
  • 进程
  • 进程调度策略和内存虚拟化机制
  • memory virtualization
  • 并发
  • Persistance持久化


1、When a process makes a system call to transmit a TCP packet over the network, which of the following steps do NOT occur always?

A、The process moves to kernel mode.

B、The program counter of the CPU shifts to the kernel part of the address space.

C、The process is context-switched out and a separate kernel process starts execution.

D、The OS code that deals with handling TCP/IP packets is invoked.

正确答案: C

2、Which of the following C library functions do NOT directly correspond to (similarly named) system calls? That is, the implentations of which of these C library functions are NOT straightforward invocations of the underlying system call?

A、system, which executes a bash shell command.

B、fork, which creates a new child process.

C、exit, which terminates the current process.

D、strlen, which returns the length of a string.

正确答案: AD

3、Consider a parent process that has forked a child in the code snippet below.

int count = 0;
ret = fork();
if(ret == 0) {
printf(“count in child=%d\n”, count);
} else {
count = 1;

The parent executes the statement ”count = 1” before the child executes for the first time. Now, what is the value of count printed by the code above? Assume that the OS implements a regular fork (not a copy-on-write fork).

第一空: 0


4、Consider a parent process P that has forked a child process C in the program below.

int a = 5;
int fd = open(…) //opening a file
int ret = fork();
if(ret > 0) {
a = 6;

} else if (ret == 0) {
printf(“a=%d\n”, a);
read(fd, something);

After the new process is forked, suppose that the parent process is scheduled first, before the child process. Once the parent resumes after fork, it closes the file descriptor and changes the value of a variable as shown above. Assume that the child process is scheduled for the first time only after the parent completes these two changes.
(a)____ is the value of the variable a as printed in the child process, when it is scheduled next.
(b) Will the attempt to read from the file descriptor succeed in the child? Yes or No

第一空: 5
第二空: Yes

5、Can two processes be concurrently executing the same program executable?

正确答案: √

6、Can two running processes share the complete process image in physical memory (not just parts of it)?

正确答案: ×

7、A process in user mode cannot execute certain privileged hardware instructions.

正确答案: √

8、A context switch can occur only after processing a timer interrupt, but not after any other system call or interrupt.

正确答案: ×

上下文切换(有时也称做进程切换或任务切换)是指 CPU 从一个进程或线程切换到另一个进程或线程。上下文切换只能发生在内核态中。内核态是CPU的一种有特权的模式,在这种模式下只有内核运行并且可以访问所有内存和其他系统资源。其他的程序,如应用程序,在最开始都是运行在用户态,但是他们能通过系统调用来运行部分内核的代码。
上下文切换在多任务操作系统中是一个必须的特性。多任务操作系统是指多个进程运行在一个 CPU 中互不打扰,看起来像同时运行一样。这个并行的错觉是由于上下文在高速的切换(每秒几十上百次)。当某一进程自愿放弃它的 CPU 时间或者系统分配的时间片用完时,就会发生上下文切换。

9、A process undergoes a context switch every time it enters kernel mode from user mode.

正确答案: ×

当系统调用发生时 CPU 切换到内核态,这应该叫做模式切换而不是上下文切换,因为没有改变当前的进程。

10、A C program cannot directly invoke the OS system calls and must always use the C library for this purpose.

正确答案: ×



A、0x1d (十进制: 29)

B、0x17b (十进制: 123)

C、0x10 (十进制: 16)

D、0x5a (十进制: 90)

E、0x0a (十进制: 10)

正确答案: BCE





D、MLFQ使用了轮转(round robin)


正确答案: ACDE


A、A=10, B=10, C=10

B、A=20, B=20, C=20

C、A=5, B=10, C=15

D、A=20, B=30, C=40

E、A=30, B=1, C=1

正确答案: AC







正确答案: CD

memory virtualization

1.Consider a system with a 6 bit virtual address space, and 16 byte pages/frames. The mapping from virtual page numbers to physical frame numbers of a process is (0,8), (1,3), (2,11), and (3,1). Translate the following virtual addresses to physical addresses. Note that all addresses are in decimal. Write your answer in decimal.
(a) 20
(b) 40

