

    -w                   线段长度(宽度,方位向像元数,x方向)-e [1.0]         指数: 输出=比例*输出^指数-s [1.0]         比例: 输出 = 比例 * 输出 ^ 指数-l  [1]                第一(方位向azimuth Y)line-L [all]          最后(方位向azimuth Y)line-p [1]                第一(距离向range X)pixel-P [all]           最后(距离向range X)pixel-M [1/1]           多视指数在X/Y方向(range/azuimth)-S [1/1]         裁剪指数在X/Y方向(range/azuimth)-q [mag]         输出:NORMAL | MAG | PHASE | MIXED | REAL | IMAGnormal        = (real,imag)magnitude = sqrt(real^ 2  +  imag^2)phase           = atan2(imag,real)mixd         = phase overlay, only with -o sunrasterreal            = line [2*j],imag          = line [2*j +1]-f [cr4]             Input format identifier:CC1 | CUC1 | CI2 | CI4 | CR4 | CR8for complex 2x1B char, unsigned char, short integer, integer, float, double(major row order pixel interleaved complex data.)-o [ascii]                Output format identifier (to stdout):UCHAR | SUNRASTER | FLOAT | SHORT | ASCIIuchar, short, sunraster, and float optionswrite binary to stdout!-c [gray]            Colormap for "-o sunraster" option.FILENAME | GRAY | JET | HOT | COOL | BERT | HSVIf cmap is a filename, then a ascii file with256 lines, containing r g b [0:255] is assumed.If cmap is a identifier, this colormap is used.-m code              Flag to mirror file content in X or Y direction:X | Y | XY | YXIf mirroring Y then the first output line isline number P (default last in file). This meansthat if -Y is specified, the last line notnecessarely is line -l (firstline default 1)The same is true for mirroring in X direction.-r [rmin/rmax]       uses given minimum and maximum range on data as scalling parameters. Basically, it skips data sampling step for statistics (min,max,mean) computationand defines (min,max,mean) values from given parameters.It only effects magnitude, normal and mixed mode outputs.For example, use it to scale coherence maps to  0-1 range.Tip: no need to use --ignorenan when you are using -r option.--ignorenan        ignores nan values during calculation of min, max and mean for scaling of sunraster outputs. It only effects magnitude, normal and mixed mode output types.Additionally, when binary output is done for magnitude images 0 is set instead of nan values. --fullstat         compute min, max and mean evaluating every pixel for scaling of sunraster outputs. -B b|s               Swap bytes.if -Bs then swap to host order.(call ntohs or ntohl, thus swapping from big endianto host type, which is small endian for X86 PC's.)if -Bb then swap to network order.(call htons or htonl, thus swapping to big endianfrom host type, which is small endian for X86 PC's.)On a big endian platform both these functions aredefined as NULL macros, and do nothing.-b                  Add a scalebar in lower right corner for -o sunrasterOnly for -q phase and mixed.-H bytes           Skip Header bytes, e.g., for GENESIS SUNraster floats.-V                    Verbose.-h[elp]             This help.


Check first few values in complex short file (width 100, height 200):cpxfiddle -w100 -fci2 -qnormal -oascii -L5 -P3 -V -- cpxfileTo generate a grd file for use with GMT, without creating a largetmpfile, use something like:cpxfiddle -w100 -fci2 -qphase -ofloat -- cpxfile | \xyz2grd -Gfile.grd -R1/100/1/200 -ZfTo crop a binary complex float file of width 781 and height 501:(redirect, or your screen will be flooded with binary output!)cpxfiddle -w781 -fcr4 -qnormal -ofloat -l101 -L200 \-p51 -P750 cpxfile > cpxfile.croppedTo convert the phase of the same file to SUNraster format:cpxfiddle -w781 -fcr4 -qphase -osunraster \-ccmap.rainbow -- cpxfile > phase.rasdisplay phase.rasWhere the colortable file is generated by (using GMT):makecpt -Crainbow -T0/256/1 | \awk '{if (NR>3&&NR<260){print $2, $3, $4}}' > cmap.rainbowTo create a sort of 8 bit pixmap, visualize with ImageMagick'sdisplay as gray format:cpxfiddle -qphase -fcr4 -ouchar -w1 -- cpxfile > phase.ucdisplay -size 781x501 gray:phase.ucThe file phase.uc could also be converted to another format, e.g.:rawtopgm 781 501 phase.uc > phase.pgmxv phase.pgmBut easier would have been to use cpxfiddle to generate theSUNraster file. This can be done by:cpxfiddle -w100 -qmag -osunraster -e0.3 -s1.1 file.cr4 > file.rasWhere file.cr4 is complex real4, -e is used to equalize the histogram, and -s to threshold the data (larger scale meansmore white). To overlay the phase as layer over the magnitude:cpxfiddle -w100 -qmixed -osunraster -e0.3 -- file.cr4 > file.rasxv file.rasTo read the header of a (non complex!) sunraster file (8 int32 values):cpxfiddle -w1 -L4 -qnormal -fci4 -- file.rasThis program can be tricked to crop float files (non complex)This program can be used for conversions of files, trick with -w1To crop a bigendian file on a linux PC, swap and crop like:cpxfiddle -w100 -fci2 -qnormal -oshort -Bs -- cpxfile > newfileTo read the content of a (non complex!) float vector with 32 byte headercpxfiddle -w1 -qnormal -fr4 -H32  -oascii -- file.rasTo scale the content of a float file: coherence map to [ 0 1 ] range.cpxfiddle -w 1000 -q normal -o sunraster -b -c gray -f r4 cohmap.r4 -r 0,1 > cohmap.ras BUGS:-M with -m:   First mirrored then multilooked.-B:           Not tested properly, but simply calls functions.all:          If cpxfile is a symbolic link, filesize cannot bedetermined, and therefor the number of lines.Solution: Use the full path or use a hard link.(lot of options, binary to screen, but these are features.)SEE ALSO:cpx2ps, display, rawtopgm, makecpt (GMT)Please send your comments to: TUDelft, doris_users@tudelft.nl(BTW: view this help by piping stderr: cpxfiddle -h |& more      in cshor cpxfiddle -h 2>&1 | less  in bash.)

3. 实例:

1. 画相关性图

cpxfiddle -w 5000 -q normal -o sunraster -b -c gray -M 2/2 -r 0.0/1.0  -f r4 -l1 -p1 -P5000 ccoherence.raw > ccoherence.ras

2. 画高度图

cpxfiddle -w 5000 -q normal -o sunraster -b -c jet -M 2/2 -f r4 -l1 -p1 -P5000 dem_radar.raw > comprefdem_height.ras

3. 画相位图

cpxfiddle -w 5000 -q normal -o sunraster -b -c jet -M 2/2 -f r4 -l1 -p1 -P5000 refdem.raw > comprefdem_phase.ras


cpxfiddle -w 5000 -q phase -o sunraster -b -c jet -M 2/2 -f cr4 -l1 -p1 -P5000 cint.0.5 filtered > interferogram_filt_pha.ras

4. 画强度图

cpxfiddle -w 5000 -e 0.3 -s 1.0 -q mag -o sunraster -b -c gray -M 2/2 -f cr4 -l1 -p1 -P5000 cint.0.5filtered > interferogram_filt_mag.ras

5. 画强度和相位混合图

cpxfiddle -w 5000 -e 0.3 -s 1.2 -q mixed -o sunraster -b -c hsv -M 2/2 -f cr4 -l1 -p1 -P5000 cint.0.5filtered > interferogram_filt_mix.ras


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