


Sep.xxxx—Jul.xxxx Computer Science Dept. of Computer College, Northeast Normal University. Courses taken include: data structure, principle of database, principle of compiling, principle of computers, operating systems, C , Java, computer architecture, computer networks, VB.net, photoshop

Sep.xxxx—Jul.xxxx No.1 Middle School of Qingyuan City, Guangdong

Computer Abilities

A good understanding and working knowledge of computers.

Have hands-on experience in PC operation.

Database programming and (networking knowledge)or (knowledge of networks.)

Good at computer operation of Windows. =? ("computer operation of windows"=? Guess: Good at computers operating with Windows.)

Knowledge of php and asp programming.

English Skills

Have a good command on both spoken and written English; passed CET-4.

Scholarship and rewards

xxxx-6 won the third place in Jilin‘s in "challenge cup " competition of scientifical and technological works ( competition between universities/university students, or what?) ...e.g. Jilin‘s "Challenge cup" for science and technology competition among university students. (Not clear as to what the "works" are. What is the name of that competition in Chinese ?)

xxxx-5 won the title of Excellent League Member in the university.

xxxx-12 won the title of Excellent president in the dept.

xxxx-9 won the first place in Jilin in college student in national of math model compentition (If this is a national competition, it cannot be a "Jilian prize") --> won first place in the National Math Model competition as the college student representative from Jilin.

xxxx-12 won the title of Excellent Leader in dept.

xxxx-1 Awarded the “an Excellent Learner” scholarship from the university


xxxx-now Leader of a web studio in the university

xxxx-now leader of a web studio in the dept.

xxxx-xxxx class president

xxxx Vice President of English club in the university

xxxx president of a volunteer association in Computer Science dept.

xxxx won the third place in web design contest from school

Work Experiences

xxxx-9—now work as a administratorin the Job Direction Center of University

xxxx-2—xxxx-5 used Asp Access to design a web page for the Physics College of Physics

xxxx-10—xxxx-12 used Php Mysql to design a web for The Student Office of the University

xxxx-2—xxxx-5 used php Mysql to design a web for The Job Direction Center of the University

References will be supplied upon request.


Charlotte Brockington

4720 West 49th Street . Denver, CO 80439 . xxx-xxx-xxxx

E-mail: xxxx@xxxxxx.att.net


To contribute strong technical skills and experience in a Jr. Systems Analyst capacity.


Rising systems professional with significant experience; computer literate in multiple operating systems, programming languages, and software applications with cutting-edge knowledge of technological changes and their business implications; enthusiastic about applying new technologies, enhancing current technical expertise, and applying transferable skill sets. Enthusiastic, knowledge-hungry self-starter, eager to meet challenges and quickly assimilate newest and latest technologies, skills, concepts, and ideas. Highly analytical team player with aptitude for quickly scrutinizing environments to identify and prioritize needs/risks and develop solutions. Creative troubleshooter/problem-solver who works hard and loves a challenge. Proven relationship-builder with exceptional interpersonal, communication, and presentation skills. Culturally literate contributor with international experience, having lived/worked/studied abroad; proficient in basic Japanese.


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, June 2002


Operating Systems Applications Programming Languages

Windows Mac OS Sun Xemacs MS Word MS Excel PowerPoint PhotoShop Image Ready Internet Explorer Netscape C Java HTML Unix JavaScript SQL, using Oracle 8 some Visual Basic


Computer Cluster Technician, Academic Computing, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, Sept. 2001 to June 2002

Perform all support and maintenance functions within 24 hours of trouble report. Inspect equipment at least twice weekly to proactively identify and solve problems. Collaborate with Academic Computing Technical Support Manager to ensure that computer clusters are functioning efficiently. Troubleshoot hardware, software, and network problems. Coordinate repairs with repair vendors. Maintain up-to-date knowledge of hardware and software news; suggest/recommend improvements; monitor relevant newsgroups and email lists. Maintain accurate inventory and repair records.

Systems Planning Intern, Mikado Ltd., Kobe, Japan, Summer 2001

Served in Web-page consulting capacity. Interviewed company leaders from various departments on their business practices, achievements, and goals to determine Web-page content. Created dynamic, interactive Web page using Flash for English-speaking users. Functioned as primary editor for English technical specifications manual. Communicated effectively with co-workers in Japanese. Adapted to new country, culture, work culture, and way of life. Successfully used software, including imaging programs, word processing programs, and operating systems, entirely written in Japanese.

Intranet Training Intern, Rocky Mountain Systems, Denver, CO, Summer 2000

Entrusted with reviewing intranet programs from up to 20 vendors and selecting best program for company's 4,000+ employees worldwide. Researched and assembled list of candidate companies to develop Intranet-based training program. Arranged business meetings between candidate companies and Executive Vice President of Human Resources. Assisted in constructing Global Orientation program by collating and translating materials gathered from various international offices. Took initiative to translate incoming documents written in other languages. Participated in training and professional-development opportunities on sales, advertising, customer relationship management, and presentation skills. Produced a Needs Analysis report on Rocky Mountain's human resources Web site. Communicated findings and research in final presentation attended by executives, including CEO.

Technology Consultant, Semester at Sea, S.S. Universe Explorer, Fall 1999

Supported users with hardware and software installations and issues on shipboard, frequently in the face of rough maritime conditions. Performed troubleshooting for students with difficulties connecting their computers to the network. Maintained and upgraded computer equipment. Diagnosed hardware and software problems on the cluster's, students', and staffs' PC and Mac computers. Taught students how protect their computers from a virus that had infected some shipboard computers and distributed virus-free disks. Recovered lost files and repaired damaged disks. Accurately documented inventory and repair records. Updated IT coordinator on all cluster issues, problems, and repairs.

Implementation Intern, ColoradoJobs.com, Boulder, CO, Summer 1999

Read and performed troubleshooting on coding problems; fixed HTML and Java Script coding.

Conducted quality assurance tests on main Web site. Updated Web pages. Enhanced customer satisfaction by creating and improving logos of member companies, using PhotoShop and Image Ready. Responded to customer questions on site-related technical issues.


University of Colorado Center for Technology and Innovation, Tokyo, Japan, Spring 2001

Studied Computer Organization and Design, Japanese, and Japanese religion during a homestay program.

Semester at Sea, University of Pittsburgh, S.S. Universe Explorer, Fall 1999

Increased knowledge of cultural diversity and global interdependence through semester-long, interdisciplinary program. Circumnavigated the world and traveled to 12 countries across Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Europe.


University of Colorado's Dean's Award o Member, Society of Women Engineers DuPont Academic Excellence Scholar o Mentor, Partners in Academic Excellence National Achievement Commended o Ambassador, University of Colorado Scholar Office of Admissions



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