
PayPal is a useful service for sending and receiving money, and it’s just about everywhere…at least, on the internet. But what if you have a bunch of money in your PayPal account and want to use it somewhere PayPal isn’t offered…like an actual brick and mortar store?

贝宝(PayPal)是一种用于发送和接收资金的有用服务,它无处不在……至少在互联网上。 但是,如果您的PayPal帐户中有一大笔资金,并且想在没有PayPal的地方使用它,例如实际的实体商店,该怎么办?

You can transfer money to your bank, of course, but the three- to four-day waiting period to transfer funds isn’t very convenient, and it isn’t always an option—especially if you’re a freelancer that gets paid via PayPal and you have bills to pay. Enter the PayPal business debit card.

当然,您可以将钱转移到您的银行,但是等待三到四天的资金转移期并不十分方便,而且也不总是一种选择,特别是如果您是通过以下方式获得付款的自由职业者:贝宝(PayPal),您有要支付的账单。 输入PayPal商业借记卡。

什么是贝宝商务借记卡? (What Is the PayPal Business Debit Card?)

The PayPal business debit card a real debit card (provided by MasterCard, as it happens) that connects to your PayPal balance for its funding source. If your balance is empty, it will withdraw from the primary bank account connected to your PayPal account instead. It’s a fantastic tool for anyone who gets paid primarily in PayPal transfers. In fact, it’s a pretty great tool even if you only occasionally get a big chunk of money in PayPal, because signing up and getting a card is absolutely free. PayPal will even give you 1% back on some purchases.

PayPal商业借记卡是一种真实的借记卡(由MasterCard提供,实际发生),该借记卡连接到您的PayPal余额作为其资金来源。 如果您的余额为空,则会从与您的PayPal帐户关联的主要银行帐户中提取。 对于主要通过贝宝转账付款的人来说,这是一个了不起的工具。 实际上,即使您偶尔仅在PayPal中赚到一大笔钱,它也是一个非常不错的工具,因为注册并获取卡绝对是免费的。 PayPal甚至会在您购买某些商品时返还1%。

Note: the PayPal business debit card shouldn’t be confused with the PayPal Extras MasterCard, which is another physical card offered to PayPal users. The Extras MasterCard is a conventional credit card, subject to a line of credit that doesn’t draw from your PayPal balance and will incur interest charges if not paid back on time. To put it simply: if all you want is debit/checking options, you want the blue card, not the white one.

注意:请勿将PayPal商业借记卡与PayPal Extras MasterCard混淆,后者是提供给PayPal用户的另一种实体卡。 Extras万事达卡是传统的信用卡,其信用额度不会从您的PayPal余额中提取,并且如果不按时还款,则会产生利息费用。 简而言之:如果您想要的只是借记卡/支票选项,那么您就需要蓝卡,而不是白卡。

The debit card is remarkably useful if you do a lot of business in PayPal. While I was writing as a contract worker, for example, many of my paychecks came in as PayPal transfers. Or maybe you sell a lot of stuff on eBay (maybe even doing so as a full time job), and your money comes through PayPal. Those bank transfers can be really annoying, but with the PayPal debit card enabled and in your wallet, PayPal more or less becomes your personal checking account.

如果您在PayPal做很多生意,借记卡将非常有用。 例如,当我以合同工的身份写作时,我的许多薪水都是通过PayPal汇款进来的。 或者,也许您在eBay上出售了很多东西(甚至可以做一份全职工作),而您的钱则来自PayPal。 这些银行转账确实很烦人,但是启用PayPal借记卡并且在您的钱包中,PayPal或多或少成为您的个人支票帐户。

That’s my PayPal debit card, lettin’ me pay for Amazon items with my PayPal balance. Nifty.
那是我的PayPal借记卡,让我用我的PayPal余额购买亚马逊商品。 好漂亮

And, because it’s a real debit card, it works anywhere normal cards do. For example, Amazon doesn’t allow checkout via PayPal, because it’s basically a competitor for Amazon’s own omnibus marketplace and payment system. But input your 16-digit PayPal card number, and you can buy anything on the site with the balance in your PayPal account. Gas stations, ATMs, even international purchases all go through exactly as you’d expect them to.

而且,由于它是真正的借记卡,因此可以在普通卡的任何地方使用。 例如,亚马逊不允许通过PayPal结帐,因为它基本上是亚马逊自己的综合市场和支付系统的竞争对手。 但是输入您的16位PayPal卡号,您就可以在网站上用余额帐户中的余额购买任何东西。 加油站,ATM机甚至国际采购都完全按照您的预期进行。

如何获得贝宝借记卡 (How to Get a PayPal Debit Card)

Here’s the link for signing up for the PayPal business debit card. Don’t let the name fool you—you don’t need to have a business, small or otherwise, to use it. But you will need a few other things, including:

这是注册 PayPal商业借记卡的链接。 不要让这个名字愚弄您-您不需要经营任何规模的公司就可以使用它。 但是您还需要其他一些东西,包括:

  • An active PayPal account有效的PayPal帐户
  • A United States address. Sorry, international readers, there doesn’t appear to be an option for non-US residents at this time.美国地址。 抱歉,国际读者,目前非美国居民似乎没有选择。
  • A valid photo ID. PayPal may need to verify your identity to comply with US federal banking law. Sending them a photo or scan of your ID is fine.有效的带照片的身份证。 贝宝可能需要验证您的身份,以符合美国联邦银行法。 给他们发送照片或身份证扫描件就可以了。

This isn’t technically necessary to use a PayPal debit card, but you’ll probably want to connect your PayPal account to your conventional bank account. The debit card can’t use another debit or credit card as a backup funding source if your PayPal balance reaches zero.

使用PayPal借记卡在技术上并不是必须的,但是您可能需要将PayPal帐户连接到常规银行帐户 。 如果您的PayPal余额为零,则借记卡不能使用其他借记卡或信用卡作为备用资金来源。

Go through the application process, wait a few days, and you’ll get your PayPal debit card in the mail. Activate it at, and you’re ready to spend your PayPal balance on anything from a soda at the vending machine to a down payment on a new car. Nice.

完成申请流程,等待几天,您将在邮件中收到PayPal借记卡。 在上激活它,您就可以将PayPal余额用于从自动售货机的汽水到新车的预付款的任何事情。 真好




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