第一空: 52
第二空: 184
(a) 20 = 01 0100 = 11 0100 = 52

(b) 40 = 10 1000 = 1011 1000 = 184

页面内作为偏移量所需的位数:log2(16)= 4位用于偏移;
在虚拟地址的6位中,4位用于偏移,这意味着每个进程都有2^2 = 4虚拟页面;

2.Consider a simple system running a single process. The size of physical frames and logical pages is 16 bytes. The RAM can hold 3 physical frames. The virtual addresses of the process are 6 bits in size. The program generates the following 20 virtual address references as it runs on the CPU: 0, 1, 20, 2, 20, 21, 32, 31, 0, 60, 0, 0, 16, 1, 17, 18, 32, 31, 0, 61. (Note: the 6-bit addresses are shown in decimal here.) Assume that the physical frames in RAM are initially empty and do not map to any logical page.

(a) Translate the virtual addresses above to logical page numbers referenced by the process.
That is, write down the reference string of 20 page numbers corresponding to the virtual address accesses above. Assume pages are numbered starting from 0, 1, …
answer example: 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2

(b) Calculate the number of page faults genrated by the accesses above, assuming a FIFO page replacement algorithm.

© Repeat (b) above for the LRU page replacement algorithm.

(d) What would be the lowest number of page faults achievable in this example, assuming an optimal page replacement algorithm were to be used?


第一空: 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 3
第二空: 8
第三空: 6
第四空: 6
(a) For 6 bit virtual addresses, and 4 bit page offsets (page size 16 bytes), the most significant 2 bits of a virtual address will represent the page number. So the reference string is 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 3 (repeated again).

2 (b) Page faults with FIFO = 8. Page faults on 0,1,2,3 (replaced 0), 0 (replaced 1), 1 (replaced 2), 2 (replaced 3), 3.© Page faults with LRU = 6. Page faults on 0, 1, 2, 3 (replaced 2), 2 (replaced 3), 3.

(d) The optimum algorithm will replace the page least likely to be used in future, and would look like LRU above.

3.Consider an operating system that uses 48-bit virtual addresses and 16KB pages. The system uses a hierarchical page table design to store all the page table entries of a process, and each page table entry is 4 bytes in size. What is the total number of pages that are required to store the page table entries of a process, across all levels of the hierarchical page table?

Please use 2^10 to imply power, for example,2 to the power of 10 is 2^10

Answer example: 220+220+2

第一空: 222+210+1

Page size = 2^14bytes. So, the number of page table entries = 2^48/2 14= 2^34. Each page can store 16KB/4 = 2^12 page table entries. So, the number of innermost pages = 2^34 / 2^12 = 2^22 .

Now, pointers to all these innermost pages must be stored in the next level of the page table, so the next level of the page table has 2^22 / 2^12 = 2^10 pages. Finally, a single page can store all the 2^10 page table entries, so the outermost level has one page.

So, the total number of pages that store page table entries is 2^22 + 2^10 + 1.


  1. TLB是现代分页系统中的一个关键部分。假设有下面的系统:页大小是64个字节,TLB包含了4项,TLB替换策略是LRU(最近最少使用)。下面的每一个代表了一个虚拟内存地址轨迹,即,一个程序引用的一系列虚拟内存地址。在下面的轨迹中,可能通过TLB加速执行的打“√”,不能加速的打“×”。

0, 100, 200, 1, 101, 201, … (repeats in this pattern)


0, 100, 200, 300, 0, 100, 200, 300, … (repeats)


0, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 0, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, … (repeats)


0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, … (repeats)


300, 200, 100, 0, 300, 200, 100, 0, … (repeats)


