
下面是几个简单的例子:In [1]: a = ['hello', tuple()] # create a new list, containing references to

# a new string and a new tuple. The name a is

# now a reference to that list.

In [2]: x = a # the name x is a reference to the same list as a.

# Not a copy, as it would be in a pass-by-value language

In [3]: a.append(4) # append the int 4 to the list referenced by a

In [4]: print x

['hello', (), 4] # x references the same object

In [5]: def f1(seq): # accept a reference to a sequence

...: return seq.pop() # this has a side effect:

# an element of the argument is removed.

In [6]: print f1(a) # this removes and returns the last element of

4 # the list that a references

In [7]: print x # x has changed, because it is a reference to the same object

['hello', ()]

In [8]: print id(a), id(x)

4433798856 4433798856 # the same

In [9]: x is a # are x and a references to the same object?

Out[9]: True


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