet.

关键是,网络连接非常困难,并且直到将网络组件集成到主板,适用于使其几乎无缝连接的操作系统以及价格合理的有线/无线路由器之后才真正变得简单。 现在几乎所有的东西都有一个网络适配器,每个人都有一个“网络”,即使它只是通往互联网的光荣网关。

But, getting back to our quandary, if you click on the wired network adapter in the taskbar’s system tray, you can see that we are connected to “MrKittyNet” – that is to say, this system’s Ethernet adapter (Eth0) is physically connected to the wireless router, otherwise known to it as “MrKittyNet”. Windows apparently assumes the SSID of this router if this is the first time it connects to it via Cat5 cable.

但是,回到困境,如果您单击任务栏系统托盘中的有线网络适配器,则可以看到我们已连接到“ MrKittyNet”,也就是说,该系统的以太网适配器(Eth0)已物理连接到无线路由器,也称为“ MrKittyNet”。 如果这是它第一次通过Cat5电缆连接到它,则Windows显然会假定该路由器的SSID。

For example, here’s our wired adapter in the desktop control panel and the tooltip on the connection icon in the taskbar system tray.


Click on the system tray icon, and it shows up this way in the “Networks” panel too:


So, whenever the computer is plugged into this particular wireless router – a regular everyday Netgear device that you can pick up at a local computer store or off of Amazon – the connection assumes the name “MrKittyNet” and retains it even after the SSID is changed.

因此,无论何时将计算机插入此特定的无线路由器(您可以在本地计算机商店或亚马逊附近提起的日常Netgear常规设备),连接都将使用名称“ MrKittyNet”,并且即使更改了SSID,该名称仍会保留。

The router isn’t the answer. We couldn’t make any change to it that then affected the connection name. The closest setting that seemed promising was the “Device Name” on the “LAN Setup” tab in the “Advanced” settings:

路由器不是答案。 我们无法对其进行任何更改,以免影响连接名称。 看起来最有前途的设置是“高级”设置中“局域网设置”选项卡上的“设备名称”:

But all this does is name the device, which shows up in the Network as the gateway. Note here, it is named slightly differently for comparison’s sake.

但这只是将设备命名,该设备在网络中显示为网关。 请注意,为便于比较,它的名称略有不同。

Okay, it was a long shot but worth a try, and since renaming the SSID doesn’t work either, it has to be something we can change on the operating system.


等等,网络和共享中心? (Et tu, Networking and Sharing Center?)

The control panel, “Networking and Sharing Center” seems like our best bet because it’s such a simple thing. The first thing we investigate is “change adapter settings”.

控制面板“网络和共享中心”似乎是我们最好的选择,因为它是如此简单。 我们调查的第一件事是“更改适配器设置”。

We have some options here, the most promising being “rename this connection”, but all this does is rename the adapter (currently Eth0). And why is the connection referred to as “Status”? Regardless, nothing here works.

我们在这里有一些选择,最有希望的是“重命名此连接”,但是所有要做的就是重命名适配器(当前为Eth0)。 为什么将连接称为“状态”? 无论如何,这里没有任何作用。

Having established that “Eth0” (the network adapter) has nothing to do with what the actual connection to the router is called, it was time to do some Googling.

确定“ Eth0”(网络适配器)与路由器的实际连接无关,现在该进行一些谷歌搜索了。

las,可怜的Windows 7! 我们想你! (Alas, poor Windows 7! We miss you!)

Honestly, we use Windows 8.1 because it’s stable and secure. It performs well on cheap, older hardware and is fully compatible with all the gazillions of applications and games in the sprawling Windows universe. But, at the same time, we sorely miss Windows 7 sometimes. Chief among what we miss about Windows 7 is the ability to view your wireless network history and “forget” (delete) old networks you’d previously connected to.

老实说,我们使用Windows 8.1是因为它稳定且安全。 它在廉价,较旧的硬件上运行良好,并且与庞大的Windows世界中所有种类繁多的应用程序和游戏完全兼容。 但是,与此同时,有时我们会非常怀念Windows 7。 关于Windows 7,我们最想念的就是能够查看您的无线网络历史记录并“忘记”(删除)您以前连接的旧网络。

We don’t want to dwell, and to be fair, you can forget wireless networks in Windows 8.1 too but it’s not nearly as simple as it was in Windows 7, which provided users with a graphical history, accessible from the networking panel. Oddly enough, Windows 8.1 regresses even further from Windows 8, which allowed you to right-click on any in-range wireless network in the “Networks” pane and “forget” it.

坦白地说,我们也不想赘述,您也可以忘记Windows 8.1中的无线网络,但是它不像Windows 7那样简单,Windows 7为用户提供了可从联网面板访问的图形化历史记录。 奇怪的是,Windows 8.1与Windows 8的差距甚至更大,它使您可以右键单击“网络”窗格中的任何范围内的无线网络,然后“忘记”它。

Windows 8.1 forces you have to use the command line to do this, which makes one wonder why Microsoft hates us?

Windows 8.1强制您必须使用命令行来执行此操作,这使您感到奇怪,为什么Microsoft讨厌我们?

