## Swift 编译过程


C/OC通过Clang编译器前端,Swift会先编译成Swift AST然后通过swiftc命令行参数编译成Swift IL(Swift的中间语言),最后编译成LLVM IR(LLVM的中间层表示),最终通过LLVM编译器在具体机器(x86 ARM等)上执行可执行文件。

Swift源码解析–> Swift抽象语法树–> 通过工具转化为Swift中间语言SIL–>通过分析工具转化为LLVM中间表示层–>通过LLVM的后端生成.o的可执行文件。





通配符模式 ( wildcard pattern)

  • 通配符模式由一个下划线(_)构成,用于匹配并忽略任何值,当你想忽略被匹配的值时可以使用该模式。
for _ in 1...3{}

标识符模式 (identifier pattern)

  • 标识符模式可以匹配任何值,并将匹配的一个变量或者常量绑定起来
let someValue = 42

值绑定模式 value-binding pattern

  • 值绑定模式把匹配到的值绑定给一个变量或者常量
let point = (3, 2)
switch point {//将point中的元素绑定到 x 和 y
case let (x, y):print("point is at x:(\(x), \(y)")

元组模式 (tupel pattern)

  • 元组模式是由都好分隔的,具有零个或多个模式的列表,并由一对圆括号括起来。元组模式匹配到响应的元组类型值。

  • 你可以使用类型标注去限制一个元组模式只能匹配那种元组类型。例如, 在常量声明 let(x ,y):(Int, Int) = (1,2)中的元组模式(x,y):(Int,Int)就只能匹配两个元素都是Int类型的元组。

  • 当元组模式被用于 for-in 语句或者变量和常量声明时,它仅可以包含通配符模式,标识符模式,可选模式或者其他包含这下模式的元组模式。

let points = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (2, 0), (2, 1)]
for (x, y) in points where y==0 {print("\(x) and \(y)")

枚举用例模式 enumeration case pattern

  • 枚举用例模式匹配现有的某个枚举类型的某个用例。枚举用例模式出现在switch 语句中的 case 标签中,以及if,while,guard,for-in语句的case条件中。

可选项模式 optional pattern

  • 可选项模式匹配 Optional 枚举在some(Wrapped)中包装的值。
    可选项模式为 for-in 语句提供了一种迭代数组的简便方式,只为数组中非 nil 的元素执行循环体
let someOptional: Int? = 42
if case .some(let x) = someOptional {print(x)//42
}if case let x? = someOptional {print(x)//42
}let arrayOfOptionalInts: [Int?] = [nil, 2, 3, nil, 5]
for case let number? in arrayOfOptionalInts {print("fond a \(number)")//2,3,5

类型转换模式 Type-Casting Pattern

有两种类型转换模式, is模式和as模式, is 模式只出现在switch语句中的case标签中。

  • is 模式仅当一个值的类型在运行时和is模式右边的指定类型一致,或者是其子类的情况下,才会匹配这个值。is模式和is 运算符有相似表现,它们都可进行类型转换,但是is模式没有返回类型
  • as 模式仅当一个值得类型在运行时和as模式右边指定类型一致或者是其子类的情况下,才会匹配这个值,如果匹配成功,被匹配的值得类型被转换成as模式右边指定的类型 返回
protocol Animal {var name: String{get}
}struct Dog: Animal {var name: String {return "Dog"}var runSpeed: Int
}struct Bird: Animal {var name: String {return "Bird"}var flyHeight: Int
}struct Fish: Animal {var name: String {return "fish"}var depth: Int
}let animals: [Any] = [Dog(runSpeed: 10), Bird(flyHeight: 1000), Fish(depth: 300)]
for animal in animals {switch animal {case let dog as Dog:print("\(dog.name) can run \(dog.runSpeed)")case let fish as Fish:print("\(fish.name) dive depth \(fish.depth)")case is Bird:print("bird can fly")default:print("unknown animal")}

表达式模式 expression pattern

  • 表达式模式代表表达式模式的值,表达式模式只出现在 switch语句的case标签中
  • 表达式模式代表的表达式会使用Swift 标准库中的 ~= 运算符与输入表达式的值进行比较。如果 ~= 运算符返回true, 则匹配成功。默认情况下, ~= 运算符来比较两个相同类型的值,它也可以将一个整形数组与一个Range实例中的一段整数区间做匹配
let point = (1,2)
switch point {case (0,0):print("(0,0) is at the origin.")
case (-2...2, -2...2):print("(\(point.0), \(point.1)) is near the origin.")
default:print("the point is at (\(point.0),\(point.1))")
:(1, 2) is near the origin.

