by Andrew Charlebois


在5个月内从Carpenter到前端开发人员 (From Carpenter to Front End Developer in under 5 months)

我从成为一名零技术经验的木匠,成为了一家全球广告公司的前端开发人员。 在5个月之内 。 这是我的故事。 (I went from being a carpenter with zero tech experience to a front end developer at a global advertising agency. In under 5 months. Here’s my story.)

January 13th — The day I signed up with Free Code Camp. I was hopeful and excited about trying out something new: coding!

1月13日-我与Free Code Camp签约的那天。 我对尝试一些新东西充满了希望和兴奋:编码!

Working through the FCC’s curriculum has been amazing. It’s provided me with a great guided track to follow, as well as an amazing community of people ranging from new coders all the way up to professional developers.

在FCC的课程中工作真是太神奇了。 它为我提供了一个很好的指导轨道,以及一个令人惊叹的社区,从新程序员一直到专业开发人员。

These people will help you out when you get stuck, and keep you company in the chat rooms if you just want to talk code. You’re never alone with FCC. It provides you with every tool needed to be successful, as long as you’re willing to put in the hard work.

当您遇到麻烦时,这些人将为您提供帮助,并在聊天室陪伴您(如果您只想讲代码)。 您永远不会孤单与FCC。 只要您愿意付出艰辛的努力,它就会为您提供成功所需的一切工具。

During my time with FCC, I met many awesome people. I started out simply asking questions in the FCC chat rooms, and chatting with other campers about code. Many of these interactions grew into close friendships that now extend beyond the FCC community.

在FCC工作期间,我遇到了很多很棒的人。 我开始只是在FCC聊天室中提问,然后与其他营员就代码进行聊天。 这些互动中的许多互动已发展成密不可分的友谊,如今已超越了FCC社区。

Before FCC, I did not have any buddies that code. Most everyone I knew worked in the trades. So making friends with like-minded people who were working toward the same career goals as me was a big deal.

在FCC之前,我没有任何可编码的伙伴。 我认识的大多数人都从事该行业。 因此,与志趣相投的人交朋友,这些人正在为实现与我相同的职业目标而努力。

During my first couple months of coding, everything went smoothly. I was worked through JavaScript section in high gear, getting stuff done. But I eventually hit a brick wall. I think this was because I was more focused on speed than I was on building a solid understanding of what I was doing.

在我编写代码的前几个月,一切都进行得很顺利。 我曾经精通JavaScript部分,完成工作。 但是我最终撞到了砖墙。 我认为这是因为与建立对自己正在做的事情的扎实了解相比,我更加专注于速度。

I had to take a step back and analyze the situation to see what I should correct in my learning strategy. I realized that I had to slow down, let the knowledge sink in, and really start understanding what I was doing rather than trying to complete challenges as fast as I possibly could.

我不得不退后一步,分析情况以了解我在学习策略中应该纠正的问题。 我意识到我必须放慢脚步,让知识沉入其中,并真正开始理解我在做什么,而不是试图尽快完成挑战。

If I were to suggest anything to new coders, it would be to take your time, and don’t rush it like I did. After I had come to this realization, everything worked itself out, and my journey of learning to code continued. This is not to say that things magically became any easier, but slowing down did help me learn the fundamentals before moving on to more complicated problems, like the algorithm challenges.

如果我要向新编码员提出任何建议,那将是您的时间,不要像我一样匆忙。 在我意识到这一点之后,一切都变得顺利了,我学习编码的旅程继续了。 这并不是说事情变得神奇起来变得容易,但是放慢速度确实有助于我学习基础知识,然后再继续研究更复杂的问题,例如算法挑战。

Mid April — I decided I should create a new portfolio website so that I could showcase all of my projects in one place. I say new because I had already built my first portfolio as part of FCC’s front-end development projects. It took me about a week from the planning phase to deploying my website online for the world to see. At this moment, I started applying for jobs while continuing with the FCC track.

4月中旬 -我决定创建一个新的投资组合网站,以便可以在一个地方展示我的所有项目。 我之所以说新的,是因为我已经建立了我的第一个投资组合,作为FCC前端开发项目的一部分。 从计划阶段到在线部署我的网站花了大约一周的时间, 我的世界才能看到。 此刻,我在继续FCC跟踪的同时开始申请工作。

Along with the FCC track, this is where I started branching out of FCC for some extra curricular activity. I bought a couple of courses from Udemy. ( Courses go on sale there often, and you can sometimes purchased them for around $20.00 each.) Pro tip — it’s really easy to find coupon codes online for most courses.

沿着FCC路线,这是我开始从FCC分支出来进行一些额外的课程活动的地方。 我从Udemy购买了几门课程。 (课程经常在那儿出售,有时您可以以每张$ 20.00的价格购买。)专业提示-在大多数课程中,在线都能轻松找到优惠券代码。

I started to read books. One that I really enjoyed was the You-Dont-Know-JS series for better “under the hood understanding” of JavaScript. It’s free!

我开始读书。 我真正喜欢的一个是You-Dont-Know-JS系列 ,可以更好地“深入了解” JavaScript。 免费!

I also started finding and listening to podcasts in my downtime, while walking my dog or driving.

在walking狗或开车时,我也开始在停机时间查找和收听播客 。

When I first started applying for jobs, I had completed roughly 95% of FCC’s front-end development certification, along with two of my own personal projects (portfolio version #2, and a fictional construction business website to showcase my technical ability).


