House Carpenter

Well met, well met, said an old true love
well met, well met, said he
i just returned from the salt, salt sea
and its all for the love of thee
come in, come in, my own true love
and have a seat by me
its been three-fourths of a long, long year
since together we have been
i cant come in and i cant sit down
for ive only a moments time
they say youre married to a house carpenter
and your heart will never be mine
i couldve married the kings daughter fair
and she wouldve married me
but i have forsaken, her crowns of gold
and all for the love of thee
now will you forsake your house carpenter
and come along with me
ill take you where, the grass grows green
on the banks of the deep blue sea
then she picked up her darling little babe
and kisses she gave it three
saying stay right here you darling little babe
and keep your pop company
they had not been on the ship two weeks
im sure it was not three
til this true love began to weep and to mourn
and she wept most bitterly
saying are you weeping for my silver and my gold?
saying are you weeeping for my store?
or are you weeping, for your house carpenter
whose face youll never see no more?
i am not weeping for your silver and your gold
i am not weeping for your store
no i am weeping, for my darling little babe
whose face ill never see no more
they had not been on the ship three weeks
im sure it was not four
when there came a leak, in the bottom of the ship
and sank them for to rise no more

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