自定义类型默认是无法进行表达式模式匹配的,也需要重载 ~= 运算符

struct Employee {var salary: Int
}//重载 ~= 才能对自定义的类进行 范围模式匹配
func ~= (left: ClosedRange<Int>, right: Employee) -> Bool  {return left.contains(right.salary)
}var e: Employee = Employee(salary: 1000)switch e {case 0...1000:print("贫穷")
case 1000...5000:print("凑合")
case 5000...1000:print("富有")




public protocol Sequence {/// A type representing the sequence's elements.associatedtype Element where Self.Element == Self.Iterator.Element/// A type that provides the sequence's iteration interface and/// encapsulates its iteration state.associatedtype Iterator : IteratorProtocol/// Returns an iterator over the elements of this sequence.func makeIterator() -> Self.Iterator/// A value less than or equal to the number of elements in the sequence,/// calculated nondestructively.////// The default implementation returns 0. If you provide your own/// implementation, make sure to compute the value nondestructively.////// - Complexity: O(1), except if the sequence also conforms to `Collection`.///   In this case, see the documentation of `Collection.underestimatedCount`.var underestimatedCount: Int { get }/// Call `body(p)`, where `p` is a pointer to the collection's/// contiguous storage.  If no such storage exists, it is/// first created.  If the collection does not support an internal/// representation in a form of contiguous storage, `body` is not/// called and `nil` is returned.////// A `Collection` that provides its own implementation of this method/// must also guarantee that an equivalent buffer of its `SubSequence` /// can be generated by advancing the pointer by the distance to the/// slice's `startIndex`.func withContiguousStorageIfAvailable<R>(_ body: (UnsafeBufferPointer<Self.Element>) throws -> R) rethrows -> R?


IteratorProtocol 的核心是next()方法,这个方法在每次被调用时返回序列中的下一个值。当序列下一个值为空时,next()应该返回 nil

public protocol IteratorProtocol {/// The type of element traversed by the iterator.associatedtype Element/// Advances to the next element and returns it, or `nil` if no next element/// exists.////// Repeatedly calling this method returns, in order, all the elements of the/// underlying sequence. As soon as the sequence has run out of elements, all/// subsequent calls return `nil`.////// You must not call this method if any other copy of this iterator has been/// advanced with a call to its `next()` method.////// The following example shows how an iterator can be used explicitly to/// emulate a `for`-`in` loop. First, retrieve a sequence's iterator, and/// then call the iterator's `next()` method until it returns `nil`.//////     let numbers = [2, 3, 5, 7]///     var numbersIterator = numbers.makeIterator()//////     while let num = numbersIterator.next() {///         print(num)///     }///     // Prints "2"///     // Prints "3"///     // Prints "5"///     // Prints "7"////// - Returns: The next element in the underlying sequence, if a next element///   exists; otherwise, `nil`.mutating func next() -> Self.Element?


struct FibIterator: IteratorProtocol {//指定Elment类型typealias Element = Int//计数变量var count: Int = 0//init构造函数let number: Intinit(_ number: Int) {self.number = number}//元组存放Fib序列var state = (0, 1)//mutating关键字 在实例方法中修改属性值//自定义next()方法,输出超过number个FibNumber输出nil,否则输出fibNumbermutating func next() -> FibIterator.Element? {count += 1if count > number {return nil}let FibNumber = state.0state = (state.1, state.0 + state.1)return FibNumber}
}struct FibSequence: Sequence {//init构造函数let number: Intinit(_ number: Int) {self.number = number}//指定Iterator类型typealias Iterator = FibIterator//自定义makeIterator()方法,获取迭代器func makeIterator() -> FibIterator {return FibIterator(number)}
}let fibSeq = FibSequence(10)
for fibNum in fibSeq {print(fibNum)


