
Maybe if I call the Microsoft Command Shell "mush" enough, it will catch on. MSH, or "Monad" is on my mind lately (again, after a quick and ill-timed dismissal at PDC), thanks to Keith Hill and the wealth of MSH bloggers out and content there. We did the Monad show, but this little shell is no fly-by-night. It's changing (changed?) the face of Windows Administration.

也许如果我足够称呼Microsoft Command Shell为“糊状”,它就会流行起来。 最近,我想起了MSH(或“ Monad”)(再次,是在PDCSwift而不合时宜地被解雇之后),这要归功于Keith Hill和MSH博客作者的丰富和满足。 我们进行了Monad表演,但是这个小壳不是夜飞。 Windows管理的面貌正在发生变化(更改?)。

Just as the .NET Framework was "managed spackle" over the chaos that is the Win32 API, just as WinFX cleans it up even more, MSH (IMHO AFAIK if I can abuse the TLAs a bit) is a stunningly clean and well-thought out abstraction layer on top of everything.  To quote Arul: "Monad is the only scripting platform that provides access to .Net, WMI, COM in a well-integrated manner."

就像.NET Framework在Win32 API的混乱中“被管理”一样,就像WinFX对其进行更多清理一样,MSH(恕我直言,如果我能稍微滥用一下TLA,则是恕我直言)是一种令人惊奇的干净且经过深思熟虑的过程。在一切之上的抽象层。 引用Arul的话:“ Monad是唯一以良好集成的方式提供对.Net,WMI,COM​​的访问的脚本平台。”

It's a shell, in the complete sense, but it's an engine for scripting everything that is already on your system. I'll post more about cool MSH Analyzer is and how you can host Monad in your own Admin applications later.

从完全的意义上说,它是一个外壳程序,但是它是一个脚本,用于编写系统中已经存在的所有内容的脚本。 我将发布更多有关炫酷MSH Analyzer的信息,以及以后如何在您自己的Admin应用程序中托管Monad。

Here's the links from this week's Hanselminutes, but I'll add more and more at my del.icio.us feed for MSH.

这是本周Hanselminutes的链接,但是我将在我的del.icio.us feed上为MSH添加越来越多的链接。

Pithy and Readable? Do tell! MSH Wiki @ Channel 9 Monad Team's Technology Blog Dan Sullivan msh+SMO Sample Monad-MSH Scripts Using-Culture -Culture culture -Script {scriptblock} MSH Analyzer - it is born. Monad Scripting Center Getting MSDN help urls for .NET BCL types and Members viveksharma.com: techlog Keith Hill's Blog A guided tour of the Microsoft Command Shell by Ryan Paul Jeffrey Snover's Monad TechEd Presentation by Webcast MSHVSS Provider

敏锐且可读? 一定要告诉! MSH Wiki @频道9 Monad团队的技术博客Dan Sullivan msh + SMO示例Monad-MSH脚本使用-文化-文化-脚本{scriptblock} MSH分析器-它诞生了。 Monad脚本中心获得.NET BCL类型和成员的MSDN帮助URL viveksharma.com:techlog Keith Hill的博客Ryan Paul Jeffrey Snover的Microsoft Command Shell导览Webcast MSHVSS Provider的Monad TechEd演示

Here's some "mush" examples that are fun to read and might give you a tiny taste of what you can do:


Download a feed and list the RSS Enclosures:


$url = "http://feeds.feedburner.com/ScottHanselman"
$feed = [xml](new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString($url)
$feed.GetElementsByTagName("enclosure") | format-list

$ url =“ http://feeds.feedburner.com/ScottHanselman ” $ feed = [xml](新对象System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString($ url) $ feed.GetElementsByTagName(“附件”)| 格式清单

Find out about your system:


get-wmiobject win32_processor

get-wmiobject win32_processor

Get a list of currently loaded Assemblies


[appdomain]::currentdomain.getassemblies() |ft fullname

[appdomain] ::: currentdomain.getassemblies()| ft全名

Listing the currently open Explorer Windows


(new-object -com "Shell.Application").Windows() | select LocationName, LocationUrl

(new-object -com“ Shell.Application”)。Windows()| 选择LocationName,LocationUrl

Open an IE window and navigate (smells like Watir...)

打开IE窗口并进行导航(闻起来像Watir ...)

$ie = new-object -comobject Internetexplorer.application$ie.Navigate2("http://www.microsoft.com")$ie.visible=1

$ ie =新对象-comobject Internetexplorer.application $ ie.Navigate2(“ http://www.microsoft.com ”) $ ie.visible = 1

Get the latest Event Log entries:


get-eventlog Application -newest 100 | sort source

get-eventlog应用程序-最新100 | 排序来源

I encourage you to check it out. The learning curve is a little high, but at some point it "pops" and you're having a blast.

我鼓励您检查一下。 学习曲线有点高,但是在某些时候它会“爆裂”,并且您正在爆炸。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/loving-mush-i-mean-monad



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