1下面是一个并发程序(多线程的),pthread create() 和pthread join()运行正确,不返回错误。







正确答案: CD

2Assume the following list insertion code, which inserts into a list pointed to by shared global variable head:
int List_Insert(int key) {
node_t * n = malloc(sizeof(node_t));
if (n == NULL) { return -1; }
n->key = key;
n->next = head;
head = n;
return 0;

This code is executed by each of three threads exactly once, without adding any synchronization primitives (such as locks). Assuming malloc() is thread-safe (i.e., can be called without worries of data races) and that malloc() returns successfully, how long might the list be when these three threads are finished executing? (assume the list was empty to begin)






正确答案: BCD

Assumes list empty at beginning. Because there is a race to include a node into the list, it is possible that a node gets dropped during insert. If we have three threads doing an insert, they call could succeed (they get serialized for some reason), or only one could succeed (with the other two updates lost). In no case can all get lost.

3 Here is some more multi-threaded code:
void * printer(void * arg) {
char * p = (char * ) arg;
printf("%c", * p);
return NULL;
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
pthread_t p[5];
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
char * c = malloc(sizeof(char)); * c = ’a’ + i; // hint: ’a’ + 1 = ’b’, etc.
pthread_create(&p[i], NULL, printer, (void * ) c);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
pthread_join(p[i], NULL);
return 0;





正确答案: AB

Each thread is created, and handed a unique argument with a letter in it: ’a’, or ’b’, or ’c’, or ’d’, or ’e’. The thread may run in any order, thus any output with one letter each, but in arbitrary order,is possible.
每个线程都会被创建,并传递一个带有字母的唯一参数:“ a”,“ b”,“ c”,“ d”或“e”。线程可以以任何顺序运行,因此任何输出,每个输出只有一个字母,但是可以以任意顺序运行。

4.One way to avoid deadlock is to schedule threads carefully. Assume the following characteristics of threads T1, T2, and T3:
T1 (at some point) acquires and releases locks L1, L2
T2 (at some point) acquires and releases locks L1, L3
T3 (at some point) acquires and releases locks L3, L1, and L4
For which schedules below is deadlock possible?

A、T1 runs to completion, then T2 to completion, then T3 runs

B、T1 and T2 run concurrently to completion, then T3 runs

C、T1, T2, and T3 run concurrently

D、T3 runs to completion, then T1 and T2 run concurrently

E、T1 and T3 run concurrently to completion, then T2 runs

正确答案: C
The key to this problem: do threads that CAN deadlock ever run at the same time? If so, they might deadlock. If not, it isn’t. From the above, only T2 and T3 can deadlock, because they each grab two locks (L1 and L3) in some order.

5.Assume the following multi-threaded memory allocator, roughly sketched out as follows:
#define MAX_HEAP_SIZE 400
int bytes_left = MAX_HEAP_SIZE;
pthread_cond_t c;
pthread_mutex_t m;
void * allocate(int size) {
while (bytes_left < size)
pthread_cond_wait(&c, &m);
void * ptr = …; // get mem from internal data structs
bytes_left -= size;
return ptr;
void free(void * ptr, int size) {
bytes_left += size;
Assume all of memory is used up (i.e., bytes left is 0). Then:
One thread (T1) calls allocate(100)
Some time later, a second thread (T2) calls allocate(1000)
Finally, some time later, a third thread (T3) calls free(200)
Assuming all calls to thread library functions work as expected, which of the following are possible just after this sequence of events has taken place?

A、T1 and T2 remain blocked inside allocate()

B、T1 becomes unblocked, gets 100 bytes allocated, and returns from allocate()

C、T2 becomes unblocked, gets 1000 bytes allocated, and returns from allocate()

D、T3 becomes blocked inside free()

E、T1, T2, and T3 become deadlocked

正确答案: AB

The problem with this code example is that when free() signals a waiting thread, there is no guarantee it wakes “the right” thread, i.e., it may wake a thread that is waiting for too much memory. In this case, we have T1 waiting for 100 bytes, T2 waiting for 1000 bytes, and then T3 freeing only 200 bytes (not enough for T2 to succeed in allocation, but enough for T1). Thus:

A. Possible Possible, because the signal may wake T2, which then rechecks its condition, and goes back to sleep, potentially forever.
B. Possible If we’re luck (instead), T1 gets awoken by T3, and then succeeds in its allocation request.
C. Not Possible There aren’t 1000 bytes free, so this should not happen.
D. Not Possible Not possible (really) because there is nothing to get permanently blocked upon. That said, the lock() acquisition could take a little while …
E. Not Possible Only one lock here, so no deadlock can arise.