I updated all of my accounts and information on LinkedIn, Indeed, and Monster, reasoning that recruiters might contact you through these platforms. These are the only 3 platforms I used during my job search.

我更新了我在LinkedIn,Indeed和Monster上的所有帐户和信息,理由是招聘人员可能会通过这些平台与您联系。 这是我在求职期间仅使用的3个平台。

While hunting for a job, I started to notice patterns. Certain requirements were repeated in many job descriptions. I used these repeated job requirements to guide my learning route. I started to learn tools like gulp and webpack, and moved from using CSS to learning Sass. I also started learning React, and built a few of the FCC React projects.

在寻找工作时,我开始注意到各种模式。 在许多职位描述中重复了某些要求。 我用这些重复的工作要求来指导我的学习途径。 我开始学习工具一样一饮而尽和的WebPack ,并使用CSS来学习移动萨斯 。 我也开始学习React ,并建立了一些FCC React项目。

At this point, I’d been applying to jobs for about a month. I’d had a few interviews — either in-person or through Skype — but nothing moved past the first round of interviews.

在这一点上,我已经申请了大约一个月的工作。 我曾经接受过几次面试(无论是面对面还是通过Skype进行),但是第一轮面试没有任何改变。

One day I received a phone call for a position that I had applied for a few weeks prior. The phone screen went well, and a few days later they reached out to me asking me to come in for an on-site interview. Yay!

有一天,我接到一个电话,要求我申请几个星期前的职位。 电话屏幕运行良好,几天后,他们联系了我,要求我参加现场采访。 好极了!

May 20th — I had to wake up at 4 a.m and start my 4-hour drive to get to their office in time. Because I had such a long commute, they decided to complete two interviews (with different groups of people) and technical testing all in the same day.

5月20日 -我必须在凌晨4点醒来,开始我的4小时车程,以便及时到达他们的办公室。 由于我的通勤时间很长,他们决定在同一天完成两次采访(使用不同的人群)和技术测试。

The interviews consisted mostly of talking about my past experience with coding, and what I had done so far. There was not a huge list of skills to talk about, so I naturally gravitated towards talking about my previous coding projects, what tools I used, what kind of problems I had encountered, and how I had overcome them.

面试主要包括谈论我过去的编码经验以及到目前为止所做的事情。 讨论的技能列表不多,因此我自然倾向于讨论以前的编码项目,使用的工具,遇到的问题以及如何克服它们。

They also presented me with some testing questions like: “What is the difference between == and ===?”, and “What does ‘use strict’ mean?”

他们还向我提出了一些测试问题,例如:“ ==和===之间有什么区别?”和“使用严格”是什么意思?

Once I finished both of my interviews, they set me up with a workstation and gave me two technical tests. The first test was to recreate a navigation bar, and include media queries to have it collapse for a mobile version. For the second test, I was shown a JavaScript file with roughly 100 lines of code, and I had to find and fix a broken navigation bar drop down menu toggle.

一旦我完成了两次采访,他们就为我设置了工作站,并给了我两项技术测试。 第一个测试是重新创建导航栏,并包含媒体查询以使其折叠到移动版本。 对于第二个测试,向我展示了一个包含约100行代码JavaScript文件,我不得不查找并修复损坏的导航栏下拉菜单切换。

Both tests had a time limit. I completed the first test, but I was unable to complete the second test. Even though I had diagnosed the problem, I was not able to come up with a solution fast enough to fix it.

两项测试都有时间限制。 我完成了第一项测试,但无法完成第二项测试。 即使我已诊断出问题,但我仍无法快速提出解决方案。

May 31st — Around noon, I got a phone call. It was the phone call that I had been dreaming of getting — the job offer phone call! They emailed me the contract, I read it, and I swiftly signed and accepted the job.

5月31日-中午,我接到了电话。 这是我梦dream以求的电话-工作机会电话! 他们通过电子邮件将合同发送给我,我阅读了合同,然后我Swift签署并接受了这份工作。

号码 (The Numbers)

  • Job applications: 78职位申请:78
  • Skype & phone interviews: 3Skype和电话采访:3
  • On-site interviews: 3现场采访:3
  • The company I will be working for was application #43我将要工作的公司是应用程序#43

It took 4 months and 18 days from the day I signed up with Free Code Camp to the day I received and accepted a job offer for a Front End Developer position.

从我与Free Code Camp签约的那一天到收到并接受一份前端开发人员职位的工作,花了4个月又18天。

The past 4 months have been awesome. I have fallen in love with programming, and I am super grateful to Free Code Camp for giving me the tools to be able to pursue this passion.

过去的四个月真棒。 我爱上了编程,我非常感谢Free Code Camp给我提供了能够追求这种激情的工具。

My new journey is only really about to begin, and I cannot wait to see what is in store for me and continue to share my story. Happy coding!

我的新旅程才刚刚真正开始,我迫不及待地想看到为我准备的东西,并继续分享我的故事。 编码愉快!

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this article please hit the heart button and share it. You can also follow me on Twitter where I share my deepest most inner thoughts.

谢谢阅读! 如果您喜欢这篇文章,请点击“ heart”按钮并分享。 您也可以在Twitter上关注我,我在其中分享我最深刻的内心想法。



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