Start first by doing a search for “cmd” or hit “WIN KEY + R” and execute “cmd” from the run dialog:

首先搜索“ cmd”或按“ WIN KEY + R”,然后在运行对话框中执行“ cmd”:

And then from the command line type “netsh wlan show profiles”:

然后从命令行键入“ netsh wlan show profile”:

Now type “netsh wlan delete profile name=ProfileName”.

现在输入“ netsh wlan delete profile name = ProfileName”。

For example, if we want to delete “dlink-BADF” we’d type “netsh wlan delete profile name=dlink-BADF” and that wireless network is purged from the history. But, this only applies to wireless networks. Note, “MrKittyNet” isn’t listed, so this dead end, while useful, is still a dead end. So, now what?

例如,如果要删除“ dlink-BADF”,则输入“ netsh wlan delete profile name = dlink-BADF”,然后从历史记录中清除该无线网络。 但是,这仅适用于无线网络。 注意,“ MrKittyNet”未列出,因此该死角虽然有用,但仍然是死角。 那么现在怎么办?

查看Windows注册表! (Look to the Windows Registry!)

The answer lies within the Windows registry, and in order to fix the problem, we have to use the dreaded Registry Editor – a tool so powerful and terrifying that is can completely screw your system beyond recognition. Obviously, standard registry editing disclaimer applies: if you’re going to muck about in your registry make sure you know what you’re doing, and that you back stuff up. We are not responsible if disaster strikes.

答案就在于Windows注册表中,为了解决该问题,我们必须使用可怕的注册表编辑器-一种功能强大而又可怕的工具,它会使您的系统完全无法识别。 显然,适用于标准注册表编辑免责声明:如果您要在注册表中搞混,请确保您知道自己在做什么,并且要备份东西。 如果灾难袭来,我们不承担任何责任。

That said, this is a pretty simple fix. Either search for “regedit” or run it from “WIN KEY + R”. Note, you will need administrator privileges to do this.

也就是说,这是一个非常简单的修复。 搜索“ regedit”或从“ WIN KEY + R”运行它。 注意,您将需要管理员权限才能执行此操作。

The quickest way is probably just to search (F3) for the name of the wired network you want to change. We find three instances of “MrKittyNet” in the registry. Two of them, as we see in the screenshot, are keys. You can leave these be; they will not have any impact on the name of the connection.

最快的方法可能只是搜索(F3)要更改的有线网络的名称。 我们在注册表中找到三个“ MrKittyNet”实例。 正如我们在屏幕快照中看到的,其中两个是键。 您可以将其保留为; 它们不会对连接名称产生任何影响。

The occurrence of “MrKittyNet” that we do want to change is found here:

我们确实要更改的“ MrKittyNet”出现在这里:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Profiles

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ NetworkList \ Profiles

Within the “Profiles” key will likely be two more keys. In the following screenshot, you can see that the Data value of the string “ProfileName” is what we need to change.

在“个人资料”键中,可能还会有两个键。 在以下屏幕截图中,您可以看到字符串“ ProfileName”的数据值是我们需要更改的。

Right-click on the “ProfileName” string as shown above and select “Modify”. Let’s go ahead and input the name of our wireless SSID so our connections “match”:

右键单击如上所示的“ ProfileName”字符串,然后选择“修改”。 让我们继续输入无线SSID的名称,以便我们的连接“匹配”:

Click “OK” and restart or simply log out and log back into your computer, and you now see our wired network finally displays the name we wanted, “SmoothBGuac”:

单击“确定”,然后重新启动,或者直接注销并重新登录到您的计算机,现在您将看到我们的有线网络终于显示了我们想要的名称“ SmoothBGuac”:

为什么这么难? (Why is this so hard?)

Many questions immediately arise from this experience. Aside from the intrinsic value of this registry hack – it is kind of a niche problem that most users won’t have to deal with – the biggest question that comes to mind is, why is it so difficult to do? And immediately following, why does it have to be done in the first place? Why doesn’t the wired connection’s name change according to what the SSID is? Or, why doesn’t the networking pane simply show the name of the adapter “Eth0”? Why can’t we just simply rename it without getting into the nuts and bolts of the system?

这种经验立即引起许多问题。 除了此注册表黑客的内在价值外,这是大多数用户无需处理的小众问题,但我想到的最大问题是,为什么做起来如此困难? 紧随其后的是,为什么必须首先完成它? 为什么有线连接的名称没有根据SSID改变? 或者,为什么网络窗格不简单地显示适配器的名称“ Eth0”? 为什么我们不能简单地重命名它而不用进入系统的细节呢?

Obviously the router does play a role at some point. When a new system connects to it, the wired adapter takes on the SSID’s label. And it’s easy to imagine connecting to a more robust (read: expensive) network infrastructure device might resolve this problem, but it’s also easy to imagine that it might not.

显然,路由器确实在某个时候发挥了作用。 当新系统连接到它时,有线适配器带有SSID的标签。 可以很容易地想到连接到功能更强大(价格昂贵)的网络基础设施设备可以解决此问题,但是也很容易想象它可能无法解决此问题。

Have you ever experienced this type of issue? What did you do to fix it? Have you a better workaround than diving into the registry? Sound off in the comments!

您是否遇到过此类问题? 您做了什么修复? 您有比进入注册表更好的解决方法吗? 声音在评论中!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/176148/how-to-“forget”-a-wired-or-wireless-network-in-windows-8.1/

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