1.Is it necessary for threads in a process to have separate stacks?


2.Is it necessary for threads in a process to have separate copies of the program executable?


3.Can one have concurrent execution of threads/processes without having parallelism?


4.Consider N threads in a process that share a global variable in the program. If one thread makes a change to the variable, this change visible to other threads.


5.Consider N threads in a process. If one thread passes certain arguments to a function in the program, these arguments are visible to the other threads.


6.A Semaphore is a useful synchronization primitive. Which of the following statements are true of semaphores?
Each semaphore has an integer value

By definition, each semaphore has a value.

7.A Semaphore is a useful synchronization primitive. Which of the following statements are true of semaphores?
If a semaphore is initialized to 1, it can be used as a lock

This is called a binary semaphore.

8.A single lock and condition variable can be used in tandem to implement a semaphore

This is true, along with a state variable to track the value of the semaphore.

9.Calling sem post() may block, depending on the current value of the semaphore

Only sem wait() blocks, sem post() just does its work and returns.

sem_post函数(函数原型 int sem_post(sem_t *sem);) 作用是给信号量的值加上一个“1”。
当有线程阻塞在这个信号量上时,调用这个函数会使其中一个线程不在阻塞,选择机制是有线程的调度策略决定的。 sem_wait函数(函数原型
int sem_wait(sem_t * sem);)

10.Semaphores can be initialized to values higher than 1

This is useful in some cases as described in the book.


1.Consider a file system with 512-byte blocks. Assume an inode of a file holds pointers to 2 direct data blocks, and a pointer to a single indirect block. Further, assume that the single indirect block can hold pointers to 4 other data blocks. What is the maximum file size that can be supported by such an inode design?





正确答案: C

2.Consider a FAT file system where disk is divided into 512 byte blocks, and every FAT entry can store an 4 bit block number. What is the maximum size of a disk partition that can be managed by such a FAT design?





正确答案: B
2^N∗ M

3.Consider a secondary storage system of size 2 TB, with 512-byte sized blocks. Assume that the filesystem uses a multilevel inode datastructure to track data blocks of a file. The inode has 64 bytes of space available to store pointers to data blocks, including a single indirect block, a double indirect block, and several direct blocks. What is the maximum file size that can be stored in such a file system?





正确答案: C
Number of data blocks = 241/29= 2 32, so 32 bits or 4 bytes are required to store the number of a data block.

Number of data block pointers in the inode = 64/4 = 16, of which 14 are direct blocks. The single indirect block stores pointers to 512/4 = 128 data blocks. The double indirect block points to 128 single indirect blocks, which in turn point to 128 data blocks each.

So, the total number of data blocks in a file can be 14 + 128 + 128128 = 16526, and the maximum file size is 16526512 bytes.

数据块的数量= 2 ^ 41/2 ^ 9 = 2 32,因此需要32位或4个字节来存储数据块的数量。
inode中数据块指针的数量= 64/4 = 16,其中14个是直接块。单个间接块存储指向512/4 =
因此,一个文件中的数据块总数可以为14 + 128 + 128 * 128 = 16526,最大文件大小为16526 * 512字节。

1 Consider a file D1/F1 that is hard linked from another parent directory D2. Then the directory entry of this file (including the filename and inode number) in directory D1 must be exactly identical to the directory entry in directory D2.

F (the file name can be different)

2.A soft link can create a link between files across different file systems, whereas a hard link can only create links between a directory and a file within the same file system.

T (becasue hard link stores inode number, which is unique only within a file system)


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