  1. 自定义Iterator(遵守IteratorProtocol协议),内部实现Element数据类型和next()方法
  2. 自定义Sequence(遵守Sequence),内部实现Iterator的定义和makeIterator()的方法





  1. 闭包表达式中可以根据语境推断参数类型和返回值类型,故可以省略。
  2. 单表达式闭包能够通过从它们的声明中删掉 return 关键字来隐式返回它们单个表达式的结果。
  3. Swift 自动对行内闭包提供简写实际参数名,可以通过 $0 , $1 , $2 等名字来引用闭包 的实际参数值。



var providers: [() -> String] = []func collectProviderColsure(provider: @escaping () -> String) {providers.append(provider)



自动闭包允许你延迟处理,因此闭包内部的代码直到你调用它的时候才会运行。对于 副作用或者占用资源的代码来说很有用,因为它可以允许你控制代码何时才进行求值。

var names = ["zhangshan", "lisi", "wagnwu"]var closure = {names.remove(at: 0)}print(names.count) // 3print(closure()) // zhangshanprint(names.count) // 2


通过 @autoclosure 标志标记它的形式参数使用了自动闭包。现在你可以调用函数就像它接收了一个 String 实际参数而不是闭包。实际参数自动地转换为闭包。

var names = ["zhangshan", "lisi", "wagnwu"]func removeFirst(closure: @autoclosure () -> String) -> String {return closure()
}let removeFirstName = removeFirst(closure: names.remove(at: 0)) //实际参数转化为闭包处理
print(removeFirstName) //zhangshan
print(names.count) //2

static 和 class 关键字







class Person {var name: Stringvar age: Intinit(name: String, age: Int) {self.name = nameself.age = age}convenience init() {self.init(name: "Ryan", age: 20)}
}class Teacher: Person {var salary: Intinit(name: String, age: Int, salary: Int) {super.init(name: name, age: age)self.salary = salary//Property 'self.salary' not initialized at super.init call//违背第一条,子类引入的所有属性必须在父类初始化器调用之前初始化完成self.name = self.name + "老师"}


class Person {var name: Stringvar age: Intinit(name: String, age: Int) {self.name = nameself.age = age}convenience init() {self.init(name: "Ryan", age: 20)}
}class Teacher: Person {var salary: Intinit(name: String, age: Int, salary: Int) {self.salary = salaryself.name = self.name + "老师"//'self' used in property access 'name' before 'super.init' callsuper.init(name: name, age: age)}


class Person {var name: Stringvar age: Intinit(name: String, age: Int) {self.name = nameself.age = age}convenience init() {self.init(name: "Ryan", age: 20)}
}class Teacher: Person {var salary: Intinit(name: String, age: Int, salary: Int) {self.salary = salarysuper.init(name: name, age: age)self.name = self.name + "老师"}convenience init(salary: Int) {self.salary = 200//'self' used before 'self.init' call or assignment to 'self'self.init(name: "Ryan", age: 20, salary: 3000)}


class Person {var name: Stringvar age: Intinit(name: String, age: Int) {self.name = nameself.age = age}convenience init() {self.init(name: "Ryan", age: 20)}
}class Teacher: Person {var salary: Intinit(name: String, age: Int, salary: Int) {self.salary = salaryself.printInfo()//'self' used in method call 'printInfo' before 'super.init' callsuper.init(name: name, age: age)self.name = self.name + "老师"}convenience init(salary: Int) {self.init(name: "Ryan", age: 20, salary: 3000)self.salary = self.salary + 2000}func printInfo() {print("name: \(name), age: \(age), salary: \(salary)")}



  1. 从下到顶的存储类型的初始化
  2. 从顶到下到对实例的定制


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